[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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Putting it on wings is food heaven. Putting it on most things is awesome, but wings in particular is a delight to taste buds.

Also, putting it on pork chops. And stews. And soups. And salads. And sandwiches.

...look, just start putting it on random edible things.


Staff member
What is this Sriracha stuff? what ever happened to good ol Tabasco
Based on the ingredients, it seems that it's a lot like ketchup where the tomato has been replaced with peppers. Tabasco doesn't have sugar in it, and I still use it (though I think Cholula is generally superior).


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I agree with Baerdog. I'm not supposed to say that given my current geographical location. But Tabasco is so ... plain. It's just vinegar and heat. I'm with Pez on the Cholula. Or Louisiana. That stuff's good, too.


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I still enjoy Tabasco for seasoning things. I actually like the vinegary flavor. But sriracha is thicker and has more peppery flavor. Crystal is probably the best hot sauce from Louisiana, because it's got more thickness and heat to it as well. Tabasco is more watery, so it's hard to really "top" anything with it. I use it in wet dishes where everything's going to get mixed together anyway.
Sriracha haz a flavr. Seriously, much like Cholula, it has an actual flavor that has to be taken into a account before using. I love both, but for different reasons.

Tabasco has a flavor too - vinegar. It's like the angriest of douches.
Yes CG, I too cook with Tabasco and use sriracha as a garnish/topping/whatever. I just can't really imagine cooking with it because it seems like it would burn in a dish.

I am a fan of Cajun Chef, Louisiana Hot Sauce, Crystal, Cholua(sp) and other Mexican Sauces in the same vein. I have the complete bachelor refrigerator, 3 types of lunch meat and 10 types of hot sauce.
Frank's* and Cholula over here, in that order. Louisiana in a pinch. Tabasco only for recipes.

(*Really? I'm the first non-picture-poster who mentions Frank's?)
Frank's tastes like it is 98% salt with just enough vinegar to dissolve it.
It's actually pretty bitter...or so I've been told.

Oh you meant Frank's Red Hot. That's what I love about it myself. It's just salty, spicy (if you buy the extra hot) vinegary raunch.
I just can barely finish any buffalo wings that are seasoned with it. It is just so salty that it feels like it is eating away at my tongue and the roof of my mouth.


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My daughter made this for presidents day (she's 3). My wife emailed it to me with the caption "Lincoln or Squidbilly?" which I thought was hilarious.



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Heh, I know it's a shop, but that'd have to be one light-as-hell bat'leth. A normal one would probably weigh more than she does.
They are only 45 pounds (according to some star trek fact I recall hearing a decade ago). Doing it one handed like that would require some crazy strong wrist and arm muscles, but it's not like a 200 pound barbell.
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