Le Quack said:
You can continue to call my opinion unsubstantianted just because I didn't waste my life getting all classes to level 80.
You don't even need to get to 80, you just have to actually, you know, put some effort into it, but I digress..
Can you tell me why you LIKE the game? I mean, the lore is butchered when you compare it to when it was a RTS series. The quests are menial and pointless. The PvP is shit. The PvE is boring. The raids are long and uneventful. The whole game is made for people who A) Have a whole lot of time to waste, or B) Are extremly casualy gamers that like to log a few hours in every few while.
Lore is actually not as bad as you seem to think. It has had a bit of a bumpy ride due to retcons, but more people are interested in the story then ever with all the info added in WOTLK. The game has more novels out under it's title then most other fantasy games, and even it's own comic series. So you think the story "went to shit", good for you. You never even saw most of the story.
Quests can be menial, but never pointless. I can argue that any game is menial, you can only fight people in PVP so long before the whole thing becomes boring, no matter the game. I love some of the quests in the game, whether I am bombing demons or riding a dragon and beating off another person off said dragon, I enjoy it. You can look under my character info for the "Loremaster of Northrend" achievement because I actually did all the quests for fun, as with most of the zones long after I reached level cap. I really liked seeing how each zone developed.
"The PVP is shit" is not very accurate. "The PVP is not hardcore enough for my e-peen to grow" is much better sentence for you. The PVP is fine because it is something we choose to do, we can enjoy it, get a few marks and honor for future rewards, and skip it if we don't feel like it. That is the whole basis of the game, choice...
PVE? I have a lot of fun taking on new encounters, and yet sometimes doing the same encounter can get boring, which is why I then PVP, or do instances, or farm for my crafts, or go help my friend, or... etc... Need I go on? Every game has things you can consider repetitious and boring, WoW gives us the option to choose our poison, making it less repetitious then pretty much any MMO out right now that concentrate on one single "niche".
As for raids? You admitted you never even went on one since you never passed 40, so speak for what you know, rather then what you take from your ass. Thanks.
As for the last comment, I fall under neither A or B, what should I count myself as? C) A person that actually plays games for fun rather then giant e-peen levels of douchbaggery? Such a novel concept.
You know what else is like that?
Peggle is a fun game, but it really doesn't compare to the rush of when you play against some body.
Peggle is also one of the most popular games in the world. Why, sometimes people play for the fun, not the rush.
That is your problem, you seem to think those that don't follow your guidelines for what you consider "hardcore" or "leet" are inferior, and so I hope you see a shrink so you can get over your meaningless superiority complex. Really, I do.
I can understand that you like the game, but don't try to pass it off as "Deep" or "Well-made."
It is well made, and while it is simple, it does have it's deep mechanics too. That has been something Blizzard always did well, they make games that are simple to learn, easy to pickup, but can be difficult to really master.
Speak for what you know, then I will listen to you. You, frankly, know only "jack" and "shit" at this point since you seemed to have you mind made up about the game before you even really got to half of it.
Don't quote numbers either; lots of people saw Star War Episode 2 in theatres and it was shit.
Ah, so obviously you must have such a sophisticated taste in MMOs that we all must be sheep following the herd. Another sign of ignorance. I hope you like sitting down in your cave of "I rule" because really, it might get a bit lonely down there.
I played WoW for the entirety of Beta and the first 3 1/2 months getting to level 40. There was nothing challenging about the game. The game was designed for everyone to "Win." There was nothing to set a part the people that sucked, or the people that were good.
I was also in Beta since Phase 1, back then the most we saw was Scarlet Monestary and later Blackrock Depts as high level instances before Molten Core, etc... was released. I can see how you would get annoyed by an unfinished product, but that is more a fault of your own impatience then that of the game.
It pains me for people to tell me that Darkfall won't make it because "Its too hard." I think it reflects something to our society about accomplishment.
It is not because it is "too hard" but because, to some people, getting ganked is "not fun".
Also, before you say, "I don't play for the challenge." There are plenty of other games that are just as communal and fun that don't require a monthly fee.
I felt I was being cheated out of my money for having to pay monthly for WoW.
You are right, I don't play for the challenge, I play for the fun of it. You seem to lack a grasp of that, like your brain is suddenly going to explode that people don't agree with you on something you lack so much knowledge about. I play single player games on NORMAL too, OH NOES HE IS THE NEWBIE. :lol:
I don't wish to change your opinion on WoW, but I do wish you to at least be factual about what you talk about. All I hear right now is jealous nerd rage filled with a lot of hot air, I am sorry your game of choice is not popular and "hip", and that you feel you need to fight the popular game just to validate it, but really, at least know what you are talking about when it comes to the game you are bashing. You rant off an uneducated opinion as fact, and you will fail.
P.S. As an aside, it is Christmas Eve, so I think we should just go spend time with our families rather then argue about our prefered gaming method at this point. Good night and Happy Holidays! Even you Le Quack!