Curiosity.....Opinion Please!

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I was in the supermarket with my mother and I had a thought cross my mind........What do people really think of breast implants? I saw a chick on a french magazine cover sporting the most amazing bikini I've ever seen by Ed Hardy and Her boobs were so fake lol !!! I was wondering do the boobs enhance this bikini or would normal boobies do it the same amount of Justice????

......So I am asking for Everyone's opinion What do Men and Women really think of Fake Breasts?

......yes totally random but I'm real curious about this. So please let me u think they are ugly...or not? and HOw big is too big?

Sorry for the randomness I thought this would be an interesting topic!

I use to think they were ok but now my opinion on them is clouded.....Everyone in my family of In Laws has fake boobs but me and they say my day will come and I will jump on board! I'm not so sure about this lol.......So yeah can't wait to hear what people have to say !
As long as you can touch them, they are real.


I am not a huge fan of them. I wish they would only be done when women need to even things out, or if they really have breast so small that it makes them uncomfortable.
As far as looks, I guess they're about the same. Feel? I have no first-hand experience (unless I did and didn't know it, in which case they are the same, but I don't know!!). As a thing, I wish women didn't feel like they had to get them to conform to society's idea of beauty. Not saying everyone that gets implants does it because they think they're not attractive, but I feel bad for the women that do.


As far as looks, I guess they're about the same. Feel? I have no first-hand experience (unless I did and didn't know it, in which case they are the same, but I don't know!!). As a thing, I wish women didn't feel like they had to get them to conform to society's idea of beauty. Not saying everyone that gets implants does it because they think they're not attractive, but I feel bad for the women that do.
But what if the woman was smaller than average.....Cuz i know a girl who had 3 kids and she had small breasts before slightly larger during her pregnancies and now that shes' had the 3 kids her boobs have turned to absolute nothing....That's hard on a woman.....In that case you'd think she buy small ones to regain the look she once had. It would be helpful to her self esteem I think! In that case.......BUying them just to buy them is another story though but some ladies actually have to buy them in order to feel feminine!
In my opinion, it's a question of statistics. Some men like big boobs regardless of authenticity, some men find fake breasts uncomfortable. Personally, I think the former are way the majority, by far and large. It's kinda sad to be honest, but that's my view and experience.

On the off chance someone can't read my personal preference in the above, I decline to comment.


In my opinion, it's a question of statistics. Some men like big boobs regardless of authenticity, some men find fake breasts uncomfortable. Personally, I think the former are way the majority, by far and large. It's kinda sad to be honest, but that's my view and experience.

On the off chance someone can't read my personal preference in the above, I decline to comment.
U dont need to decline to comment.....As a woman with a rather small chest and a small frame for that matter I'ts hard on us at times to be so lil and Yeah I figure most like em big....I'm very appreciative of your sincere opinion. Thank you :)

---------- Post added at 06:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ----------

I mean, you know, boobs are pretty sweet.
I suppose but small or large , fake or real that is the question here lol !


Staff member
It's a matter of proportions for me. If the breasts are in proportion to the bearer's body structure, it's beautiful. Obviously fake big breasts (i.e. racks you could use as substitute bean bag chairs) are actually a massive turn-off for me.


Yeah proportion is important if I added a cup size I'd fall over loL !
I hate hate hate fake boobs... it feels like I'm grabbing... well, a bag of silicone. Seriously, it's not the same at all. That's me, though, most of my friends don't care.
Honestly I couldn't care less. I've know women with them and women without them... the tendency for things like confidence issues seemed about the same ether way. That being said, make sure you go to a decent surgeon if your going to get them. Most men probably don't care about whether you have implants or not, but they will ALL notice a nasty scar from a bad surgery.
It's a matter of proportions for me. If the breasts are in proportion to the bearer's body structure, it's beautiful. Obviously fake big breasts (i.e. racks you could use as substitute bean bag chairs) are actually a massive turn-off for me.
Pretty much this.

I'd like to add that if they're too far apart, I'll be secretly laughing at them. :p


Honestly I couldn't care less. I've know women with them and women without them... the tendency for things like confidence issues seemed about the same ether way. That being said, make sure you go to a decent surgeon if your going to get them. Most men probably don't care about whether you have implants or not, but they will ALL notice a nasty scar from a bad surgery.
Oh helllllll no i aint buying fake ones.......I'll stay small chested thank you very much I was just curious about opinions on the subject lol. I got booty and no boobs I will love my butt instead and just deal with the boobs. If I bought some i'd look retarded I'm wayyyyyyyyyyy to small framed lol . ICKY!

---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------

It's a matter of proportions for me. If the breasts are in proportion to the bearer's body structure, it's beautiful. Obviously fake big breasts (i.e. racks you could use as substitute bean bag chairs) are actually a massive turn-off for me.
Pretty much this.

I'd like to add that if they're too far apart, I'll be secretly laughing at them. :p[/QUOTE]

Lmao that can never be good lol!


Staff member
They are either proportional or gross. In the case of proportional they must be done well.

I say nobody really needs them unless it's someone like your friend. She could get C cups and be fine.

Kitty Sinatra

It ultimately doesn't matter to me. I'm not gonna dump a swell gal because her tits aren't the right size, and I certainly won't put up with a bitch because hers are.

I would also like to add that I think small tits are just peachy.
Being married to a larger woman (natural 52DD) - she constantly has back issues due to them being so large and is talking about getting a reduction in size to something more "average."

Me personally, I like proportional to body size.
Boobs are great but when they have a canyon between them and they stick out in different directions you have gone to far. That is my humble opinion.


Staff member
I would also like to add that I think small tits are just peachy.
I agree.

If we're talking about getting implants, I'm wondering if breast implants still have a risk of making a woman unable to breast feed, or if advances have made that a non-issue. Maybe it's because my mom was a Le Leche League district coodinatior during my toddler years, and the message that "breast milk is best" got drilled into my head as a small kid, but I think that doing what is best for any future child's health is far more important than appearance.

Then there's the risk involved with any sort of surgery, and implants don't last forever, so when a woman gets them she's committing to at least a removal surgery in X number of years, with the risk and expense of that. I just can't see the costs being worth the gain in many, if not most, circumstances.

As for a woman that already has them, I don't know. If she's happy with herself, then there are a lot more important things to me than her breast size and if she has implants or not.

---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------

Boobs are great but when they have a canyon between them and they stick out in different directions you have gone to far. That is my humble opinion.
Or the opposite, when they kind of merge in the center to form a uni-boob. That's kind of creepy looking.
It ultimately doesn't matter to me. I'm not gonna dump a swell gal because her tits aren't the right size, and I certainly won't put up with a bitch because hers are.
I'd like to clarify my position by saying that this is my view as well. Cup size is only one issue in determining physical attractiveness, and physical attractiveness carries only so much (or so little) weight when long-term partnerships are concerned.

That being said, I'm of the opinion that bigger is better, within reason.


Staff member
I don't understand how women with smaller breasts could feel insecure or bad about it. Huge ones can be a pain. I'm not saying I would trade my situation for someone else's, but the perks (pun possibly intended) of having cute little ones are great. I can't even fathom the feeling of going outside without a bra and not feeling insecure... plus there's less fear of back problems and maybe even less sagginess. I've just seen some women go for cheap jobs, and they look ridiculous. I think it's less expensive and healthier all around to just count your blessings and try and be happy with yourself. But then, I don't know what I'd do if I actually had the money to get the fat sucked out of me. Maybe I wouldn't be so high-and-mighty about it...

Ultimately, I think that most cosmetic surgery is a waste of time. Of course there are exceptions, and while I don't agree with MOST people who do it, it's their choice and their right. But as the daughter of a defense attorney who specializes in malpractice, I've heard enough horror stories to avoid elective procedures.


What I don't understand is why women have it done when there is serious risk of losing sensitivity in them?

I guess I am just odd but who cares if men find me sexually attractive if I can't enjoy having boobs because I can't frickin feel them.

That's my opinion beyond that to each their own and no matter what your opinion is, ridiculous looking fake boobs are generally considered ridiculous by everyone, I think.


What I don't understand is why women have it done when there is serious risk of losing sensitivity in them?

I guess I am just odd but who cares if men find me sexually attractive if I can't enjoy having boobs because I can't frickin feel them.

That's my opinion beyond that to each their own and no matter what your opinion is, ridiculous looking fake boobs are generally considered ridiculous by everyone, I think.
Honestly, the only implants I think are worthwhile are for women who have had their breasts removed due to cancer etc...

Fake tits can look really, really ridiculous especially when they're big water balloons with like a five inch gap in between.

That looks retarded




Yeah, if they have already lost their breasts due to cancer there is literally nothing left to lose as far as breast implants are concerned.
Honestly, there's no limit to how large a set of implants could be before I would be turned off by them solely on size. What matters is the shape.

Personally, I have never dated anyone with implants, so I have no first-hand (heh) experience with the feel/texture/drape/etc. But in some of the pictures available pretty much everywhere on the Internet (NONE of which I will post or link to here), I have seen some impossibly huge 'fakes' which are unbelievably out of proportion to the person possessing them, but which are still pleasing to look at because they are shaped well and hang like 'real' breasts (just unrealistically huge ones). By the same token, I have seen others who have chosen to add only a couple/few cup sizes, but who have totally neglected any consideration of aesthetics. These are usually the ones who have little to no body fat and so have a large, flat region just below their collarbone populated by ribs which then suddenly rounds out to two jutting grapefruit halves. Then there are surgeons who make a woman's breasts incredibly wall-eyed, or who build 'water balloon' breasts which look as though they are only attached by a narrow 'neck' at the top, or who concentrate only on enlarging the lower part of the breast, leaving the nipples way up high as if they are constantly staring at the ceiling.

Now I know that there are people who specifically go crazy for the stuff I mention above (just like people go nuts for overblown lips, huge hair, or heavy eye makeup*), and I get that. Different strokes for different folks, as it were. Me? I got nothing against size. Make them a little bigger or pump 'em up until they blot out the Sun, whatever makes you happy. A woman who is happy with her appearance will carry herself with confidence and joy, which will make her more attractive in and of itself. Far as I'm concerned you can add as much or as little as you want, just don't make 'em look fake.

*Board admins notwithstanding.
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