Funny (political, religious) pictures

I game maybe 4 hours a month, not counting Idle Champions. Hoarding the data has become my hobby, it seems.
I feel this so much. For coming up on 2 months now, I have completely ceased all gaming (I haven't even powered up my gaming computer at all in that time except to make a flash drive image to update my router), except for Raid: Shadow Legends on my phone...NOT because it's some kind of amazing game*, but because it's the only game in my repertoire where I can make any sort of meaningful progress when my daily playtime is fractured into 50 snippets of 2-3min each instead of being able to game for 2 straight hours or whatever.

And data hoarding is a noble cause for after the libraries are all burned. Keep it up.

*it isn't--it's a blatant gacha game that goes so hard in encouraging you to spend IRL money, but there's juuust enough strategy that you can FTP it if you want, at the expense of making it take a lot longer.
That'll show em. They're so devastated.

I remember that CBS bumper for CSI that had a murderer tying up a victim and hauling him away, and the whole time this is going on, the victim is saying stuff like, "Oh, you're not wearing gloves? Rookie mistake." "Didn't bring any bleach for cleanup? They're gonna find you so fast." "You didn't even bring a second change of clothes for afterwards?" and I think about it every time I see a post like this.
