It's because you think that with all the crazy related by
@Zero Esc its the implied skin color of the speakers that concerns
@Eriol. Not, y'know, them talking in public about killing gay people.
I'd be anxious about
those black people, specifically. And I'd be concerned about the environment - that bus, that neighbourhood, whatever - that they feel okay about talking so openly, so publicly about hatred and murder. That's not an environment I ever encountered in Toronto.
They felt comfortable doing so because they're idiots, not their ethnicity. There were other people of varying ethnicities, because that's the kind of area I live in, on the bus and no one was chiming in to their shit. Not to mention, one of the guys talked about how truthbringers like himself get turned away and "n******s always trying to fight me cause they don't want to listen to the truth." I'm pretty sure one of them isn't popular; the other one seemed like he probably keeps this shit to himself when he doesn't have a like-minded individual around him.
And I've heard people chime-in with the back-of-the-bus preachers before, sometimes to join them, sometimes to explain to them that yelling at strangers on a bus isn't exactly getting the message across. These two, no one wanted anything to do with them. There's a reason the seat near them was empty for me to take

Edit: We're also just guessing at their race.
If it helps anybody, they were black. I kind of confirmed that already when Charlie mentioned Hoteps. I could've slapped that was a "I need this explained" but Null is right, we're getting kinda lazy, so I Googled it.
From Urban Dictionary:
Black men who are only concerned about matters of social justice when it comes to black men and have little or no regard for the health and well-being of other members of the black race unless those people can serve to uphold their misogynistic societal ideas.
Hoteps are bitter black men who are somewhat progressive though undereducated on issues of racial prejudice and use pro-black rhetoric to support ideas that are clearly not in the best interest of all black people.
These men are typically misogynists who display a particularly high level of disrespect for the thoughts, bodies and experiences of black women, black homosexuals and black children. These men regularly espouse anti-intellectual and anti-scientific beliefs about nutrition, women's menstrual cycles and child development on social media.
Jay is always so outraged over the oppression of black men, but often posts derogatory memes about black women and gays on social media. I finally had to just stop talking to him because he is such a hotep."
One who thinks and talks enlightenment and has no idea what he or she is actually talking about. Found predominately in the African American culture. Hotep thinkers believe almost everything is a conspiracy against the black race while having no actual proof to back up said conspiracy.
"The real George Washington was actually black, but the white man doesn't want you to know that"
I was on the same bus with them for 15 minutes and they were speaking quickly, so there's too much to give a full transcript, but these descriptions fit those two's conversation perfectly. If someone really needs it spelled out, there were a number of other people on the bus who were black, white, Hispanic, Asian, none of whom were into this nonsense. Two idiots on a bus doesn't make an entire area terrible. For perspective, a guy I knew in some part of Canada years ago had an encounter with two neo-Nazis on a bus who tried to fight the bus driver, and the guy I knew, and made their beliefs pretty loud and clear. Doesn't mean all of Canada is a nightmare.
You can have shit-bags anywhere.[DOUBLEPOST=1477996656,1477996261][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, when I was living in China, I was like, Fuck these people--they're 99% Han Chinese so their lack of multi-cultural diverse opinions are shit.
I know you're joking, but I had a friend from Taiwan and that's pretty much her sentiment. I never knew the term "mainland Chinese" before I heard her say it like it was a four-letter word. I wonder if I lost contact with her after my wedding because she found out my best friend is Chinese. Shit, I never thought of that before. That'd be horrible.