AND, I'd like to point out why I chose Genesis for my next GBI Branch office -
Like Titan, it is a snow world, so it is rich in wood, plant and animal life and the predators are slow and large and easily dealt with. Water is super easy to access (in fact, I was using Genesis as my water-source for the Kiki Orbital Branch even before I built a base on Genesis), since snow counts as water to water extractors. The weather is generally mild-to-cold, but not as cold as space. There's no radiation or anything, so as long as you've got an EVA booster, you're more than warm enough. Only occasionally do hailstorms come along that will injure anyone not under a roof/in a vehicle

and even then, only at about 5 hp every 5 seconds.
Also like Titan, Genesis is just one jump from Kiki, which is basically another Yaral - a daily-wiped resource world. In fact, it's even closer - a mere 10 AU jump instead of the 20 from Titan to Kiki. The surface of Kiki is PvE (but the orbit is PvP) despite being deep in PvP territory, so you don't have to worry about players while you're mining - just when you're coming home.
And if push comes to shove, the Kiki Orbital Branch is nearby if things go sideways, though I'd like its location (20km out into space from Kiki, more or less straight "down" from the south pole) to remain just among us, so other players won't find and kill it. It's got a large compliment of turrets, naturally, but once a space station is found, it's just a matter of time for a determined attacker to deplete its ammo with evasive maneuvers/armored baffles and then move in for the plunder. When no GBI are on, all those bases have Offline Protection, but since I have set them to GBI ownership, whenever ANY GBI faction member is online, all offline protections go away.