Funny (political, religious) pictures

Because conning racists isn't gonna backfire into those racists doubling down on their racism when they learn they've been duped by someone from the race they be racist against.

Never mind that the scam of the century is certainly gonna be bigger than some teen girl grabbing a few bucks from a few people on the internet. Has she even actually fleeced one person?
Because conning racists isn't gonna backfire into those racists doubling down on their racism when they learn they've been duped by someone from the race they be racist against.
A) those people probably aren't going to change and never will.

2) it certainly puts a hole in their "black people are dumber than us" claims since they were demonstrably outsmarted by one.

My sides.
My poor sides.
Oh yes, there is definitely sound.

Cohen apparently went live the other day with everything Trump ever said when they were together before his presidency, and one of the things he mentioned was that, whenever they would drive through a "rough looking" neighborhood, Trump would look around and remark that only "racial slurs" could live in neighborhoods like that. It didn't occur to me until that video labeled him the token urban expert, but... did Trump make a neurosurgeon HUD Chairman because he was the only black cabinet member, and Trump honestly believes that only PoC live in HUD housing?

Edit: Also, Love Boat remains one of those teasing Classic TV Series that's everywhere all the time, except when you want to stream it or download it.
Kati and I were discussing this. He won because there were no other Rebublicans on the ballot but the rules state that if the elected official dies while in office (even if just elected), then the replacement must be chosen from the same party as the decedent.

Also that article neglects to mention he was discovered by Ron Jeremy and Flavor Flav.
