Funny (political, religious) pictures

There is a Sci-Fi novel called Brain Wave, written in the 50's by Fred Pohl. In it, the entire human (and non-human!) population(s) on the planet suddenly all become vastly more intelligent. Investigation reveals that throughout human history, the Earth has been in a region of Space where some kind of force was inhibiting brain activity, but thanks to galactic rotation, Earth has rotated out of this area and brains everywhere are free of this restraint and as a result everyone gains +200 IQ or whatever.

In it, there is a group of people who decide that humanity is not worthy of this gift, and they seek to return to the dumb, using their heightened intelligence to try and either reestablish this inhibitory influence or to "push" our solar system back into this field, I can't remember the details. The wife of one of the principal characters is even so horrified by what has happened, specifically to her, and so uses her enhanced intellect to sneakily build a device that damages her brain to the point where her intelligence returns to the level where it was pre-event.

Sexism aside, this is what I think of when I see stuff like this. "Don't like what's happening? Ignore it. Reduce your standards. Rationalize it away. Pretend it doesn't exist/is someone else's fault. Just hit yourself with a hammer until you dumb yourself down enough that it doesn't bother you any more."

Or, for that matter...