Funny (political, religious) pictures

Comedy Central aired the South Park with him tonight. Which featured the line "I want to give underprivileged children everywhere AID(e)S."
Nor a king. Nor an expert on the depiction of women in video games.
(Assuming the original picture is of Anita Sarkeesian) She has appointed herself thus, and she may be one of few who are trying to do a legitimate treatment of the subject, but I do not at all argue for one moment that she should do more research before she purports to wear that hat/crown.

(Assuming the original picture is of Anita Sarkeesian) She has appointed herself thus, and she may be one of few who are trying to do a legitimate treatment of the subject, but I do not at all argue for one moment that she should do more research before she purports to wear that hat/crown.

Or maybe she should, and I'm just spitballing here, play video games?
hey now, if Fredic Wertham can be an expert on comics and how they affect our youth, then she can be an expert on the portrayal of women in video games.


Staff member
Whelp, global stock markets are taking a MASSIVE hit right now. Buckle up tight boys. Lets see how far down China can drag us.


Staff member
My news feed says it was down 1100 points this morning, but has rebounded to "only" down 300.

But... I have yet to see a funny political picture here about it?
Yeah, it went really low, but rebounded.
There are always people sitting on cash waiting to take advantage of situations like this. The trick is to be wealthy enough to have sufficient cash available to do so.

I don't get why the US and Canada don't just tie their currencies together. I guess now it wouldn't be good for the US, but at some point they're going to be equal again.