People like that make it hard for me to hold on to any of my old Christian faith.
Long ago I started calling myself agnostic, because I do feel there is something greater out there, and that having some faith is a good thing, but that I could no longer accept that any one religion had the monopoly on God. My faith has held long enough that I even sent my kids to a Christian preschool so they would understand some basics of theology, while teaching them myself on matter of keeping an open mind and acceptance of other beliefs.
Now, I just don't know. More and more I feel like "God" as we have come to know him, through all faiths, feels more like a construct idiots in power have been using for centuries to keep their old vapid and damaging beliefs maintained, and that half of those people don't even actually believe in the teachings of Christ, but instead just want all that sexy untaxed profit that comes with being a "Prophet". (har har)
I don't think I will ever become a full on atheist, because I will always believe something exists beyond the pale of this existence even if not something as driven like Heaven or Hell, but I really am at the point I want organized religion as a whole to just wither and die, because everywhere I look, whether the restrictions of women in Iran, the apartheid happening in Israel, to the purges happening in Africa, to the bullshit we see with Evangelicals here in the states, I am starting to feel organizing religion as the core behind any specific banner brings nothing but pain in the long run.