Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


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The funny thing about comparing Obama to Carter is the simple fact that Obamas presidency has a good chance of being followed by another democrat. Which means that either he wasn't as bad as some people thought or the Republicans have their heads up their asses at a historically unknown depth at this point.

Also, there is a HUGE difference between Obama being blocked from nominating anyone at all and Bush being told that someone with no judicial experience and limited litigation experience wouldn't make a great Supreme Court justice. Oh yeah and for what it's worth he was being told that by his own party.

It's not like he didn't get Roberts and the other guy.


Staff member
Isn't this kind of thing exactly the reason libertarianism exists?[emoji14]Because somewhere along the way, Republicans got confused at the difference between social and political conservatism.
Yes. All hail Barry Goldwater, patron saint of disgruntled republicans-turned-libertarians.
I wonder what their employability will be when they come back home from Lutefisk University. If it turns out to be just as good as one here, I wonder how heavily they'll get flooded and if they'll have to start putting limits on it.
It really depends: if the students want to stay in Europe, I'd imagine they wouldn't have much more trouble finding work there then they would with degree contacts here in the US. And I could see a fair number of people using this as a means to immigrate into Europe... if they already accepted you as a student, it's not hard to see them accepting you as a resident (especially after funding your college education). But I'm betting these programs are diversity programs intended to bolster the ethnic make-up of these schools to provide a greater experience for their native students.


Staff member
Yeah, how dare victims of sexual violence not want to be called lying whores by strangers.
Even if that was what was going to happen, which it's not clear to me that it is, it's not like attending/watching the debate was mandatory. I find most of the content of the democrat debates makes me nauseous and/or spikes my blood pressure, but I don't need somebody to create a democrat-free hugbox within which I would be safely tucked away from things that upset me. It's just more of the mealy-mouthed "self-esteem at all costs" nonsense which is weakening us as a country and a culture.
Even if that was what was going to happen, which it's not clear to me that it is, it's not like attending/watching the debate was mandatory. I find most of the content of the democrat debates makes me nauseous and/or spikes my blood pressure, but I don't need somebody to create a democrat-free hugbox within which I would be safely tucked away from things that upset me. It's just more of the mealy-mouthed "self-esteem at all costs" nonsense which is weakening us as a country and a culture.
That is so lacking in basic human empathy I honestly don't even know how to respond.
I mean your whole post is basically, "Well, if they're not like me, fuck 'em. I don't need special consideration." Well, that's because as a more-or-less middle class white male in America, the fucking world caters to you already. You've got less than a 3% chance of being a victim of sexual violence; college girls have a 1 in 4 likelihood of being raped. You don't have to worry about your employers sexually harassing you. You don't have to worry about being excluded from many fields of employment (or at least being in a tiny minority) because of who you are, rather than what your qualifications are. So, great, you don't need special treatment - because you already get it automatically.


Staff member
I mean your whole post is basically, "Well, if they're not like me, fuck 'em. I don't need special consideration." Well, that's because as a more-or-less middle class white male in America, the fucking world caters to you already. You've got less than a 3% chance of being a victim of sexual violence; college girls have a 1 in 4 likelihood of being raped. You don't have to worry about your employers sexually harassing you. You don't have to worry about being excluded from many fields of employment (or at least being in a tiny minority) because of who you are, rather than what your qualifications are. So, great, you don't need special treatment - because you already get it automatically.
Are you saying that if there is not a safe space for these people to barricade themselves in, this debate will lead to their rape?
Not specifically, but one of the participants in the debate has mocked the concept of rape culture previously. The debate is about how 3rd/4th wave feminism can't tolerate dissent.
Ohhhhh. Okay, that does change things a bit. While I don't think a safe space is too much to ask - it's not hard to find spaces not in use at a college - that's a far different subject that I thought it was about. And if I'm honest, that's at least a subject that can be debated. While I think generally the answer is no, there are definitely instances where individuals have gone overboard defensively, so to speak. Mostly on tumblr.
Yeah, how dare victims of sexual violence not want to be called lying whores by strangers.
I can tell that you're either not paying attention, or overreacting. My point is that there's a world of difference between saying something stupid (like mocking the idea of rape culture) and actual violence. It actually reinforces his claim that the current college generation can't handle people saying something they don't agree with.

It would be like someone shouting "RAPE!" if a stranger accidentally bumps into them on the street.
I can tell that you're either not paying attention, or overreacting. My point is that there's a world of difference between saying something stupid (like mocking the idea of rape culture) and actual violence. It actually reinforces his claim that the current college generation can't handle people saying something they don't agree with.

It would be like someone shouting "RAPE!" if a stranger accidentally bumps into them on the street.
In all honestly, it was a bit of both. I'd thought the debate was on rape culture in college.


Staff member
Wow, that is some good old fashioned no holds barred corruption. Good lord.[DOUBLEPOST=1456409226,1456409060][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I heard Marco Rubio this morning talking to a crowd of Texans promising to eliminate the burdensone regulations on oil drilling, because we are so in need of cheap oil. Did he write those notes a few years ago and just forget to update them?
Also, I heard Marco Rubio this morning talking to a crowd of Texans promising to eliminate the burdensone regulations on oil drilling, because we are so in need of cheap oil. Did he write those notes a few years ago and just forget to update them?
He needs to dispel the myth that cheap gas doesn't know what it's doing. Because I, for one, believe it knows exactly what it's doing. I'm not sure if anyone else gets the sense that it's undertaking a systematic effort to let us buy Hummers again, but it seems to me that it knows exactly what it's doing. So let's, once and for all, dispel this myth that cheap gas doesn't know what it's doing. It knows exactly what it's doing.


Staff member
Honestly at this point I think the writing is on the wall. Which makes this the most insane presidential election I've ever seen. If Sanders wins the democratic nomination then that kicks it up exponentially in insanity.
University of Michigan creates "Safe Space" to protect students frightened by an approaching debate on the subject “Does Feminism Have a Free Speech Problem?”
Having graduated from there I was annoyed at this, but it turns out that this isn't the University providing a "safe space" it's merely one of the student groups there providing a safe space.

So this isn't anything more than one group bringing the debate to campus, and another group forming a meeting space in opposition, and this in not uncommon among the more divisive groups on public universities like UofMichigan.

I remember the "by any means necessary" group(s) opposing, picketing, and creating alternative discussions to quite a few related - and unrelated - talks/debates/etc on campus when I was there, but that was in the beginning of the affirmative action fight so they had to make their unhappiness with certain people and lines of thought known.

Fortunately University of Michigan is split between two campuses, central campus where all the arts and sciences are, and north campus where engineering, architecture, and music live. I spent almost all my time on north campus, and the various political and social groups were not nearly as active there as central. I think I only took two classes on central, stats and fantasy literature.
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