GasBandit said:
Ethanol: Bad for you, bad for your car, bad for the environment, bad for the economy...
just bad. Stop burning it and just go back to drinking it.
Come on Gas, it's not because you're taking a week off that that you can post random stuff here and not answer for it, so please, AT LEAST READ THE FUCKING THING BEFORE POSTING IT!
Let me give you some quotes from the article:
First, the primary job of the Environmental Protection Agency is, dare it be said, to protect our environment. Yet using ethanol actually creates more smog than using regular gas, and the EPA's own attorneys had to admit that fact in front of the justices presiding over the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in 1995 (API v. EPA).
I beg you pardon?? Is he aware of how Ethanol is PRODUCED??? Does he know that every gram of emission from burnt Ethanol is captured back during its production???? It doesn't matter if Ethanol's emissions are the double, triple, quadruple of those from gasoline, as those emissions are reverted back to hydrocarbons to make more ethanol! Or is he claiming to have discovered a way to revert smoke back to oil???
Second, truly independent studies on ethanol, such as those written by Tad Patzek of Berkeley and David Pimentel of Cornell, show that ethanol is a net energy loser. Other studies suggest there is a small net energy gain from it.
A "net energy loser"??? Well, I am sorry for Berkley University and Cornell, but we have Ethanol production plants here that are powered exclusively by thermal energy from Sugar Cane. Unless he's meaning that Ethanol = Corn Ethanol, which is a very restricted view on the subject, to say the least.
Third, all fuels laced with ethanol reduce the vehicle's fuel efficiency, and the E85 blend drops gas mileage between 30% and 40%, depending on whether you use the EPA's fuel mileage standards ( or those of the Dept. of Energy.
Oh My God, mileage with ethanol is LOWER
??? Let's not use it then!! Even better, why don't we forget this highly inefficient gasoline and switch over to aviation-grade Kerosene? Oh, wait... because it is much more expansive!!! The clown who writes the article is obviously ignorant to the fact that mileage per gallon is less important then mileage per DOLLAR (And Ethanol wins there). Of course, why would an article from BusinessWeek be concerned with the COST per mille? :eyeroll:
Fourth, forget what biofuels have done to the price of foodstuffs worldwide over the past three years; the science seems to suggest that using ethanol increases global warming emissions over the use of straight gasoline
He's back at it AGAIN??? Here bud, check this out... really revolutionary and cutting edge tech:
With that statement they've gone from shilling the public to outright falsehoods, because ethanol-laced gasoline is already destroying engines across the country in ever larger numbers.
Oh, is it so? Fascinating, because we've had full-Ethanol cars here in Brazil for MORE THAN TWENTY SMURFING YEARS and yet somehow we're not seeing the country littered with destroyed car engines... Isn't it odd? :eyeroll:
What bothers me Gas, is that I know you're a smart guy (certainly much smarter than BusinessWeek editor staff), and you would never post such garbage if you just took the time to read it first...