Gas Bandit's DeepFake Abyss


Staff member
Would've worked better if the elevator scene had been long enough to include @Terrik

Ok, this one was REALLY hard, and I don't think I got it exactly right, buuuut...

If I fed the whole video into Reface, it reduced the resolution so much that it didn't think there were any faces in it at all. So I had to crop out the two sections with faces, do the fakery, then reinject them into the full 1080p picture. The MP4-to-GIF-to-MP4 transition threw off the frame timing and color palette a bit, but I think this is as good as I can get it without an unreasonable amount of effort.

And then I fed it into Coub and it reduced the resolution to 360p and I decided this one needed to be on GFYcat even though it was only 8 seconds.
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Staff member
Or the subway train scene to include @Celt Z .
I did what I could with this one, but there were a lot of jump cuts that were only 1-3 frames long (and the fake AI wants 5 frames to fake a face) so I had to do a little creative editing, and then there's a lot of faces-in-profile parts and the AI *hates* faces in profile so it kinda breaks down there... buuuut... here we go. Also I couldn't use the starting part of the scene because her hair covered half her face for most of it and that's another no-go.

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I did what I could with this one, but there were a lot of jump cuts that were only 1-3 frames long (and the fake AI wants 5 frames to fake a face) so I had to do a little creative editing, and then there's a lot of faces-in-profile parts and the AI *hates* faces in profile so it kinda breaks down there... buuuut... here we go. Also I couldn't use the starting part of the scene because her hair covered half her face for most of it and that's another no-go.

As someone who used to have to do this for school, and do it in the most analog ways possible, I not only feel your pain, but I applaud the level of work, even with the bugs.

EDIT: Also, the way it keeps flipping between myself, Asian and blur of the two, I'm starting to get an idea of what my daughter could have looked like.


Staff member
The app got upgraded a few days ago, so some of the former dailies that only let you use one face have now been made to allow multiple faces. So here's the Addams Family, redone with more people.

Yeah, but can't you imagine Tom Cruise standing next to you, equally naked except for the platform shoes he needs to make it look like he's not 4 inches shorter than you? :rofl:
I mean, in the sense that a number of guys I have been out with have been shorter than me, but I usually made sure they took off their high heels once we were in flagrante!
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Things I wish my brain wouldn't do.

"Man, I'm glad Gas doesn't use this for porn. I mean, he probably doesn't use it for port. I mean, he probably does, but doesn't post it." :Leyla:


Staff member
Things I wish my brain wouldn't do.

"Man, I'm glad Gas doesn't use this for porn. I mean, he probably doesn't use it for port. I mean, he probably does, but doesn't post it." :Leyla:
I try not to do stuff that will make people regret letting me deepfake them. So porn's out. And even some things that weren't, I ran by Emrys first and she veto'd. So, rest assured, my depraved self is not utterly unrestrained here :p
Ok, here's some more of that.

I forgot to bring this up sooner, but some of the unintentional black face/brown face/yellow face this app creates makes me deeply uncomfortable. I know it's not meant that way, it's just mapping face to face, but it feels like it's pushing boundaries in bad ways.


Staff member
I forgot to bring this up sooner, but some of the unintentional black face/brown face/yellow face this app creates makes me deeply uncomfortable. I know it's not meant that way, it's just mapping face to face, but it feels like it's pushing boundaries in bad ways.
That particular one maps one face to all faces... So no matter whose face gets used, it's gonna cross ethnic lines. I can delete that one, if you want.