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Definitely grew up on anime and manga myself. I will agree with Espy though, I burnt out somewhere in the mid 90s. Last real series' I thought were any good (Revolutionary Girl Utena, Deathnote Season 1, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Record of Lodoss War, Tenchi Seasons 1-3) are all but forgotten with their beautiful animation, engaging and well thoughtout stories in this day and age of "anime".
I agree a lot of anime is crap, but so is a lot of any other medium. I don't write off anime for the same reason I don't write off "normal" tv shows, or movies, or music.

Definitely grew up on anime and manga myself. I will agree with Espy though, I burnt out somewhere in the mid 90s. Last real series' I thought were any good (Revolutionary Girl Utena, Deathnote Season 1, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Record of Lodoss War, Tenchi Seasons 1-3) are all but forgotten with their beautiful animation, engaging and well thoughtout stories in this day and age of "anime".
Death Note season 1 doesn't really count as being in the "good old days" with the rest of those, it's only 5 years old, compared to the decade+ for the others. It really should count as being part of "this day and age".
You're right, it's one of the rare "new" gems. I kind of got lost in the moment of writing down the very few good anime I've seen in the past 15yrs.
I found angel beats was a diamond in the rough. it started like some stupid generic anime, and ended as something truly beautiful.
I would give up all the anime that is available to me on TV in North America if someone would re-air Sailor Moon.
Added at: 19:28
DISCLAIMER: This may be nostalgia talking.
Luckily I snagged all the remastered Sailor Moons when they were limited dvd released. Original soundtracks with japanese dialogue. Honestly though, I kind of miss the English voice actors. If they could do a Dragonball rerelease where we get to keep the original soundtrack but use the English dub? That'd be heaven and I'd definitely rebuy.
I have yet to see any anime series that truly compares with GitS:SAC. Not saying that there aren't other excellent series out there, heck no. Just saying that GitS:SAC is better than sliced bread.
I meant to say a Sailor Moon re-release. I have the Dragon boxes for Dragonball.
yeah the reason it wont happen here yet is toei the company that owns it in japan still wants millions of dollars for the rights to distribute it in this country(USA) I know for a fact that Funimation(believe me you want them to do it) is waiting like a hungry dog to get a deal where they can re-release it with out destroying the company.
Yeah, for now I'll enjoy my remastered SM on dvd, despite the lack of dubbing. I do enjoy my Dragonball/Z series the way it was remastered though.

Oh well, we'll see what happens in the next 10 years.
the problem is the Japanese believe that their old series have super value(early 90's stuff) but the reality is the market really isn't there anymore. if they offered sailor moon for like 250k a season it would get licensed and released. we would probably get all of it. i really want a good dub of card captor sakura, but no one wants to spend the money on the license.
See that IS what bothers me though, when they were doing the limited remaster, apparantly it DIDN'T do well enough to have them finish it. Sailor Stars was never remastered and released here. :(
Shame, it really is an amazing send-off to what became a pretty deep series. Who would have guessed that with it's first 10 episodes.
I'm kinda of liking Durarara!! and it's very Rashomon-esque take on story telling. It almost feels like a slice of life series... except that it involves the kind of people you'd never see in such a series. I'm glad it's on now, as Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood has come to an end and Bleach is just... awful.
Did you watch Baccano!, by any chance? Source material is from the same author, and the anime has the same director.
For Blu-Ray, sure, but $30 for the DVD box set seems pretty darn reasonable, even for an impulse buy.

Of course, that doesn't really matter since the entire show is available streaming on Hulu, Youtube (an official Funi channel), and Funimation's own streaming page.
i meant to buy the last movie but at the end of august i bought the equipment to start lping with a friend so I havent seen the end of eden.


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I've watched anime and don't like it.
All of it? That's a huge generalization. I mean it's more of a style of drawing or a country of origin than a genre, since it comes in all types, aimed at all age levels, with all kinds of stories. It's a little like saying "I don't like books with red covers". Or (ironically) like some guy saying "all black people are criminals because I got robbed twice by a black guy".
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