Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


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Hey, you know damn well I've been advocating to get out of all the other houses.

If only things were as simple as you make it out to be :)
Problem is we seem to have gone into a couple MORE houses in the last couple years.

I know I'm right wing and all that, but somewhere inside me, even I'm starting to wonder if that "second job" you were talking about is going to end up BEING taking other people's houses. Nothing like a wartime economy, right?


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President Obama's Teleprompter has been stolen.

Presidential Teleprompter Thievery of the Day: Thieves temporarily made off with a truck containing $200,000 worth of sound equipment and podiums belonging to President Obama. Also among the stolen wares: His trusty teleprompter.

The truck was lifted from the Virginia Center Commons Courtyard Marriott parking lot in Henrico. It was reportedly on its way to Chesterfield, where the president is due to speak tomorrow.​

The vehicle was later recovered near a Holiday Inn Express parking lot by the airport. No word on what, if anything was stolen.​

A Defense Information Systems Agency released this statement: “No classified or sensitive information was in the vehicle. We take incidents such as this very seriously and a formal investigation is continuing.”​
I hate how conservatives have keyed on the fact that President Obama uses a teleprompter, totally ignoring the fact that every president uses one. Obama is no more dependent on his than Reagan was.


Staff member
I hate how conservatives have keyed on the fact that President Obama uses a teleprompter, totally ignoring the fact that every president uses one. Obama is no more dependent on his than Reagan was.
It was more along the lines that anytime he got off-teleprompter (had to speak off the cuff or think fast), something like this happened:

I gotta agree, Obama is great at performing a canned speech but he SUCKS at doing improve. It's one of his biggest weaknesses as a candidate and a politician.
None of that is more true than it was for Reagan. This is more of that selective memory bullshit that irritates me to no end in politics. Reagan used a teleprompter, and Reagan had mistakes when he went off of it. He just has the benefits of time and no 24/7 news network dedicated to his destruction.


Staff member
None of that is more true than it was for Reagan. This is more of that selective memory bullshit that irritates me to no end in politics. Reagan used a teleprompter, and Reagan had mistakes when he went off of it. He just has the benefits of time and no 24/7 news network dedicated to his destruction.
Oh, no, I quite clearly remember everybody making fun of how "senile/alzheimered" Reagan was.

Still, neither of them can beat poor Admiral Stockdale. "Who am I? Why am I here?"
The fuck is up with NY cops lately?
Lately? I've been under the impression that they were ALWAYS like this. It comes from a lot of the early police departments from the late 1800's/early 1900's being little more than gangs with badges. It's an institutionalized problem.


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Academia - for good or ill (and sometimes it gets very ill), the last place where someone can say something that completely pisses off everybody and not have their life ruined.

As much as I deplore what Avery said, I have to say I'm glad he felt able to say it - indeed, I hope many, many people can use this to create a more accurate impression for themselves of what kind of person he is. And, as Suffolk University is a private institution, I don't have to get my knickers in a twist about public funds going to his pockets, unlike another academic pariah of the last decade.

People sugar-coat and repress too much these days. Nobody says what they mean, just what they think they are expected to say. Better a true enemy than a false friend any day, I say. It's gotten to where, in our stepford smiling culture, "nice" or "good" is baseline. You're expected to say "good, how are you?" when someone asks how you are, regardless of how crappy your day/week/year has been. It just cheapens when truly good things happen. It's one thing to try to make everything better... it's another to just pretend that nothing negative exists.


Gas I am pretty sure it has always been that way especially in regards to the how do you do point. It's just a courtesy and always has been. We keep things to ourselves because it is not always important to splatter the world with every personal opinion. "Getting along" to the point where you can't say anything is not good and "speaking your mind" to the point where you are a blathering asshole is not good either. There has to be happy medium.

You think we are more courteous and withdrawn opinionwise today and I say it is exactly the opposite. People say whatever the hell they want to on Facebook, on Twitter, on the street and they don't feel any responsibility to the rest of the society because they have this warped sense of what Freedom of Speech means. Just because you can say something doesn't mean you should.


Staff member
Gas I am pretty sure it has always been that way especially in regards to the how do you do point. It's just a courtesy and always has been. We keep things to ourselves because it is not always important to splatter the world with every personal opinion. "Getting along" to the point where you can't say anything is not good and "speaking your mind" to the point where you are a blathering asshole is not good either. There has to be happy medium.

You think we are more courteous and withdrawn opinionwise today and I say it is exactly the opposite. People say whatever the hell they want to on Facebook, on Twitter, on the street and they don't feel any responsibility to the rest of the society because they have this warped sense of what Freedom of Speech means. Just because you can say something doesn't mean you should.
To a point I can see where you're coming from - and I definitely agree that social media is an e-cancer that enables people to make each other miserable in far lesser an amount of time. Civility, professionalism, all that and whatnot. I'm not talking about people who want to get in people's faces and act rudely obstreperous "just because."

What I am talking about is the man who has an unpopular (or even commonly repugnant) point of view, expressing it within the calm framework of civil discourse. Now, granted the guy in this case probably should have chosen a better medium than an all-hands e-mail. That was probably not the best of decisions (especially if it was from his university e-mail address, where people receiving it could erroneously believe it to be work or class related) - a web column or something to that effect probably would have been more appropriate.

I disagree completely and fundamentally with what he said. I think he is an asshole. If his university were to choose to let him go, I could understand why - but I am also not outraged if they do not. That's between them and how much they are willing to let applications/donations suffer for it. After all, if I were looking for an institute of higher learning, this particular one would probably now be a lot lower on my list.

But the stepford smiles of every shop clerk I run into grate on me after a while. You're not happy to see me, your boss makes you pretend to be happy to see me. You tell me "have a nice day," it doesn't mean you genuinely wish the rest of my day well, it's just noises you've been programmed to mean "this is the end of our communication." Same for "how are you?" It's just a meaningless ritual noise we make, garbage in the carrier handshake while establishing a signal. When every interaction has a forced pseudoglee to it, how do we know when the other person is actually happy we're here? They have to go above and beyond even that - they have to get manic, which can get just as annoying even faster.
Social lubricant, GB. That's all it is. If a business could compete by putting outspoken, blunt reps as their face, they would. Most people don't want to be contradicted or snubbed in any way. Consider the signal-to-noise problem you are experiencing with genuine happiness the cost of doing business.


Staff member
Social lubricant, GB. That's all it is. If a business could compete by putting outspoken, blunt reps as their face, they would. Most people don't want to be contradicted or snubbed in any way. Consider the signal-to-noise problem you are experiencing with genuine happiness the cost of doing business.
I'm not saying I want every clerk to be sullen or combative. A simple straight face and a "what can I do for you?" is fine for me, and refreshing when I rarely run into it. Quick. Efficient. Honest. Polite without insulting my intelligence.
I'm not saying I want every clerk to be sullen or combative. A simple straight face and a "what can I do for you?" is fine for me, and refreshing when I rarely run into it. Quick. Efficient. Honest. Polite without insulting my intelligence.
Yet many would interpret that as unfriendly. You would likely see a drop in business to that store rather than an increase.


Staff member
Yet many would interpret that as unfriendly. You would likely see a drop in business to that store rather than an increase.
Because the baseline has been established at an unrealistically high level. Which is what I'm griping about. I'm sure at some point some company will get the bright idea to even take it to the next level, and have the sales rep's tongue in your mouth within 3 seconds of you entering the store.
Because the baseline has been established at an unrealistically high level. Which is what I'm griping about. I'm sure at some point some company will get the bright idea to even take it to the next level, and have the sales rep's tongue in your mouth within 3 seconds of you entering the store.
I would argue that people respond to fake friendliness in an inherently positive manner. It taps into our evolved, social nature and that it is not learned or a exclusively a cultural thing.


Staff member
I would argue that people respond to fake friendliness in an inherently positive manner. It taps into our evolved, social nature and that it is not learned or a exclusively a cultural thing.
I don't know about that. Remember the 80s, when even other americans were making fun of californians for always saying "have a nice day?" I think it is a cultural thing.
I don't know about that. Remember the 80s, when even other americans were making fun of californians for always saying "have a nice day?" I think it is a cultural thing.
Culture will no doubt moderate the degree of nicety but you'll see it everywhere. The midwest and the south are known outside of those areas for their niceness.


I'll tell you this much when I tell a caller I appreciate their business (which I don't I couldn't care less about their business and I wish they hadn't called) the call general goes much smoother than when I forget. Even fake caring is better than none I guess.
If you thought that 12-year old thing was ridiculous, check out this shit.

Local DA charges 6 year old playing doctor with sexual assault; her reasoning? "The legislature could have put an age restriction in the statute if it wanted to. The legislature did no such thing."

To add insult to injury, she also got a gag order on the parents so they can't talk about the case.
I really can't believe that bullshit... 1st degree sexual assault for playing doctor? What the hell is wrong with people? I hope this comes back to bite that prosecutor in the ass.

I feel really bad for the kids involved in this... especially the little boy.