Took me a second...
Took me a second...
I'm missing something.
He was suppose to say I want some h2o2I'm missing something.
"I'll take a glass of H2O too!"I'm missing something.
...Dickelodeonnnnn!So, when you order hollow plastic easter eggs in bulk... their appearance upon arrival is... well..
I've had it happen to me a couple of times in my life, both regarding geeky stuff and sports. I had to "prove" I wasn't a "poser". Though honestly they were more rare occurrences for me. Usually I get met with more appreciation/comradery for being a fan... like Halforums!I don't understand the fake geek girl thing. I can't say I've ever heard anyone accuse a woman of that personally. Usually they just call her an actual geek.
This is all just conjecture on my part, but I think it's fallout from the "booth babe" culture of the last couple decades. Used to be companies would hire models (or just pretty girls) to dress in costume and bat eyelashes at the conventiongoers with only a cursory (if that) knowledge of the product/character they portrayed. And, of course, since these pretty ladies were either intimidating to the socially inept, or genuinely out of the league of the nerds, it bred resentment under the surface. Then when these socially stunted Morts encounter a genuine fan of the culture who happens to be female, out comes the misplaced hostility. It's the growing pains of getting past the whole "girls don't like comics and video games" stereotype that most of us grew up with. I don't think it is as common as we're led to believe, but instances of it happening are spotlighted so that everybody hears about it. Which is good, because it's part of stopping the hostility and making it "ok for girls to like this stuff."I don't understand the fake geek girl thing. I can't say I've ever heard anyone accuse a woman of that personally. Usually they just call her an actual geek.
Or gay best f riends.
The challenge of picking up a Metal band from the airport.
These pictures seem like they are in the wrong order...
Bahhh that's nuthin'
The first year at my first posting in a town of 3000 people, we processed 6500 people through our jail. Now, some of those were the same people 100-300 times, but that still made for eyebrow raising statistics. One, that our little detachment jail was the second busiest RCMP detachment in Canada (second to Surrey, BC) and two, we were WOEFULLY understaffed.Bahhh that's nuthin'
Our local celebrity - James Earl, has been arrested over 1500 times, mostly for PI.
Our city-county jail has a website, where you used to be able to pull up the arrest record of anybody who'd been in the jail, complete with mugshots of every booking. Some of James Earl's mugshots were a-maz-ing. There were SEVERAL where you could tell they had been holding his head up, counted to 3 & let go & tried to snap the picture while he was falling out of frame.
Then about 5 years ago Leno or Letterman or one of the late-night talk shows got ahold of the story, & the website got hammered. At that point the jail website reduced searchability to only people who were currently incarcerated, and shortly after they cut off access to the general public. You now have to apply for access to the site... and all the fun is lost.
...da fuq?
Well, he made me laugh.