[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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I assume it has to be a joke.


You've seen the misanthropy thread. Search your feelings, Espy. You know it to be true.[DOUBLEPOST=1380124024,1380123963][/DOUBLEPOST]Just to buck a trend here, I've often considered that I'd choose a urinal closest to the door. You see, I'd have quick egress if any of the other guys suddenly violated the unspoken code of how to use the men's room.
The best "conversation" a person ever had with me at the urinal was actually not a conversation at all.

It was a drunk person at a club who was threatening to, and I quote, "shit on [my] neighbourhood."
This reminds me of a scene in the anime Slam Dunk, in which two male high school basketball players were occupying two adjacent bathroom stalls, presumably both pooping. And they were carrying out a conversation while they were in there. The voice actors even added the "strain" to some of their words to indicate they were dropping a particularly big log right then.

I remember thinking, "Nuh uh, I don't care how important that particular conversation is, I don't buy it. They would save it for after they're out of the bathroom."


Staff member
This reminds me of a scene in the anime Slam Dunk, in which two male high school basketball players were occupying two adjacent bathroom stalls, presumably both pooping. And they were carrying out a conversation while they were in there. The voice actors even added the "strain" to some of their words to indicate they were dropping a particularly big log right then.

I remember thinking, "Nuh uh, I don't care how important that particular conversation is, I don't buy it. They would save it for after they're out of the bathroom."
Pooping in stalls can be different, if you know the other guy pooping. Ref: Beavis and Butthead.
I'll second the talking while pooping is ok thought. I think it's just the close proximity of urinals that makes it horribly uncomfortable.
Well, if any of you guys talk to me while I'm on the can, I'm not answering until my pants are back on and my hands have been washed.
I'm with @bhamv3, but then I try my best not to use public restrooms at all. In fact, it used to annoy me to no end when a friend of mine had a habit of calling me while he was on the toilet.
This reminds me of a scene in the anime Slam Dunk, in which two male high school basketball players were occupying two adjacent bathroom stalls, presumably both pooping. And they were carrying out a conversation while they were in there. The voice actors even added the "strain" to some of their words to indicate they were dropping a particularly big log right then.

I remember thinking, "Nuh uh, I don't care how important that particular conversation is, I don't buy it. They would save it for after they're out of the bathroom."
Written by women, obviously ;)


Staff member
Sheesh. Longest string of text-only posts in this thread EVAR. Not political, but still my doing, apparently.

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