DDO going Free!!

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Isn't that where we got trashed the night before?
Aye, we went the other direction though and got trashed by about +40 kobolds. I think I we could've done it except for that damn fear. Also, we got ambushed as we were heading down a ramp, and managed to get surrounded.


hmmm... looks like you might need a healer more than a DPSer ;) I can create a cleric instead (which I don't have one) I'll PM you dave with the name once I create her (or him) I haven't decided it.


Sounds like you guys could have used a "crowd control" Witch.... :slywink:
I would love for a crowd control witch! Right now my battle strategy goes as follows:

1. Open door.
2. Charge blindly into room.
3. Kill everything.


1. Did y'all skip tutorial yet? also, did you leave the island yet? (makes a difference if I can play with you or not.

2. What is the group makeup we have right now? need healer? dps? tank? or magic users?

I can make and play any characters needed by the group.


1. Did y'all skip tutorial yet? also, did you leave the island yet? (makes a difference if I can play with you or not.

2. What is the group makeup we have right now? need healer? dps? tank? or magic users?

I can make and play any characters needed by the group.
There really is not unity in where we currently are. I know Ame, Ed and I are on Stormreach but I'm not sure where everyone else is at. I think we're rather low on magic users at the moment, most of us are fighters, rogues and clerics, so more boom in the magics would be nice.


1. Did y'all skip tutorial yet? also, did you leave the island yet? (makes a difference if I can play with you or not.

2. What is the group makeup we have right now? need healer? dps? tank? or magic users?

I can make and play any characters needed by the group.
There really is not unity in where we currently are. I know Ame, Ed and I are on Stormreach but I'm not sure where everyone else is at. I think we're rather low on magic users at the moment, most of us are fighters, rogues and clerics, so more boom in the magics would be nice.[/QUOTE]

I have a level 3 rogue/wizard right now :) I can use that. His name is Xircon. I can join your guild if you send me a sigil (if y'all are level 3)


I'm level three, and I have invite powers, but what the hell is a sigil?

Also, I found a quest that gives a leveling sigil that grants access to level 5-8 for all of us still-free users.
I'm level three, and I have invite powers, but what the hell is a sigil?

Also, I found a quest that gives a leveling sigil that grants access to level 5-8 for all of us still-free users.
The leveling sigil is random, actually. Not everyone can get it from the same quest.

I'm level 3 right now and in Stormreach.


there are two type of sigils
leveling sigils for raising leveling cap.
the other is guild recruit sigils

the command is /guild recruitsigil this will create sigil that you can MAIL to your alts or other characters. Then all they have to do is click on it and tada! joined a guild :)

---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

Isn't that where we got trashed the night before?
Aye, we went the other direction though and got trashed by about +40 kobolds. I think I we could've done it except for that damn fear. Also, we got ambushed as we were heading down a ramp, and managed to get surrounded.

Sounds like you guys could have used a "crowd control" Witch.... :slywink:
I would love for a crowd control witch! Right now my battle strategy goes as follows:

1. Open door.
2. Charge blindly into room.
3. Kill everything.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that was a lot of kobolds, lol. Fun though.
I had switched out my remove fear in favor of another spell, I'll be sure to put it back in. :p

Could definitely use a bit more crowd control![/QUOTE]

ah....... y'all are doing Kobold Assault. You need a full party for that one. It is a 15 minutes of non-stop kobold attacks (which can be fun) but you need a cleric/FvS for sure for remove fear buff.


That's actual an ingenious idea, I'll have to do that when I make my alt.


Yea. It is a pretty neat. I'll bring my mage/rogue with y'all tonight. We can do several runs of stuff.


Oh no, we were in the Wetworks, specifically Gnashtooth's Prison. On one side there is a prison with a huge swarm of kobolds, and the other side a CR4 kobold boss with about 15 buddies in the wings.


Oh no, we were in the Wetworks, specifically Gnashtooth's Prison. On one side there is a prison with a huge swarm of kobolds, and the other side a CR4 kobold boss with about 15 buddies in the wings.
Oh that one... yea. there is a little trick with that. If you use range and hit the 1st line. generally that will draw them in waves. I can run y'all and show you all the tricks :) (hope you have waterbreathing cause we are gonna need it) I'll double check and grab that spell if y'all don't have it.


Shakey: one thing the game doesn't quite say is that in order for you to retain you Ki (you gain from combat) is concentration level. Whatever your concentration skill is (after all the bonus) that is the amount of Ki you can store between combat. It is VERY handy to have high concentration since stunning fist takes 15 ki (which I don't recommend you taking it early in the game since holding 15 ki is hard)

Another thing to think about is are you going Kama combat, quarter staff or fists (uses wraps) one of the feat to think about is weapon finesse since you will need high dex anyways. Remember weapon finesse effect the ability to HIT while damage is still strength.
Since you're being so helpful Chibi, and know the abilities a bit better, what kind of template should I be looking at for in a "crowd control, charm commanding with slight dps" Witch (wizard)?


Since you're being so helpful Chibi, and know the abilities a bit better, what kind of template should I be looking at for in a \"crowd control, charm commanding with slight dps\" Witch (wizard)?
Hmmm.. Pure Wizard can do pretty much all of that. The only difference is race. Since you are using free account, I would say human for the extra feat. the reason I chose wizard mainly it will give you the freedom to switch out your spells on the fly and EASIER to play than a sorcerer. Sorcerer DOES have faster casting speed and more mana BUT you can only switch one spell per 3 days which can get fustrating. Once you find the spells you like, I would let you decide which one you want to keep.

Starting spells (your 7)
Charm Person (works on kobolds and many humanoid creature, but not undead)
hynotism (this is just great everyone just stop and I'll get to you in a moment spell)
feather fall (this is handy at misery's peak but remember it is 1 target per caster's level)

you can choose your own attack spells like
summon monster I - this is a great spell to have another target for them to chase
niac's cold ray - this is an awesome spell to use to fight with
burning hand/acid spray - your choice, this is cone base attack spell. This is GREAT when you have a fighter tanking everything and you just burn/acid them all at once ;) good times.

magic missile is nice in the future since they always hit (but can resist via spell resistance but that can be overcome in higher levels)

another class to think about is Bard. They are good Crowd control via songs AND spells (you get 3 song usage to start) later have great party buffs which are insane. They are CHA base and have a tons of skills to choose from. they can also cast charm spells and such but their magic is mix with divine and arcane.

Both classes above is better to be pure for most effectiveness, but if you want to splash a little rogue in (for the skills and evasion) it won't hurt since both would need high int (bard use cha also)

Human is best to get extra feat (3 in all for a wizard) I would suggest get extend and enlarge if you are planning to just crowd control ALOT. It does suck up the good ol mana since it cost +20 for both, but it is awesome when casting hypnotism. (they are activate feats) I would say toughness is another to take. Don't take mental toughness, you get a little boost in your mana but in the long run you need HP to survive since con might be dinged for points spend in int or cha (which ever you play)

Elf - you would get only 2 feats, but do get immunities like charm and sleep. This is handy plus bonus to dex (good since you will be wearing robes)

halfling is good

Warforge (paid) is good for a mage. You just need to pick up "Repair light" spell and guess what? self heal!!! :) it is awesome. If we have all warforge party, at higher level there are AoE version of this spell. They have tons of immunities (paralyze, poison, disease, energy drain) good stuff. but it is paid can be purchase via Turbine point or VIP sub.

Drow - this is essentially 32 point built in character. It is unlockable with 400 favor (which most people can get it when they hit around 7-8 level. They have good stats and good for bard or wizard and other classes. You can also buy this via turbine point.

http://ddowiki.com/page/Races - gives you an idea.

If you are going pure wizard, I would say either 16 or 18 Int. if you planning to splash in some other classes you might need some stats for that too.

main stats to think about
int - this is your mana pool AND how effective your spells. 18 is good if you are going pure.
Con - hp = good. (12 or 14)
Dex - you need this for dex bonus on armor and reflext save (12 at least for +1)
will - this is good for will base save spells (12 at least for a +1)
Cha - this is optional if you want to use diplomacy. It is a skill to tell the mob, "hey attack someone else" they can fail the check and randomly attack someone else... once every 6 second (activate skill not passive)
Str = this is essentially your "dump" stat, but remember, you need at least 10 str so you can carry all that loot you get from runs :) having 8 str sucks.
This look any good? I'm new to it so I'm not real sure on what all I should take.

[u][b]Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.10[/b][/u]
[url=http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO]DDO Character Planner Home Page[/url]

[B][U]Shakey [/U][/B]
Level 1 Lawful Good Halfling Male
(1 Monk) 
Hit Points: 29
Spell Points: 0 
BAB: 0
Fortitude: 4
Reflex: 7
Will: 4

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Stats          Modified Stats
[U]Abilities[/U]        [U](Level 1)[/U]             [U](Level 1)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]Strength             15                    15
Dexterity            16                    16
Constitution         12                    12
Intelligence          8                     8
Wisdom               13                    13
Charisma              8                     8[/COLOR]

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Skills         Modified Skills
[U]Skills[/U]           [U](Level 1)[/U]            [U](Level 1)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]Balance               4                     4
Bluff                -1                    -1
Concentration         5                     8
Diplomacy             0                     0
Disable Device       n/a                   n/a
Haggle               -1                    -1
Heal                  1                     1
Hide                  4                     6
Intimidate           -1                    -1
Jump                  2                     4
Listen                2                     4
Move Silently         5                     8
Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
Perform              n/a                   n/a
Repair               -1                    -1
Search               -1                    -1
Spot                  2                     2
Swim                  2                     2
Tumble                n/a                   n/a
Use Magic Device     n/a                   n/a
[B][U]Level 1 (Monk)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Monk Bonus) Dodge[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Skill Focus: Concentration[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Halfling Luck (Reflex) I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Halfling Silent Moves I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disciple of Breezes[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Disciple of Candles[/COLOR]


normally I like to start out with even numbers mainly you don't have the +stat items yet (but you can find them later) so that is a toss up. Looks pretty good starting build :) I rarely use meditation for ki but 13 wis might drop to 12 and put the points somewhere else (probably con if possible) since how much Ki you can have is base on Con.

Dex is nice if you planning to go weapon finesse style but I say have 16 str first cause you are using pure hand to hand.

Remember that you can only have 1 form active at any given time :)

---------- Post added at 02:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------

normally I like to start out with even numbers mainly you don't have the +stat items yet (but you can find them later) so that is a toss up. Looks pretty good starting build :) I rarely use meditation for ki but 13 wis might drop to 12 and put the points somewhere else (probably con if possible) since how much Ki you can have is base on Con.

Dex is nice if you planning to go weapon finesse style but I say have 16 str first cause you are using pure hand to hand.

Remember that you can only have 1 form active at any given time :)
It wouldn't let me take weapon finesse at level one, I think I'm going to go with the Kama.

I got rid of Disciple of Breezes and went with Monk Concentration for my enhancement.

I also swapped my con and wis scores. Str take 3 points to up to 16, so I would have to drop 3 other skills to get it there.


It wouldn't let me take weapon finesse at level one, I think I'm going to go with the Kama.

I got rid of Disciple of Breezes and went with Monk Concentration for my enhancement.

I also swapped my con and wis scores. Str take 3 points to up to 16, so I would have to drop 3 other skills to get it there.
Yea... that is always a tough thing to do.

I always recommend don't go above 16 (cost too much where you can put points someplace else) if you DO want to hit 18, it is better to be in groups or REALLY know your character cause you are min/max yourself (like any other games)

Disciple of the Breeze is nice since you do get bonus to dex and AC :) but dps is fire hands down ;) (pun intended)


I am kinda sad that there are no higher level Barbarians anymore (there use to be not sure what happen to them)

BUT you can get a level 1 barbarian which is a boon to anyone who wants to play on normal. remember once you activate the contract, it will last 1 hour (real time when you are log in) and has a 5 minute cooldown (before you can summon again) this is universal cooldown for all contracts. So if you have like 5 contracts ALL are on the same cooldown.

Barbarian is a nice NPC to have. He is try to break EVERYthing if he is close enough. This is kinda good if you hate going out of your way to break stuff.

I personally bind the key "interact" to f mainly this will allow me to pick up stuff that is near me (with smart target on) without having to click. This also works on chest, lever and switches. Once I see it glow, I hit f. much faster.

getting most EXP out of the same quest.
You can repeat a quest UPto 3 times before getting a penalty BUT you can do higher level quest to get even more.

i.e. solo to hard gets bonus of +25%
so I would normally do this
run solo once (if you want to) then normal x2 (you get +25% then normal exp) then hard once (+25) and then elite if you have the chance (+50%) basically you are milking the exp if that is the route you want to take, but I can assure you there are enough quest to last you a while without having to repeat, but it is good thing to know.

set items - http://ddowiki.com/page/Unique_item_sets this will tell you what item set you can earn but doing the mayor quest (goggles, boots or gloves) and misery peak (necklace) note: you can ONLY get ONE necklace EVER. Even if you finish misery's peak multiple times. I know.. so choose wisely. magic users, I highly recommend getting the archivist necklace mainly for the mnemonic which restore SP for free (2 times per rest) of course you can do the mayor's quest (the aqueduct one) and you can use the item for bonuses but won't get the set bonus (which if you look some of those items are NICE)

one of the item I suggest is the anger boots. It is has 2 uses of expeditious retreat which is NICE to run away or run around town ;) (btw, you can get item charges restore by sitting at an inn for couple of minute OR use a rest shrine)

protector's glove is another since it has 1/DR which means it s like invulnerable you just take 1 less damage. so if a mob does 1 damage then you take 0 damage ;) (all my character has this until I find something better)

---------- Post added at 03:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

newest patch notes some interesting changes


Whoever can invite, please send a guild sigil to Allihandra so that way I can tell if anyone is one who are in the guild :) it will be easier that way.

You can create a guild sigil by typing /guild recruitsigil (if you are an officer)

She is going to be rogue/wiz. I figure I'll create a new chara to join y'all guild. edit: I'm playing on Cannith

edit... doh! I am making a new chara on Sarlona now :) name will be Allihandra. Send a guild invite to her.
Is there any way to patch other than through the launcher? With Wow I can at least download everything from a separate computer and not have to download it at home. It's taking an insane amount of time to patch and I have no idea how long it will take. Yeah yeah, dialup sucks ass and all that but at least I could play WoW within a day of installing. I don't know if it is timing out or what, but I don't think I'm even half way through fucking patching and I've been going for almost 2 days.


ok.. also made a guild on Cannith. I figure if y'all want to start out a fresh server, this is the place (still new server) economy is not totally bonk yet and I have friends who are high level can help us if we are "stuck"

We can either join up on Halforum or join my guild the Wandering Blades :) (run by 3 of my real life friends who are experts in DDO. one of my friend John play since beta until now)

---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

Is there any way to patch other than through the launcher? With Wow I can at least download everything from a separate computer and not have to download it at home. It's taking an insane amount of time to patch and I have no idea how long it will take. Yeah yeah, dialup sucks ass and all that but at least I could play WoW within a day of installing. I don't know if it is timing out or what, but I don't think I'm even half way through fucking patching and I've been going for almost 2 days.
I don't think there is an offline patcher :( I haven't found it on the support forum (quick look) but I always download via the client.
Well, I got Windows 7 tonight and will get Snow Leopard tomorrow, so as of this weekend if all goes well, my laptop will run DDO. Good for Silbeth; bad for my productivity.
I don't think there is an offline patcher :( I haven't found it on the support forum (quick look) but I always download via the client.
I kinda figured that. I'd love to join you guys, but that's why I didn't get into SWGEMU. I'll let the launcher go again tonight, but if it ain't patched tomorrow I may give up.
I'm downloading the game right now. Just the standard client, hopefully it doesn't look poopy. Can't play the game yet though since I want the account tied to my current Turbine account and that requires help from support (Of course! Turbine has one of the stupidest, non functioning, account and billing management pages there is).

So I can start playing tomorrow or next week (crosses fingers) if they aren't too swamped with support tickets. I may make a dummy acount to fiddle and figure the gameplay out with, for now, if I don't hear from support tomorrow. Hope it's fun!
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