Grades so bad, you have to kill your hamster.

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Staff member
I used to have hamsters. I'd feed them to my snake. Was that cruelty? If they feel fear I'll bet they were scared. Does that mean that I should go to jail? Why? How was setting them up as food (yes, they have to be living and moving to get attacked usually) different than bashing them once or twice with a hammer? The difference is that one was child abuse and the other was not.


Staff member
If you died and couldn't set out the kibbles, they would EAT YOU!
People do that too.[/QUOTE]

Very, very rarely. With animals it's nearly every time. Plus, people are thinking creatures who figure out how to get their own kibbles or call for help. Animals can't do that because they are NOT people and are NOT sentient.[/QUOTE]

I know, just messin with you.

Problem with animal cruelty is it's based more on human emotion than animal suffering. Animals that we form more of a bond with will be considered for animal cruelty before animals we don't, so it's pretty subjective.[/QUOTE]

Quite subjective indeed. Cows can clearly feel pain and suffer. But we kill them with clubs to the head thousands upon thousands of times a day.
What are you guys talking about?! Self aware = it can tell that's it's image in the mirror... and plenty of animals can do that.

But we kill them with clubs to the head thousands upon thousands of times a day.
As i recall over here the hit to the head is to daze them, they die from getting their throats slit right after... (i have no idea how they do it at the industrial level though).


Staff member
But we kill them with clubs to the head thousands upon thousands of times a day.
As i recall over here the hit to the head is to daze them, they die from getting their throats slit right after... (i have no idea how they do it at the industrial level though).
That might be it too. I didn't look to carefully. Really though, that would just make it more cruel, to hit them non-lethally.


I've heard of places that use an air powered spike through the skull. The cows are herded through this line and an operator holds the 'gun' up to the cows head and drives the spike through. They drop onto a conveyor belt and brought out to the rest of processing.

They say it's humane, but it can't be perfect.
I've heard of places that use an air powered spike through the skull. The cows are herded through this line and an operator holds the 'gun' up to the cows head and drives the spike through. They drop onto a conveyor belt and brought out to the rest of processing.

They say it's humane, but it can't be perfect.
I was going to say this, but add that it is also the weapon used in No Country for Old Men.


If I learned anything from American Gods they kills cows with a sledgehammer.
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