That may indeed pose a dilemma. On the one hand, you have people living paycheck-to-paycheck, not being able to save anything since everything goes to paying the normal bills plus the monthly installments. On the other hand, you have people who make just as little, but who didn't blow it all on that Playstation or that big-ass widescreen tv, and managed to put a little money aside.
So, on the one hand, you have people who squandered everything they received, and are now in dire straits partly because of their profligacy. On he other hand, you have people who made do with what little they received, and actually have some assets. With a limited budget for assistance, when there just isn't enough money to go around, who is the one who needs/deserves assistance the most? Will you support the ones who have nothing and need the money to survive? Or will you support the ones who are actually trying to help themselves, but can make do without assistance for at least a short period of time?
A bit of an extreme example, but I think not all who are without assets have done all that they could to avoid getting to that point.