I'm curious why you feel the need to click on this thread at all. Are you just that masochistic?DarkAudit said:Your admitted purpose is to stir up shit, nothing more. So why should I feel the need to post more thanwhen
is enough? :moon:
I'm curious why you feel the need to click on this thread at all. Are you just that masochistic?DarkAudit said:Your admitted purpose is to stir up shit, nothing more. So why should I feel the need to post more thanwhen
is enough? :moon:
It's true, it's TRUE!ZenMonkey said:I'm curious why you feel the need to click on this thread at all. Are you just that masochistic?DarkAudit said:Your admitted purpose is to stir up shit, nothing more. So why should I feel the need to post more thanwhen
is enough? :moon:
And when Dave is overthrown in the inevitable mod revolution, I'm still keeping this fucking thread.Edrondol said:I've said it before and I'll say it again (and I even expressed this in the podcast) - The political thread is here because if it wasn't it would probably spill over everywhere. Everyone is free to express themselves, cajole and otherwise rant here, but the politics thread stays.
The problem wasn't just that Yoo had been scooped up out of the bowels of the DOJ directly by the president without the knowledge of his (Congressionally confirmed) superiors, and was then writing memoranda on the legality of the PSP. No, the real problem was that his advice was apparently so bad that it appears to be something like legal malpractice, yet it was allowed to stand for three years as the official US position on a critical constitutional issue without ever having undergone a shred of peer review or oversight.
My wife smokes a pack a day. She's either going to have to quit or divorce me and marry Bill Gates' richer brother.DarkAudit said:Why ban smoking when you can charge $23 quadrillion for a pack of cigarettes?![]()
Fixed your code for you.Krisken said:[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WheKp_o6Pk:1evbm5kr][/youtube:1evbm5kr]
Hehe, ThanksGasBandit said:Fixed your code for you.
Hold on, video that is clearly unfairly edited? No, I have never seen articles/videos/images taken out of context and used to argue something like that :waah:.GasBandit said:*snip*
Now then, as to the content, it's edited to remove the bullshit questions they were asked. There's a rule that you can't ask a nominee how they would rule on an upcoming case, and democrats routinely dance around, if not overtly break, that rule, especially where abortion is concerned. They want to hear the magic words "I won't overturn roe-vee-wade."
I like how he makes an accusation with no basis (edited to remove what questions were asked... not for time or any other reason) and then applies the only situation that would support his stance (questions about how they would rule in upcoming cases), then take a jab at Democrats.crono1224 said:Hold on, video that is clearly unfairly edited? No, I have never seen articles/videos/images taken out of context and used to argue something like that :waah:.GasBandit said:*snip*
Now then, as to the content, it's edited to remove the bullshit questions they were asked. There's a rule that you can't ask a nominee how they would rule on an upcoming case, and democrats routinely dance around, if not overtly break, that rule, especially where abortion is concerned. They want to hear the magic words "I won't overturn roe-vee-wade."
Hahaha, yeah I like that about every single GasBandit post ever, too.Krisken said:I like how he makes an accusation with no basis (edited to remove what questions were asked... not for time or any other reason) and then applies the only situation that would support his stance (questions about how they would rule in upcoming cases), then take a jab at Democrats.
Other people can't make wild accusations and assumptions. Only Gas can make wild accusations and assumptions!
I noticed one that may have been a repeat. Maybe it just seems like it's repeating because they said it a lot?Covar said:I noticed a good amount of repeat of the same clip in there. They should have added techno music in the background.
But perhaps Gas isn't trying to post Libertarian links? He may be a Libertarian himself but what's that got to do with the links he's posting? He's posting links to get people talking. What's wrong with that? If you respond carefully and in a well thought out manner he tends to respond in kind. And that's why this thread exists, because some of us are happy to do thatDarkAudit said::blue:
Now we've gone even deeper into posting blog posts as if they were "news".
It would save everyone a lot of time to just leave a sticky reading "FUCK OBAMA! FUCK REID! FUCK PELOSI! FUCK THE DEMOCRATS!" :tongue:
'cause when you boil it down to it's essence, that's all it is. You haven't heard Gas offering up any "Libertarian" candidates that not only separates themselves from the others on the right, but resonates with the public as a whole. You haven't heard Gas offer up any ideas that the Libertarians have that weren't absorbed by the likes of Perry and Sanford.
"Card carrying Libertarian." Bah. That card isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Fringe is fringe. :smug:
I think Glenn Beck already has a copyright on that one. :eyeroll:Kissinger said:I think we should have a crying eagle smilie. there could be an american flag behind it. it should be automatically appended to the end of every GasBandit post
This is gonna get messy. Very messy. It was back in the early 80s (under Reagan, but that's neither here nor there) that most states had a drinking age of 18, and the federal government put pressure on the states to raise it to 21 by threatening their federal highway funding. The same way they strong-armed states to lower the speed limit to 55 back in the early 70's. It's been a favorite tactic of administrations on both sides of the aisle to get states to fall in line.GasBandit said:A South Carolina judge has ruled that state law barring underage drinking is unconstitutional.
But in this case is it not the same thing? It is for me.DarkAudit said:He's not posting links to "get people talking". He's posting links to troll
It's worth pointing out that there is half of the CBO report that addresses cost-offsets. The above statement is substantially correct, and worrying, but not to the extent that many (not the CBO) are claiming.GasBandit said:The more time goes on, the worse this whole health care mess looks. Now the Congressional Budget Office says that \"the health care overhauls released to date would increase, not reduce, the burgeoning long-term health costs facing the government.\"
Er, no. The clause in question refers only to the eligibility to be "grandfather insurance", i.e. if you have pre-existing insurance contracts, those contracts remain in force as they are despite the new regulations. New (post-legislation) private insurance contracts will need to include the new regulations, which will include things like not refusing coverage based on pre-existing conditions. This is a completely and utterly different thing than "making private insurance illegal" and won't make the slightest difference to the self-employed.The proposed legislation would also make individual private medical insurance illegal.
From the bill, page 16TeKeo said:Er, no. The clause in question refers only to the eligibility to be \"grandfather insurance\", i.e. if you have pre-existing insurance contracts, those contracts remain in force as they are despite the new regulations. New (post-legislation) private insurance contracts will need to include the new regulations, which will include things like not refusing coverage based on pre-existing conditions. This is a completely and utterly different thing than \"making private insurance illegal\" and won't make the slightest difference to the self-employed.
(a) Grandfathered Health Insurance Coverage Defined- Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, for purposes of establishing acceptable coverage under this division, the term `grandfathered health insurance coverage' means individual health insurance coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the first day of Y1 if the following conditions are met:
(A) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day of Y1.
(B) DEPENDENT COVERAGE PERMITTED- Subparagraph (A) shall not affect the subsequent enrollment of a dependent of an individual who is covered as of such first day.
(2) LIMITATION ON CHANGES IN TERMS OR CONDITIONS- Subject to paragraph (3) and except as required by law, the issuer does not change any of its terms or conditions, including benefits and cost-sharing, from those in effect as of the day before the first day of Y1.
In other words, if your individual private health insurance coverage isn't grandfathered, it's illegal. You have to get your insurance through the government "Exchange" program.© Limitation on Individual Health Insurance Coverage-
(1) IN GENERAL- Individual health insurance coverage that is not grandfathered health insurance coverage under subsection (a) may only be offered on or after the first day of Y1 as an Exchange-participating health benefits plan.
As I said, all this means is that post-legislation-dated coverage won't fall under the definition of "Grandfathered Health Insurance Coverage" unless they meet those particular exceptions.GasBandit said:From the bill, page 16
(a) Grandfathered Health Insurance Coverage Defined- Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, for purposes of establishing acceptable coverage under this division, the term `grandfathered health insurance coverage' means individual health insurance coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the first day of Y1 if the following conditions are met:
(A) IN GENERAL- Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day of Y1.
In other words, if your individual private health insurance coverage isn't grandfathered, it's illegal. You have to get your insurance through the government "Exchange" program.[/quote:2h8248ly]and page 18
[quote:2h8248ly]© Limitation on Individual Health Insurance Coverage-
(1) IN GENERAL- Individual health insurance coverage that is not grandfathered health insurance coverage under subsection (a) may only be offered on or after the first day of Y1 as an Exchange-participating health benefits plan.
We need to call it "Transitioning" offer and Estate Tax Exemptions to those that offer to go throught it. But hey, at least we've found a way to make Social Security solvent: By killing everyone over 70!GasBandit said:Obama's speeches lately have been dancing around the issue of health care rationing for the aged. Couching it in gentle phrases to describe how the better choice may just be to take painkillers instead of getting surgery, or how cancer patients should just throw in the towel and \"choose\" to go ahead and die in a hospice instead of fighting all the way.
I like our current system: killing everyone who doesn't make $100,000 a year because they can't afford health care and are literally dying in the streets of treatable diseases.AshburnerX said:We need to call it \"Transitioning\" offer Estate Tax Exemptions to those that offer to go throught it. But hey, at least we've found a way to make Social Security solvent: By killing everyone over 70!![]()
see this is why I don't live in a blue city.Kissinger said:I like our current system: killing everyone who doesn't make $100,000 a year because they can't afford health care and are literally dying in the streets of treatable diseases.AshburnerX said:We need to call it \"Transitioning\" offer Estate Tax Exemptions to those that offer to go throught it. But hey, at least we've found a way to make Social Security solvent: By killing everyone over 70!![]()
What?Covar said:see this is why I don't live in a blue city.