Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again always.
She's such an artist.

It's fun to read the tags on her posts when they show up on my tumblr dashboard. :)

And for some reason when I look at her work, I'm reminded of the late MAD Magazine legend George Woodbridge. I've never really figured out why, but it does.


Staff member
Not sure what the disagree is for... what I said was technically correct. Her proxy is literally the only one unique and different in that drawing.


"I'm NEVER gonna be one of those people that dress up a damn dog in costumes and stuff.."

-BErt, 2003


Staff member
I love that song. Actually I love pretty much everything Amy and Evanescence does. I really like her tribute song to A Nightmare Before Christmas. She recorded Sally's Song and I like it better than the original in the movie.

I love that song. Actually I love pretty much everything Amy and Evanescence does. I really like her tribute song to A Nightmare Before Christmas. She recorded Sally's Song and I like it better than the original in the movie.

Well, it's certainly far more Evanescence-y than the Catherine O'Hara version.

My daughter's elementary school music teacher is actually competent and teaches kids how to play the recorder and challenges them to do well at it with prizes. So it wouldn't really bother me. Not like most elementary school music teachers which make kids buy recorders and then forget about them after one class.


Staff member
Is that where you got the tooth fetish?
Nah, I didn't lose any teeth doing that. It wasn't until I started getting my anterior premolars removed so my braces would work better that I first held teeth in my hand and realized how... nifty... the feeling was. Then a few years later, I had my wisdom teeth out, and that made 8... next thing you know...
