[PC Game] Destiny 2 - pretty fun until I got banned

Soooooo if you're thinking about buying this game for the single-player campaign (or for the story/campaign in general)...well, don't bother.
The voice acting is great. The mocap people overdo it and repeat the same actions a lot, but I can forgive that because that's what mocap people do, and there were what, just three of them*?
The dialogue and plot, however, all feel like they were written by the art crew. They're very grand, but they're not consistent...and they're short.

Now if you're getting it to buddy up with some friends and go raid, fight other people in the Crucible, or just want to spend an hour shooting things, then it's fine. Just don't be surprised when the story provided...doesn't exactly pull you in and do a good job of tying everything together.

*According to the credits, there were only 3 mocap performers (there were additional people for the dances, though).
Oh, and please allow me to reiterate:
The jump puzzles are dumb, and they suck.
They serve no real purpose other than to guarantee that people who finish the game have some minimum level of manual dexterity/coordination. I'm sure they were going for some kind of Golden Child vibe that actually means something and feels satisfying to overcome, but all I ever felt was the frustration of, "Aww, I gotta do another one of these things?"

I've completed the campaign, and done some of the end content (all through a friends account, I haven't repurchased the game since refunding) and it is aggressively average


Staff member
To me, the whole destiny series always struck me as "Did you like borderlands, but felt it wasn't grindy enough? Did you wish your performance was based EVEN MORE on your gear and the RNG and less on your FPS skill? Do you miss the experience of camping a spawn in everquest for hours and hours at a time? Then boy do we have the game series for you!"
Can’t speak to Destiny, but Destiny 2 feels very similar to Borderlands, IF Borderlands also had 5-6 areas per map where scheduled miniboss battles would happen about once every 20min. Run, jump, and shoot the enemies for a chance at earning gear powerful enough to let you run, jump, and shoot the next level of enemies.

I will admit, there are times where that is exactly what I want to do...farming some trash to fill my resources broken up with short, actually challenging fights. However, if you don’t play with friends, the endgame will be forever denied you, because the highest level gear is gated off behind content that requires you to either be supernaturally skilled at the game or else you have to have a couple other players in your party.

Big changes coming in September:
From here on out, every major Destiny 2 content update will cycle old content (including Destiny 1 locations and raids) back into Destiny 2... and it will delete existing content, particularly campaign missions. The first turnover will wipe a whopping four destinations (and their associated campaign content) from the Destiny 2 client, both in solo and co-op modes: Io, Titan, Mercury, and Mars. This move will effectively destroy the existing campaign progression track for the base game and its Curse of Osiris and Warmind expansions.
This seems... drastic.
