Curiosity.....Opinion Please!

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I have a close friend who's considered it. She's very small in that department and wants to fit about a B so that she can more easily wear certain things, such as strapless dresses, or 'properly' fill out a bra. So I understand it for the self-esteem feelings, or the idea that there's a 'look' you want. But I agree it can be gross (gigantic for instance) and it shouldn't be done for reasons like societal pressure.

But hey, whatever sinks your ship. If you like 'em, get 'em, date 'em, fuck 'em, etc 'em.


Staff member
We call my friend Lego Tits. That shit don't bounce ever.

But, really, it's all relative. Some girls need it, some girls want it, some girls look good with them, some girls don't. It's about what the lady wants, and I'm sure, unless it's botched as fuck, there will be a man who will appreciate them and their tits for them and their tits.

And that's all she wrote!


Wow I thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone's opinion on this subject. It was fascinating really.

I have to say though.......I AM NOT THINKING OF BUYING BOOBS........I AM NOT ASKING ABOUT THIS TOPIC FOR MYSELF..........I'm simply asking out of curiosity because all my in laws have them and everyone makes fun of me for being lil and I always say that fake boobs suck and tell them to piss off.

I love my boobs lil as they are lol.....I can wear a tank top with no bra hell I usually only wear a sports bra and they look fabulous just like that. They never get in my way THey never tamper with my excercise routines.....and they never cause back pain.

I just wanted to clarify that as I did not want anyone thinking I was asking because I wanted to buy some.......If I infact did want to buy some I wouldn't being asking for opinions anywhere it would have to be a decision made on my own.

I agree with many things written here......Frame is what holds them best and be happy with what god gave ya. Thank you everyone for responding with ur opinions . It was just a really interesting topic I thought of that i wanted to hear about :)

had to clear that up lol!
To me, big does not necessarily mean better. I agree with the people who say overall proportion is more important, as are other considerations regarding a woman's attractiveness.

Thus, I don't mind implants as long as they look natural. As soon as I can tell they're fake, it's a turn off for me.

I do like boobs a lot though.


Staff member
It ultimately doesn't matter to me. I'm not gonna dump a swell gal because her tits aren't the right size, and I certainly won't put up with a bitch because hers are.
I'd like to clarify my position by saying that this is my view as well. Cup size is only one issue in determining physical attractiveness, and physical attractiveness carries only so much (or so little) weight when long-term partnerships are concerned.

That being said, I'm of the opinion that bigger is better, within reason.[/QUOTE]

Allow me to clarify as well. Yes, size in itself is pretty much a non-issue for me. Whether A's or D's, as long as they look good on her. And yes, personality trumps breasts.

If I had to oversimplify, though, I belong to the Weird Science school of thought: more than a handful is superfluous. Admittedly, I have big hands.


Wow I just realized there is alot to think about when contemplating this situation lol........Size , Shape, Velocity and Hand size etc.......LOL !
Personally...I prefer smaller breasts - As or Bs really are plenty. C is nice. Both my current and ex-girlfriend have Ds, and if anything, they're a bit big for my taste. Still, size isn't all that important. Shape, bagginess, and feel are much more important.
I've known a girl who had literally half-globes stuck on her chest, completely pefectly spherical. Looked completely ridiculous and fake as hell, but she assured me they were real - and I've seen pictures of her ages 12-18 with htem slowly growing and whatever, and they seem to be (or she's had several surgeries to gradually increase them in size or something). Just weird.
Still, fake or real doesn't matter, as long as they feel right, look right, and aren't stupidly large. Of course, cheap boob jobs tend to look fake, feel fake, and so on, but I've seen good ones.

Also, obivously, for women who have very small breasts or have lost them due to cancer or similar, I'm all in favour of adding -something-.
... And yes, personality trumps breasts...
But, you can't motorboat a personality.

---------- Post added at 02:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ----------

I think it was Desmond Morris that proposed a correlation between breast size and social status. The higher class men tend to prefer smaller breasted women and lower class preferred larger breasts.
I used to work in a fully nude establishment.

I've never met a pair of fake tits that i thought looked good.

In advertisements, you can photoshop them, cover them, shoot them from certain angles, etc, and get the effect you're looking for. But in real life, but give me a small-breasted woman any day over some fake-boobed monstrosity.


... velocity?
Ya beat me to it. :laugh:[/QUOTE]

hahahaha I know I know.......It was real early and I wasn't thinking straight lol ......But it was kinda funny :)

---------- Post added at 10:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 AM ----------

... velocity?
Ya beat me to it. :laugh:[/QUOTE]

I suddenly have this mental image of a vast flock of breasts, playful and agile in the midday sun, swooping down upon the general populace and stealing their lunches.

It is an image I may be unable to dismiss for quite some time.[/QUOTE]

LMAO ! sorry next time I will make sure to get proper sleep before typing ;)
... velocity?
Ya beat me to it. :laugh:[/QUOTE]

hahahaha I know I know.......It was real early and I wasn't thinking straight lol ......But it was kinda funny :)

---------- Post added at 10:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 AM ----------

... velocity?
Ya beat me to it. :laugh:[/QUOTE]

I suddenly have this mental image of a vast flock of breasts, playful and agile in the midday sun, swooping down upon the general populace and stealing their lunches.

It is an image I may be unable to dismiss for quite some time.[/QUOTE]

LMAO ! sorry next time I will make sure to get proper sleep before typing ;)[/QUOTE]

Velocity.... It is fun to catch fast women with a nice rack...


If I wanted someone with the chest of a 12-year ol dboy I'd date a 12-year old boy.
I prefer small and natural over large and fake. I don't think it would be a deal-breaker though.

For cancer, I think it is absolutely understandable.
My wife has a C cup so that's the perfect size.
Best comment ever.

And btw, DD+ natural, for the same reason. ;) (no I'm not kidding or exaggerating, and I'm pretty sure I'm lowballing it)[/QUOTE]


Oy vey. Yes, you missed the third D.

And speaking from the female perspective, naturally occuring DD or higher are not attractive - too floppy, and requiring of far too much structural engineering to make look good (i.e. perky and probably fake).



Unless they're not, in which you begin to believe in the existence of a benevolent god.
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