[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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Sadly, tragically no. It was supposed to read something else.

If you're curious, the history behind Preston is that it's where we stuck the black people when we decided that we liked their land. Ah the 1960's, such a proud and unifying time for this city.


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Math is fun!

The real question is how did he recognize Miley difinitively enough to decide on vehicular homicide from easily over a mile away at 54 mph (which is 15 m/s)?
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Math is fun!

The real question is how did he recognize Miley difinitively enough to decide on vehicular homicide from easily over a mile away at 54 mph (which is 15 m/s)?
I didn't figure it as more than a mile away. It was a quick and dirty calculation so I very well may have done it wrong.
It's only half a mile. You start out at 15m/s, and after 18 seconds when you hit her (assumed) you'll be traveling 69m/s. Over that period of time you'll have traveled about 783 meters*, just under 1/2 mile.

Incidentally you must have a nice car with a great engine, as it's going over 150 miles per hour at time of impact.

This has the advantage of reducing survival for miley to zero. Modern automotive design with air bags and crush zones will likely let you live if you hit nothing else after losing control of the car, but you won't emerge unscathed.

What the problem doesn't tell you is the years of therapy you'll have to undergo at watching a human being explode with the torso blasting a hole through the windshield and the head carving a gash into the roof. Hopefully you aimed so the remains go through the passenger side of the car, rather than the driver side - in which case you will not have survived.

However, with 18 seconds notice and reduced handling at high speeds, if she notices you and is nimble she will have little trouble avoiding you by simply traveling perpendicular to your path at a speed of at least 8mph.

*discrete integration each second, continuous integration would be better and would give you a slightly longer distance, but with this type of problem the error between this and the ideal computation is small relative to the distances and speeds involved.
if she notices you and is nimble she will have little trouble avoiding you by simply traveling perpendicular to your path at a speed of at least 8mph.
This is unlikely, since the most resonable scenario is that Miley was facing away from the observer (which would explain how she was so easily recognized due to her distinctive gluteal folds). By the time the sound of the car engine intrudes enough into her consciousness to tear her away from her cell phone conversation and gets her to turn around, only a handful of seconds would remain until impact, and the combination of the hesitation due to disbelief/denial plus her inability to accelerate to the now-requisite 20+MPH would make the probability of collision almost certain.



Staff member
It's only half a mile. You start out at 15m/s, and after 18 seconds when you hit her (assumed) you'll be traveling 69m/s. Over that period of time you'll have traveled about 783 meters*, just under 1/2 mile.
Yeah, I converted to miles from meters wrong/backwards... I multiplied .783 by 10 and then divided by 6, instead of vice versa, to get just over 1 instead of just under a half. Still, I have a hard time identifying the distinguishing features of pedestrians at 50 yards, much less half a mile.
My mom, who currently has zero children still living at home, is still pretty much unable to pour and drink a cup of coffee. The coffee mug makes it to the counter, it gets filled maybe after half an hour of diversion, and then just sits and gets lukewarm while she remembers eight million things that could really wait until she's enjoyed her cup.

I feel like it's our fault, as her children. We conditioned her to never have time to herself and now she can't just have a cup of coffee.
In various Zelda games, I used to name Link "Dumbass" and in my puerile mind, there was nothing funnier. Ocarina of Time was particular solid for this since 80% of the uses of Link's name are from Navi telling you something, and frequently began, "Hey! Dumbass!"

It still makes me laugh.


Staff member
In various Zelda games, I used to name Link "Dumbass" and in my puerile mind, there was nothing funnier. Ocarina of Time was particular solid for this since 80% of the uses of Link's name are from Navi telling you something, and frequently began, "Hey! Dumbass!"

It still makes me laugh.
It's not the same, but when I was playing FF7 on my friend's Playstation back in the day, for some reason I decided to rename Aeris "Boozebutt." It made for some surreal dialog.
Still my favorite was naming my characters in UT4 for the sake of those killed.

"You were killed by raging hemorrhoids." It's like a touch of sugar to take the sting out of getting fragged.


Staff member
Still my favorite was naming my characters in UT4 for the sake of those killed.

"You were killed by raging hemorrhoids." It's like a touch of sugar to take the sting out of getting fragged.
Back in the day, Everquest used to broadcast the results of player-instigated /duels to the whole server. This was later changed to only the immediate area of the duel when things kept popping up like "Thirtyfootdrop has defeated Owenhart in a duel!" ... and of course, the various things phallic or high-fat foods that often seemed to defeat "Yourmom."
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