Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


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Dunno if anyone else has been watching Sears incredible decline into garbage over the years, but the CEO has some fun words to say about it

Here's why I'm putting it in this thread. Lampert is a HUGE Rand-style free market guy. He came from hedge funds and when he took over Sears he said he was going to institute Rand approved concepts of business management. One of those is completely eschewing the value of verticle integration and making Sears brand products compete for shelf space in their own stores. BRILLIANT. He also set departments against each other tooth and nail for funding, so instead of seeing any synergistic gains from cross-department work (a fairly important thing in a large company) the departments were actively competing against each other. Because remember, Rand tells us that all competition is good.

Anyways, this guy is pretty much a laughing stock of the business world right now. He completely destroyed one of the most iconic brands in the US, and we have Rand and her Randroid to thank for that.


Staff member
Yeah, it doesn't seem like he understands where competition helps and where it doesn't. If our IT department had to "compete" against our sales department for funding, the place would go under.
It sounds more like he doesn't understand the different costs in regards to departments. Accounting isn't a value added department, but you fucking need it to get shit done.
Besides craftsman tools, I have not purchased anything at a Sears in 30 years. They have been dying for decades. KMart is just as bad. Filthy stores with out quality products will not bring anyone in as a customer.
Regardless of whether or not he mismanaged the company, Sears was on it's way out when it refused to copy the Amazon model and go digital for sales. Amazon is really just an online variation of business that Sears & Roebuck invented in the 1800's and if they had copied the model THEN, we'd all be buying out books and video games at instead of Amazon. They had the infrastructure, warehouses, distribution model... they had every advantage and pissed it away by not changing their business model.
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It sounds more like he doesn't understand the different costs in regards to departments. Accounting isn't a value added department, but you fucking need it to get shit done.
That was what I was trying to say, but you said it better. It's like, I don't try to make my liver compete with my colon, you know?


Staff member
The polls say Cruz will beat Trump in Texas, but Rubio will lose Florida to Trump. At this point, the only candidate who looks to me like he even has a small chance of stopping Trump from being the republican nominee is Cruz, and that's only if everybody else withdraws to stop splitting the vote ASAP... which doesn't seem like it will happen, as Rubio has put all his career eggs in this basket.

I'd be hard pressed to put money against Trump getting the nomination at this point. Maybe he's what Americans deserve for all our sins.

I'm getting this sinking feeling that Trump is the only player in some kind of Tropico-style game, and this is the tutorial section. It doesn't matter what he does at this point, he's supposed to get the nomination so we can go on to Chapter 2, where they teach you to win federal elections.
I'd really like to see the numbers regarding life long Republicans ether staying home or voting Democrat this election JUST because of Trump. Of course, that's not really saying much... I've been seeing polls saying that even Cruz and Rubio supports have Trump as their second pick.
I'd really like to see the numbers regarding life long Republicans ether staying home or voting Democrat this election JUST because of Trump. Of course, that's not really saying much... I've been seeing polls saying that even Cruz and Rubio supports have Trump as their second pick.
That's because the majority of the country are idiots who have bought into the Bullshit line that you have to vote for one of two parties regardless of the candidates.


Staff member
Hey, I wholeheartedly support all the Republicans who aren't happy with their candidates to go vote 3rd party. Exercise your rights people!
Oh man. You just jinxed it!

Now they're all gonna vote for Trump after he loses the Republican Nomination.
As much as the idea of a Trump presidency seems legitimately frightening, Trumping winning as a third party candidate would do much to upend the current election system... which is actually a good thing.
As much as the idea of a Trump presidency seems legitimately frightening, Trumping winning as a third party candidate would do much to upend the current election system... which is actually a good thing.
The shattering of the power structures behind the GOP coalition is generally a good thing.


Staff member
Hillary and Rubio get the respective nominations. Trump and Sanders run on 3rd and 4th party tickets, respectively. Watch the fun ensue.
Hillary and Rubio get the respective nominations. Trump and Sanders run on 3rd and 4th party tickets, respectively. Watch the fun ensue.
I think that would go a long way towards opening people's eyes and making a good chunk of Washington start paying attention.

Allies of Iran's reformist President Hassan Rouhani have won a landslide victory in Tehran, in the first parliamentary vote since Iran signed a nuclear deal with world powers.

With 90% of the votes counted, the pro-Rouhani List of Hope is set to take all 30 parliamentary seats in the capital.

The leading conservative candidate Gholamali Haddad-Adel is in 31st place.
The reformists are generally pro-Western and want a more progressive Iran to take part in the world community, instead of being an isolated backwater.
So...a return to the 70's?

Pretty much. Iran embraced religious conservatism and gained nothing over 40 years... and now it's younger generations what the kind of economic mobility and educational opportunities that their parents/grandparents had.[DOUBLEPOST=1456686544,1456686513][/DOUBLEPOST]
Except for the whole "puppet state of the CIA and UK" thing, maybe.
Also this.