Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

I am so sick of this pattern. A conservative actually gets punished for real wrongdoing (impeachment, charged with crimes, removed from ballot, expelled from Congress, etc.) and the only response the MAGA dipshits have is say "Oh yeah? Well we can do it too!"

Trump gets impeached for something he clearly did, with mountains of evidence? Impeach Biden with no evidence at all.

Rep. George Santos commits multiple counts of fraud and get expelled from Congress? Try to expel Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Trump kept off the ballot for stoking an insurrection? We'll keep Biden off the ballot because we don't like him!

It's fucking childish, and it also shows that they are so fucking stupid they don't even understand what happens. They don't understand how impeachment works. They don't understand the 14th Amendment. They don't understand anything. How do these stupid, morally repellent fucks keep getting elected?
It's fucking childish, and it also shows that they are so fucking stupid they don't even understand what happens.
It also shows that they only care about other GOPers, and don't give two shits about The People.
...which should be an automatic DQ for the position they hold, but that's not what's happening.



Staff member
Trump endorsed a voter survey describing his potential second term political goals as “dictatorship,” “revenge,” and “power.” Earlier this month, Trump refused to rule out abusing power if re-elected president, saying he would not be a “dictator” if elected in 2024 “other than day one.” Trump has also praised authoritarian leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un. (Politico / Axios)
Approximately 40% or something of Americans think this is an awesome guy and far more capable and coherent and presidential than the alternative.
Approximately 40% or something of Americans think this is an awesome guy and far more capable and coherent and presidential than the alternative.
The reality is, it's 40% of the voters (which is less than half of Americans), and the vast majority of those voters treat it like sports, and the Republicans are their team because God said so, so they have no other choice!
So 40% of voters would rather have someone else do their thinking for them, got it.
It's more then that. They want someone to take complete control and get them everything they want, no matter who they have to step on, to make America into their preferred theistic ethno-state. They say "Make America Great Again" but really what they have always meant is "Make America Only for White Christians Again" because to them, those were the good ole days when men were MEN and women and minorities knew their place in society. They feel that is the true America that was stolen from them by all those dirty liberals and their diversity and tolerance.

To understand the mindset, look into the right wing reference to "magic soil", it gives you a good grasp on what they think liberals believe versus what they believe, the core pattern being that immigrants and non-Christians CAN'T assimilate into local culture and instead stain local culture with their own cultural filth.
Watched some video someone posted of Tump putting a couple of $20s in a charity for children bucket and saying what a stand up guy he is.
Oh no. His McDonalds budget for the day…
It's more then that. They want someone to take complete control and get them everything they want, no matter who they have to step on,
That's what I'm getting at, though. If these people actually tried to think for themselves, they would realize that this is not going to happen, that there is no way to guarantee anyone/any law they give absolute power/control to is actually going to bring about the plan they want.
See, if you are the sort of selfish person who wants a person elected because you want that person to pay more attention to your agendum than to doing the "greater good" like they're supposed to, then it unequivocally follows that you are only going to support people you have already determined to be "less honorable" than the norm, because if they WERE honorable...then you wouldn't be able to influence them! And then when you also remove accountability so the "bad people" can't interfere, turns out you remove your own ability to compel them to carry out your grand vision. They are no longer under your geas, the "Shirley Exception" isn't a real thing, and really what ends up happening is that they ultimately use the power you gave them to do what they want. And when you incredulously whine to them about how "I thought we had a deal!" even though the whole reason you specifically chose them in the first place was because you knew you could count on them to disobey, surprise surprise, they really did just do that. Welcome to Leopardtown.
THAT'S what I mean by "because they don't want to think," because if they DID bother to think, they would know their plan was doomed from the start, and not thinking means they get to ignore that uncomfortable fact.

This whole thing is becoming the literal political equivalent of yelling, "Jesus! Take the wheel!" thinking that doing so will somehow absolve them of all personal responsibility. Idiots.
