Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread


Staff member

The National Security Advisor doesn't get involved with the President's conversations with foreign leaders. Seems like the President's conversations with heads of state might just be a matter of national security, something that might need advising about, but apparently not? :facepalm:
Trump doesn't need advice on foreign relations, he's the best at talking to foreign people, the very best! He's great at talking with heads of state, you wouldn't believe! Very strong talker, very smart.


Staff member
"Seven score and seventeen years ago...what's a score? Is that how many points the northern guys got? They lost seven to seventeen? I thought the south lost. Well that's great! Beautiful! Great people on both sides. And they're tearing down the statues to these brave men. Destroying our history and the-the Antifa terrorists...bad people. All of them bad people. They hate America! I don't know why they hate America. I know they hate me - it's true! They hate me because I get things done! This administration has done more more the Antifa thugs than any other president in history. And do they thank me? No! They riot. They throw things at the police - who are all good people just trying to do their jobs! Heroes! Anyway. I accept the nomination. Make America great again!"
"Seven score and seventeen years ago...what's a score? Is that how many points the northern guys got? They lost seven to seventeen? I thought the south lost. Well that's great! Beautiful! Great people on both sides. And they're tearing down the statues to these brave men. Destroying our history and the-the Antifa terrorists...bad people. All of them bad people. They hate America! I don't know why they hate America. I know they hate me - it's true! They hate me because I get things done! This administration has done more more the Antifa thugs than any other president in history. And do they thank me? No! They riot. They throw things at the police - who are all good people just trying to do their jobs! Heroes! Anyway. I accept the nomination. Make America great again!"
So you're his speech writer, huh?


Staff member
Can news outlets please stop quoting Trump when someone else would be a better source for the information? There was an officer involved shooting near the President's press conference today, and the article I read from ABC news quoted Trump so much I have no idea what actually happened, because Trump is either lying, incoherent, or both. What is the point in peppering the entire article with Trump quotes?


Staff member
Are there really that many more people who will only read an article if it's mostly Trump quotes, versus those who will still read an article if it quotes Trump, but also more reliable people?
Are there really that many more people who will only read an article if it's mostly Trump quotes, versus those who will still read an article if it quotes Trump, but also more reliable people?
Advertisers and shareholders seem to think so. And it's all about appeasing them instead of serving the public trust these days.

Or at least it is for the media conglomerates.
News has become a business. Generating income/profit has become the priority over actual reporting, and entertainment is more effective than education at holding the viewer's attention. The majority (of their viewers) only want confirmation of how their ideas are the "right" ones, so validate them and stroke their ego a little bit, and you guarantee yourself a captive audience that you can then reliably milk for views.

I know I'm not the first to think of this, but one of the biggest problems with news today is that real news is often behind a paywall but right-wing trash is free.


Staff member
I know I'm not the first to think of this, but one of the biggest problems with news today is that real news is often behind a paywall but right-wing trash is free.
One of the worst parts is that I'm pretty sure the right-wing trash is using that as a selling point. "You know we're telling the truth because we're doing it for free! They just want to make money, so they'll tell their subscribers whatever they want to hear!"


Staff member
One of the worst parts is that I'm pretty sure the right-wing trash is using that as a selling point. "You know we're telling the truth because we're doing it for free! They just want to make money, so they'll tell their subscribers whatever they want to hear!"
If right wing was pay and left wing was free they'd say, "Their news isn't even worth paying for!"

It has nothing to do with anything except the demonization of the other side. And their base eats it up like candy off their cousin's ass.
If right wing was pay and left wing was free they'd say, "Their news isn't even worth paying for!"

It has nothing to do with anything except the demonization of the other side. And their base eats it up like candy off their cousin's ass.
But you can't effectively share an article behind a paywall on Facebook.
One former top White House aide, asked on condition of anonymity whether Trump actually took more intelligence briefings than were reflected on his public schedules, began laughing aloud. The aide’s reaction was the same when asked whether Trump reads the intelligence briefing books prepared for him.
You're all going to die...
He won't have to pretend during the inevitable trials that he forgot everything if he never actually learns it in the first place, riiiiight?

Trials? There won’t be any trials.
I'm sure there'll be some bipartisan commissions to try and help prevent this sort of thing from happening again, as a lead-in for a time of reconciliation and unification, as past grievances have to be left in the past and the nation has to look forward to a better tomorrow. Just remember to vote for the right old white guy!