[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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Staff member
Alternate punchline: let Vincini (sp?) go through his logic, then just have her pull the trigger 6 times on him.
I see the skanky girls standing like that quite often like at clubs and malls. It's their "Look at me,im classy,sexy and sassy" pose.
Napalming the jungle? Hm. Seems kind of in poor taste, given that the dude who makes Huy Fong sriracha is from Vietnam.
That Oatmeal is timely for me, seeing as how I just bought a bottle of sriracha yesterday. FINALLY I can have spicy food again.


Staff member
With all the buzz around Sriracha I may have to give it a shot. Right now Cholula is my hot sauce of choice, but I like a little variety in my spice.

EDIT: Bah, I probably can't have it because of the sugar. Damn you beet sugar allergy!


I've always used Tampico, which most of the Hispanic/Mexicans on the board can vouch for. As a connoisseur of food however, I will be giving this hot sauce a try in the near future.
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