Gas Bandit's DeepFake Abyss


Staff member
Why are none of them using DeepFaceLab?

Too time consuming.
Also DeepFaceLab wants to get its face data from a video, and I don't have access to high enough quality video of people other than myself, and even for myself, we get back to the problem of it being too time consuming, because to really work well it wants 20 minutes of you talking in every direction with every facial expression.


Staff member
Meh, it's doing the weird nose thing again. But, Charlize!!
Yeah, like I said before.. I tried using the other ones first, but the eyes just didn't look right. You might be on to something about the neutral face causing dead eyes.


Staff member
The same company that makes this face swapping app also has a web version that only works on still images (and IMO, not quite as well).

But it might be fun for some of you to play with.
