Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

I remember all that speculation four years ago about how Trump didn't want to be president at all, and his campaign was just a publicity stunt that went surprisingly right.

He seems to be trying real hard to remain president.
He seems to be trying real hard to remain president.
Because he knows that once the veil of "Executive Privilege" is gone, he is likely going to prison. If not for the stuff he did as President, then for the stuff they are going to dig up about his dealings from before he became President. He wanted to lose the election then just get a new TV show and get rich in more obscurity. Now, half the country wants his head and are absolutely itching for his past financials. This is about power for the GOP, but it's about SURVIVAL to Trump. He will go with being the dictator if it means he won't have to suffer any consequences.
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Because he knows that once the veil of "Executive Privilege" is gone, he is likely going to prison. If not for the stuff he did as President, then for the stuff they now are going to dig up about his dealings from before he became President. He wanted to lose the election then just get a new TV show and just get rich in more obscurity. Now, half the country want's his head and are absolutely itching for his past financials. This is about power for the GOP, but it's about SURVIVAL to Trump. He will go with being the dictator if it means he won't have to suffer any consequences.
I've said it before, and I know it won't actually happen, but I would love nothing more than to see Trump literally dragged out of the White House, kicking and screaming.
Might end up being bullshit, and just placation, but it's a smarter move than Trump's nonsense.
It is bullshit, because no one wants a violent transfer of power. It's pretty much hot air right now.

Also, the Republicans are still laying the ground work that this election will be decided by the SCOTUS. They are treating it like a forgone conclusion at this point and that's a really, really bad thing.



Staff member
I'm seeing a lot of comments on Twitter today, from analysts, lawyers and other professionals, about how it's unlikely that Trump can actually pull off a scheme to steal the election in the courts, because that would require a whole bunch of people to assist in installing a dictator.

First, I think they're wrong about how many people want a dictator. Especially scared white racists who would rather have a white dictator than lose control of the country to the interests of minorities. I think a lot of people value order over justice, safety over real freedom, and think that their rich white lives will continue unaffected by rich white fascism.

Second, I think they're underestimating just how many people Trump/Russia has some sort of leverage on. Between the support of white nationalists (who have been intentionally infiltrating US law enforcement for decades) and Russia's state intelligence Trump has access to a lot of information about the people he wants to manipulate. He's also got access to threats of violence against any who don't support his planned coup. I sincerely hope that US agencies are working to counter such influence.

Third, Trump is very clearly mentally ill. I don't know what, specifically, is wrong with him, but he's not a stable man. Maybe it's narcissism, maybe it's a drug addiction, but whatever it is, I don't think that fear of consequences is going to stop him from trying something really really stupid. He's systematically pushed away anyone who is willing to say "no" to him, and anyone who challenges his delusions. He has a long history of being a criminal, and what he's already done is enough to make any sane person scared of the consequences. If fear of jail or other legal action were going to stop him, it would have done so long ago. He may be afraid of a blow to his ego, but he's not afraid in the sense that your average person would be. If anything, his fear makes him an unpredictable cornered animal.

Fourth, I think the experts online are trying to calm people down and keep peace. I applaud their motives, and I don't want my words to spur anyone to irrational or extreme action, but I don't think that ignoring real threats is a good way to handle anxiety.

Fifth, I'm not sure a "legal" coup was his goal. He didn't have the Supreme Court a month ago, so unless he had RBG killed, he's had some other plan for securing the election. I think the courts are just to stir up the Boogaloo base, and try to incite violence on election night. He doesn't have to win in the courts if he can start enough violence for him to take advantage of the chaos.

Sixth, it doesn't have to be realistic, it just has to seem appealing to Trump. This is a man who, Bob Woodward has told us, cannot distinguish between reality and un-reality. He's the man who will choose the outlandish option that the military presented to him when trying to make the other options seem more reasonable. There is no cooler head left to reign him in and tell him that he can't win this election through intimidation or legal means, and that trying to do so will only result in a civil war.

This is me venting my fears. Hopefully I'm wrong. Hopefully this is just my anxiety making a mountain out of a molehill. But that's what I thought back in January when I first predicted that Trump had no intentions of holding an election, and I'm not looking like a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist anymore. (EDIT: Well, not for that tweet. This rant may push me back over the line. I dunno.)
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Staff member
RANT: Oh yes, fascist bootlickers, do tell us about the "context" that makes it not racist when Trump talks about "good genes" and "racehorse theory". I'm so sure his words were taken completely out of context at a political rally where he had every opportunity to craft a speech that could be clearly worded so as not to be taken out of context. Go rewatch the video of the rally and tell me what the context is that somehow makes his talk of "racehorse theory" something other than a reference to eugenics.

Holy fucking shit are Trump supporters dumb.
I do have a feeling drugs are involved these days, it's my going theory for why he keeps struggling even more then mental health concerns. Whether he is on hard stuff or just sucking down Adderall, no idea.

Honestly I think most of the Trump family is suffering this. Have you seen Donald Jr for the last two months? Every time he or his girlfriend appear they either look like they spend all day mowing the grass or sniffed a little to much nose candy.
Postmaster General DeJoy says the sorting machines that were removed from post offices can’t be reinstalled/returned to service, because they‘ve already been disassembled/stripped for parts.
...[however] witnesses reported that many of the expensive machines were quickly dismantled and tossed into dumpsters as scrap. The injunction noted that 72% of the ripped out machines were in counties Hillary Clinton won in the 2016 presidential election.
This is like some 80’s cartoon where DeJoy is yelling down from the castle wall, “You’re too late, Democrats! You see, once started, my machine cannot be stopped! Mwaa-ha-haaa!”

Despite being a blue state, we do have a sprinkling of red families, or at least ones that put up signs. A few weeks ago we noticed 5 houses in our neighborhood that were posting various Trump signs on their lawns, as well as other more local republican candidates. Recently we've noticed less signs on those lawns, the ones they do have are close to their houses and any Trump signs are handmade on cardboard. Oh, and the person who had a Trump flag on their tree had the tree cut down this morning.

We just found out from another neighbor that someone (someones?) have been stealing any Trump signs. On one hand, no, it isn't okay to steal or damage someone else's property just because you don't agree. On the other hand, :rofl: .

(The tree I think was just coincidence. But a good coincidence.)
Not gonna lie, there have been some nights I wanted to just "go for a walk" and grab a few signs or sharpie a few bumper stickers. Keep deciding I am better then that though.

Lucky for me my area, like I said somewhere else, it mostly blue. We got a ton of BLM and Biden signs, plus some a few houses with more local representatives. Someone also wrote ACAB on a telephone pole. So I don't really see me even collecting that many signs.
Im not gonna risk some dumbass trumper killing me over a sign. That being said if my dog shits on a lawn with one, I might be inclined to leave it there.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. Pretty sure that shit has been ruled on with cars, let alone private property. I think it needs to be posted.
Just to clarify, does that count for porch trap pranks, too? In this case, they're at least harmless, unlike shocking someone.

Or a glitterbomb.



Staff member
I doubt it, since those do not appear to be designed to cause actual bodily harm. Just nuisance.

Yeah, not the same at all. One is a booby trap meant to do harm, the other is to embarrass.
How does this stand up when combined with the "eggshell skull" doctrine? I think the whole issue could get mighty complicated if someone, for example, had an allergic reaction to the fart spray, or had the glitter get into their eyes. While I, personally, think that the criminal act of theft should absolve people of responsibility for any harm done by the stolen object, we all know that the legal system is far from fair or logical about stuff like this.
How does this stand up when combined with the "eggshell skull" doctrine?
I debated also the possibility of a person having a heart attack/seizure when startled by your more traditional burglar alarm bell/siren/beacon, but did not know there was a formal name for it. I do wonder if it's possible to quantify the threshold at which the legal system turns to the victim and says, "Okay. You really should've known better than to try doing that," or if it's more one of those "I'll know it when I see it" things.
