Halforums Academy 2 Character Creation Thread


Staff member
It’s time to opt in and roll up your characters for Halforums Academy 2! In case you’re new or have forgotten, here’s a link to last year’s Halforums Academy threads.

HA1 Character creation:

HA1 Story update thread:

As with last year, there will be no explicit content in the feed, though the story will undoubtedly involve characters “getting busy” with each other. Unlike the sims, where the action is watched from on high by an omniscient being, Artificial Academy requires me to run the game from the perspective of one of the students, though which student that is will change from day to day. I do my best to not have the student act out of character (in accordance with your descriptions in your character sheet) when I am in control of them. You may roll male or female, and there’s no real problem with you creating a character who is not “you,” but if you ask me trying to make your avatar as similar to yourself as possible is part of the fun.


Major changes include new personality types, an overhaul of the traits/quirks, elimination of the “tastes” section, the addition of fighting styles and tokens, exams, grades, and how clubs work has changed. It is now possible for students to play hooky from class/clubs, change clubs, and be eliminated from the game via pregnancy (both parents drop out). Murder is still possible, and still removes both the killer and the victim from the game, unless one or the other makes a lucky saving throw (unless both do, in which case they cancel out and both are still removed). Students may now make plans to go on dates on sundays, the dates are part of gameplay, and every other saturday is an exam day. There is a “teacher” slot in the class but I doubt we will be using it as the “teacher” is still the same age and stature as the student body, just with imposed hurdles and consequences to interaction with the students.

Unlike last year, I’ve created a blogger blog to contain the updates, which I think will help presentation some and lend some more permanence to the story in case something happens to the thread (you never know). That blog address is http://halforumsacademy2.blogspot.com/ though I will still create a discussion/update thread where links to updates will be posted.

This space reserved for cast list. Names will turn blue/pink as I complete their character, with a link to a picture of said character. Requests for changes to appearance must be made before the game proper starts. In the unlikely event we get more volunteers than the class can hold, slots will be first-come-first served, with a waiting list of students waiting to transfer in if and when slots become available.

Lord Rendar - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/rendar-png.16490/
Film Fanatic - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/ff-png.16495/
Gusto - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/gusto-png.16497/
Null - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/null-png.16504/
Cheesy1 - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/cheesy1-png.16505/
Bones - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/bones-png.16508/
CynicismKills - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/cynicismkills-png.16514/
Tinwhistler - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/tinwhistler-png.16512/
PatrThom - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/patr-goober-png.16534/
Stienman - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/stienman-png.16538/
Eriol - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/eriol-png.16539/
Fade - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/fade-png.16521/

Mind Detective - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/mdfemale-png.16511/
AshburnerX - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/ashburner-png.16498/
Dei - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/dei-png.16500/
Celt Z - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/celtz-png.16503/
LittleKagsin - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/littlekags-png.16506/
Zero Esc - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/zeroesc-png.16507/
RavenPoe - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/ravenpoe-png.16524/
Wasabi Poptart - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/wasabi-png.16530/
Officer_Charon - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/lana_charon-png.16535/
Dirona - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/dirona-png.16536/
Terrik - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/li-jun-terrik-png.16537/
Shakey - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/shakey-png.16523/

Teacher -
GasBandit - https://www.halforums.com/attachments/petra-png.16540/

Character sheets below in the next two posts. Quote the one appropriate for the gender of your character and fill it out.
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Staff member
Female options - Quote this post and fill out the form
Physical Attributes-
Height (Short/Average/Tall):
Figure (Thin/Medium/Chubby):
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc):
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive):
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok):
Makeup (Optional mascara or lipstick, unfortunately no blush options):
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames):
Additional descriptions (Optional, eg "flatchested," "wasp-waisted," "Mole on chin/eye," "angry bushy eyebrows," etc, describe in detail):
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc):
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Name: First and Last
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius):
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic):
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly):
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a brazen slattern, 5 being the morality police):
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo):
Fighting Style:
(Pick one of the following:
No Restraint - this style foregoes all defense on an all out barrage of offense, seeking to overwhelm the unprepared. Generally beats "Irregular."
One Blow - this style carefully defends until an opening is presented, then attempts to end the fight in one decisive strike. Generally beats "No Restraint."
Irregular - this style balances attack and defense, attempting to be unpredictable to gain the upper hand. Generally beats "One Blow.")

Personality - Pick One of the following
Lively - Energetic and enthusiastic about doing fun things, not so much studying, but will do so if she likes the people involved.
Delicate - Hesitant, sensitive, considerate and shy. Cares much about everyone's feelings as well as her own.
Cheerful - Always happy, even looks like it when she really isn't.
Quiet - Soft spoken, stoic and reserved with a dry sense of humor.
Flirty - Acts like a cat in heat. How she follows through, however, is still governed by the virtue stat.
Overexcitable - Positive but easy to get carried away, especially by what interests her. Yells a lot. Might need Ritalin.
Kind - Pleasant and polite, likes to make others happy, which in turn makes her happy.
Friendly- Relaxed and easygoing, easy to get along with. Not afraid to go after what she wants for herself, though...
Girly- Chatty, lighthearted, interested in stereotypically "girl" things.
Cranky- Rather tsundere, complains a lot, lectures, sometimes insults. Doesn't know what to do when she likes someone.
Bitchy- Negative, abusive, dismissive. Even mean to people she likes.
Sweet- sweet and polite, strives for harmony. Sweet-talks people into things. Can reveal an edge however if she doesn't get what she wants.
Creepy- has unsettling interests (eg, Yaoi fixation), socially awkward, tends to not mix well with normal people.
Insecure- Passive, stuttering, hesitant to do things, even what she likes/wants. Follows others' lead.
Dignified- From a rich family. Appears mature, polite and reflective, but takes luxury and class for granted.
Aloof- Seems distant and unapproachable, but still waters run deep - pierce the surface, and find a turbulent sea beneath.
Romantic- Reads a lot of romance novels, eager to try it for real. Very literate and smart, but has confidence issues.
Driven- Serious about her pursuits, and attracted to others who are similar.
Mature- More worldly than her average classmate, with unflappable, pleasant grace. Patient and supportive to those she likes.
Lazy- Very economical with her energy. Hedonistic. Wants to be provided for, and has an eye out for who can do so.
Tomboy- A girl of few words. Rough around the edges. Respects those who can keep up with her on the leaderboard.
Matronly- Acts as a mother or caretaker toward her peers.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Easygoing- "Clicks" easier with romantic interests, easy to fall in love, has chemistry with more people.
Affable- Easy to get along with, becomes friends easily.
Bad with guys- Has difficulty dealing with boys. Slow improve relations, refuses to interrupt a boy who is doing something.
Bad with girls- Has difficulty dealing with girls. Slow to improve relations, refuses to interrupt a girl who is doing something.
Charming- relationships improve faster, but others will interrupt you more often because they want your attention.
Tsundere- resists any invitation to go do something, slaps more often.
Courteous- increases chance of success when inviting someone to go do something.
Group follower- more likely to join in on group activities.
Obedient- more likely to do what people tell you, if you like them.
Optimistic- Prone to being in a good mood, good at cheering others up.
Shy- less likely to accept physical contact in the presence of others, will always flee seeing others making out (as opposed to breaking it up/watching/attempting to join in)
Jealous- increased tendency to interrupt others' conversations
Pessimistic- Prone to being depressed.
Perverted- Prone to being horny, easier to talk into lewd acts, never runs when they see naughty things.
Serious- Never skips class, tries not to skip clubs, more likely to interrupt any lewdness they see.
Calm- less prone to changing moods, resistant to getting angry, less likely to interrupt conversations.
Impulsive- prone to wildly changing moods, good or bad.
Absentminded- Walks slowly, wanders around aimlessly, has a tendency to accidentally miss class.
Violent- Prone to angry moods, more likely to pick fights.
Passive- unlikely to initiate romantic actions.
Meddlesome- more likely to try to cheer up/calm down others.
Class President- unlikely to become romantically involved with teachers. Can get teachers fired if catching them with students inappropriately, more frequently suggests group activities to everyone present.
Chatty- initiates conversations more frequently, gossips more often.
Always hungry- can eat 3 times per time of day (Breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies!), likes to talk about food, tends to loiter near the cafeteria.
Passionate- much more interested in talking about love and romance, more expressive and physical with their lovers, wants to go on dates more often.
Faithful- refuses any physical advances until officially in a relationship with that person.
Indecisive- unlikely to choose sides when others compete over them.
Competitive- more likely to force the issue when competing over someone.
Scheming- increases the chance of success in spreading negative rumors, increased chance of taking advantage of the exploitable.
Studious- hangs around the library, more likely to accept invitations to study
Truant- increased chance of skipping class, invites others to skip class and really likes people who skip with them.
Masochist- abusive actions on this person might actually improve relationship status.
Sweaty- looks noticeably...damp. Showers more frequently.
Evil- Will never accept any breakup attempt. May attempt to kill those considered romantic rivals, WILL attempt to kill a lover who makes them very unhappy. More likely to force their unwanted affections on others.
Deaf- "What? Huh? Sorry?" conversations may fail (perhaps on purpose), but if due to poor hearing, doesn't piss people off as much as flat out being told "no" or being ignored.
Exploitable- can more easily be pressured into doing things they don't want by others. Natural saps for those with the Evil trait.
Asexual- physical advances, and conversations involving topics of a sexual nature, are less likely to succeed.
Lucky- Increases occurrences of "happy accidents," and grants a slim chance to escape really bad situations.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: An item you give to someone you're friends with. For example, a friendship bracelet, a valuable collectible or trinket, etc
Token of love: An item you give the object of your affection to remind them of you. More intimate/serious than a friendship token. Promise rings, letterman jackets, whatever.
Sexual token: A memento (or possibly trophy) of the time you spent with someone. Underwear, naughty pictures, use your imagination.

Club- Pick one, can change during the game. Sports raise strength, arts raise intelligence, SOS Brigade raises both but much more slowly- Track, Swim, Baseball, Volleyball, Kendo, Band, Culture, The SOS Brigade.


Staff member
Male options - quote this post and fill out the form:

Once again, guys get less options unfortunately.

Physical Attributes-
Body type (Pick one- Delicate, Average, Tall, Fat):
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc):
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive):
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok):
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames):
Additional Descriptions (With guys, this is limited to custom eyebrow tailoring):
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc):
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Name: First and Last
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius):
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic):
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly):
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a flagrant manwhore, 5 being the morality police):
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo):
Fighting Style:
(Pick one of the following:
No Restraint - this style foregoes all defense on an all out barrage of offense, seeking to overwhelm the unprepared. Generally beats "Irregular."
One Blow - this style carefully defends until an opening is presented, then attempts to end the fight in one decisive strike. Generally beats "No Restraint."
Irregular - this style balances attack and defense, attempting to be unpredictable to gain the upper hand. Generally beats "One Blow.")

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Gentle- Sensitive and introspective, considerate and perhaps effeminate. Friendly and outgoing, but emotionally and psychologically fragile.
Positive- Boisterous and loud, perhaps hyperactive, always open and transparent. Too many blows to the ego might cause a crisis of confidence, however.
Geek(Otaku)- Acts like a dork, invokes comic/videogame culture in social interactions, talks like someone out of a novel or movie.
Rough- A combination of the stoic and badboy personalities from previous game. Not much on talking. Prone to negativity, sometimes violent... but the savage beast can be soothed.
Schemer- Calculating and intellectual, outwardly polite but seeks to get ahead through intrigue and manipulation.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Easygoing- "Clicks" easier with romantic interests, easy to fall in love, has chemistry with more people.
Affable- Easy to get along with, becomes friends easily.
Bad with guys- Has difficulty dealing with boys. Slow improve relations, refuses to interrupt a boy who is doing something.
Bad with girls- Has difficulty dealing with girls. Slow to improve relations, refuses to interrupt a girl who is doing something.
Charming- relationships improve faster, but others will interrupt you more often because they want your attention.
Tsundere- resists any invitation to go do something, socially contrary.
Courteous- increases chance of success when inviting someone to go do something.
Group follower- more likely to join in on group activities.
Obedient- more likely to do what people tell you.
Optimistic- Prone to being in a good mood, good at cheering others up.
Shy- less likely to accept physical contact in the presence of others, will always flee seeing others making out (as opposed to breaking it up/watching/attempting to join in)
Jealous- increased tendency to interrupt others' conversations
Pessimistic- Prone to being depressed.
Perverted- Prone to being horny, easier to talk into lewd acts, never runs when they see naughty things.
Serious- Never skips class, tries not to skip clubs, more likely to interrupt any lewdness you see.
Calm- less prone to changing moods, resistant to getting angry, less likely to interrupt conversations.
Impulsive- prone to wildly changing moods, good or bad.
Absentminded- Walks slowly, wanders around aimlessly, has a tendency to accidentally miss class.
Violent- Prone to angry moods, more likely to pick fights.
Passive- unlikely to initiate romantic actions.
Meddlesome- more likely to try to cheer up/calm down others.
Class President- unlikely to become romantically involved with teachers. Can get teachers fired if catching them with students inappropriately, more frequently suggests group activities to everyone present.
Chatty- initiates conversations more frequently, gossips more often.
Always hungry- can eat 3 times per time of day (Breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies!), likes to talk about food, tends to loiter near the cafeteria.
Passionate- much more interested in talking about love and romance, more expressive and physical with their lovers, wants to go on dates more often.
Faithful- refuses any physical advances until officially in a relationship with that person.
Indecisive- unlikely to choose sides when others compete over them.
Competitive- more likely to force the issue when competing over someone.
Scheming- increases the chance of successfully spreading negative rumors, increased chance of taking advantage of the exploitable.
Studious- hangs around the library, more likely to accept invitations to study
Truant- increased chance of skipping class, invites others to skip class and really likes people who skip with them.
Masochist- abusive actions on this person might actually improve relationship status.
Sweaty- looks noticeably...damp. Showers more frequently.
Evil- Will never accept any breakup attempt. May attempt to kill those considered romantic rivals, WILL attempt to kill a lover who makes them very unhappy. More likely to force their unwanted affections on others.
Deaf- "What? Huh? Sorry?" conversations may fail (perhaps on purpose), but if due to poor hearing, doesn't piss people off as much as flat out being told "no" or being ignored.
Exploitable- can easily be pressured into doing things they don't want by others. Natural saps for those with the Evil trait.
Asexual- physical advances, and conversations involving topics of a sexual nature, are less likely to succeed.
Lucky- Increases occurrences of "happy accidents," and grants a slim chance to escape really bad situations.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: An item you give to someone you're friends with. For example, a friendship bracelet, a valuable collectible or trinket, etc
Token of love: An item you give the object of your affection to remind them of you. More intimate/serious than a friendship token. Promise rings, letterman jackets, whatever.
Sexual token: A memento (or possibly trophy) of the time you spent with someone. Underwear, naughty pictures, use your imagination.

Club- Pick one, can change during the game. Sports raise strength, arts raise intelligence, SOS Brigade raises both but much more slowly- Track, Swim, Baseball, Volleyball, Kendo, Band, Culture, The SOS Brigade.
Physical Attributes-
Body type Tall
Skin Coloration Tanned
Eye Shape Almond shaped,the outside cornes slightly tilted upwards giving him an almost fox like look.
Eye Color Hazel
Glasses None
Hairstyle and color Fronthair 20,Sidehair 0,Backhair 25,Hair Extensions 0, Color Black

Name: Fei Rendar
Intelligence 4
Strength 3
Sociability 5
Virtue 2
Sexual Orientation 3
Fighting Style: One Blow



Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: 4 Leaf Clover
Token of love: Bracelet
Sexual token: Key to Home


I'm in!

Physical Attributes-
Body type (Pick one- Delicate, Average, Tall, Fat): Tall
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc): Between Pale and Tanned
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive): Piercing! Do your best :D See pic below
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok): Blue/grey
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames): none
Additional Descriptions (With guys, this is limited to custom eyebrow tailoring): See pic below
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc): Short, brown, maybe spiked? See pic haha.
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Here's a high school pic of myself to help:

Name: Gusto Miller
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 5
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 3
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 4
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a flagrant manwhore, 5 being the morality police): 4
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 1
Fighting Style: One Blow

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Gentle- Sensitive and introspective, considerate and perhaps effeminate. Friendly and outgoing, but emotionally and psychologically fragile.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Easygoing- "Clicks" easier with romantic interests, easy to fall in love, has chemistry with more people.
Class President- unlikely to become romantically involved with teachers. Can get teachers fired if catching them with students inappropriately, more frequently suggests group activities to everyone present.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: peronalized oil painting
Token of love: earrings
Sexual token: sexy selfie

Club- Track
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I'm up for taking part in this.

Male options - quote this post and fill out the form:
Physical Attributes-
Body type: Average
Skin Coloration: Pale
Eye Shape: Small, rounded
Eye Color: Brown
Glasses: Thick, square, silver frames
Hairstyle and color: Short, curly, brown

Name: Film Fanatic
Intelligence: 4
Strength: 3
Sociability: 3
Virtue: 2
Sexual Orientation: 1
Fighting Style: One Blow

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Geek(Otaku)- Acts like a dork, invokes comic/videogame culture in social interactions, talks like someone out of a novel or movie.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Pop culture button
Token of love: Necklace
Sexual token: Underwear

Club- Pick one, can change during the game.
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Last time we had a serious lack of women, so I'll roll female again.

Physical Attributes-
Height Average
Figure Chubby
Skin Coloration Fairly Pale
Eye Shape Round, but unfocused. Like I'm never paying attention to anything.
Eye Color Brown
Makeup None
Glasses Half-framed, chrome/metallic purple or just purple
Additional descriptions Body shape should be fairly standard, though possible a bit top heavy, as it runs in the family.
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc): Black hair, it should be cut pretty short because I just can't deal with my hair being long. Think Chie's hair from Persona 4.

Name: Are we doing this Japanese style, where it's family name first, then individual? In that case, it would be Sakerasu Ash. If not, reverse those.
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 5
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 3
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 3 (I've been getting better in the last year)
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a brazen slattern, 5 being the morality police): 4
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 3
Fighting Style: (Irregular)

Personality - Pick One of the following
Delicate - Hesitant, sensitive, considerate and shy. Cares much about everyone's feelings as well as her own.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Affable- Easy to get along with, becomes friends easily.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: A simple tin button, like you'd find on a punk jacket.
Token of love: I think a small, wallet size photo works best here.
Sexual token: Probably a candid nude photo.

Club- Culture

Physical Attributes-
Height (Short/Average/Tall): Short
Figure (Thin/Medium/Chubby): Medium
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc): pale
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive):
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok): Brown with Green in the middle
Makeup (Optional mascara or lipstick, unfortunately no blush options):
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames): Pink or Red rectangle framed
Additional descriptions (Optional, eg "flatchested," "wasp-waisted," "Mole on chin/eye," "angry bushy eyebrows," etc, describe in detail):
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc):
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like. I did just post a new pic on the New Picture Thread if that helps.

Name: Dei Skates is fine to use again :p
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 4
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 3
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 2
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a brazen slattern, 5 being the morality police): 4
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 1
Fighting Style: Irregular

Personality - Pick One of the following: Overexcitable - Positive but easy to get carried away, especially by what interests her. Yells a lot. Might need Ritalin.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)

Bad with girls

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Roller Skate Charm
Token of love: Purple Promise Ring
Sexual token: Lacy Blue Bra
Club- Band


Staff member
Sorry, @Dei , I can make each eye a different color, but I can't make more than 1 color in the same eye.

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Staff member
I know that @LittleKagsin really wants in on this, could you save a slot for her?
Heh, yeah, I'm really depending on her and Dei and Dirona (though Dei's already here now) showing up again. They were our only actual females to participate last time around! Maybe someone can talk to Cajungal, Emrys, Littlesin, Squidleybits, Celt Z, Wasabi, and any of the others who might be interested in gettin' Anime'd.[DOUBLEPOST=1414955584,1414955535][/DOUBLEPOST]
;) Though, I did mention glasses! @GasBandit
Shit, missed it! Gimme a sec.

Edit: fixed. There are no rectangle frames, so I gave you thin frames.


Staff member
I will also roll female to help out.

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:

Schemer- Calculating and intellectual, outwardly polite but seeks to get ahead through intrigue and manipulation.
You picked a male personality, and male physical attributes. Do you want to be male or female?
I'm in! I'll play as female

Physical Attributes-
Height Tall
Figure Medium, I guess? Somewhere in-between medium and chubby
Skin Coloration Pale
Eye Shape medium, round
Eye Color blue
Makeup mascara
Glasses none
Additional descriptions busty, hourglass
Hairstyle and color red hair, long, thick, straight, side-part, layered
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Name: Celt Z
Intelligence 3
Strength 4
Sociability 3
Virtue 3
Sexual Orientation 1
Fighting Style:
(Pick one of the following:One Blow

Personality - Pick One of the following
Friendly- Relaxed and easygoing, easy to get along with. Not afraid to go after what she wants for herself, though...

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Affable- Easy to get along with, becomes friends easily.
Calm- less prone to changing moods, resistant to getting angry, less likely to interrupt conversations.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: jelly bracelet
Token of love: Homemade cookies
Sexual token: Flavored condom

Club- Baseball

Physical Attributes-
Body type Fat
Skin Coloration : pale, tendancy to get a bit flushed in the cheeks especially
Eye Shape : slightly sunken eyes
Eye Color : hazel (green in certain light)
Glasses : thin bronze wire frames
Additional Descriptions : thick but not bushy eyebrows
Hairstyle and color : extremely thick, wavy, dark brown hair with white streaks (a lot like Jon Snow from GoT, without the facial hair)
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Name: Ronan Monaghan
Intelligence : 4
Strength : 3
Sociability : 2
Virtue : 3
Sexual Orientation : 1
Fighting Style: Irregular

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Geek(Otaku)- Acts like a dork, invokes comic/videogame culture in social interactions, talks like someone out of a novel or movie.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)

Pessimistic- Prone to being depressed.

Impulsive- prone to wildly changing moods, good or bad.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Piece of homemade chainmail, like a keychain or bookmark or bracelet.
Token of love: earrings
Sexual token: lingerie

Club- Kendo
Last edited:

Physical Attributes-
Body type: Fat
Skin Coloration: Slightly Tanned
Eye Shape: large
Eye Color: Green
Hairstyle and color: Short, Black, Wavy

Dave Fresh Haircut and Shave.jpg

Name: Cheesy One
Intelligence: 4
Strength: 3
Sociability: 2
Virtue: 3
Sexual Orientation: 1
Fighting Style:
Irregular - this style balances attack and defense, attempting to be unpredictable to gain the upper hand. Generally beats "One Blow."

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Gentle- Sensitive and introspective, considerate and perhaps effeminate. Friendly and outgoing, but emotionally and psychologically fragile.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Pessimistic- Prone to being depressed.
Faithful- refuses any physical advances until officially in a relationship with that person.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: photo together
Token of love: bracelet
Sexual token: ring

Club- Band.
You picked a male personality, and male physical attributes. Do you want to be male or female?
Apparently I'm playing an idiot! Let's try again:

Physical Attributes-
Height Tall
Figure Thin
Skin Coloration Pale
Eye Shape small, vacant
Eye Color Blue
Makeup Mascara
Glasses Half-frames
Additional descriptions Flat-chested
Hairstyle and color Short, unruly hair, blond

Name: Zero and Esc
Intelligence 4
Strength 1
Sociability 2
Virtue 2
Sexual Orientation 3
Fighting Style: No Restraint

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:

Creepy- has unsettling interests (eg, Yaoi fixation), socially awkward, tends to not mix well with normal people.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)

Optimistic- Prone to being in a good mood, good at cheering others up.
Always hungry- can eat 3 times per time of day (Breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies!), likes to talk about food, tends to loiter near the cafeteria.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Satchel of lucky rocks
Token of love: Silver necklace
Sexual token: Teddy bear

Club- Band

I think it's good now.
I'm torn between laughing and thinking he looks like he's about to play with his own nipples. Which is also funny.

Also now we know what Cartman will look like in high school.
Physical Attributes-
Height: Short
Figure: Medium
Skin Coloration: Slightly Tanned (is that a thing? Just tan if it's not.)
Eye Shape: Large, round, sparkling :D
Eye Color: Hazel - more green.
Makeup: Mascara, eyeliner, glossy lips if that's a thing
Glasses: None
Additional descriptions: curvy, dimpled chin
Hairstyle and color: waist length, big curls, dark red or red-ish brown, side part, side swept bangs
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Name: Kags Littlesin (female)
Intelligence: 3
Strength: 1
Sociability: 4
Virtue: 3
Sexual Orientation: 2
Fighting Style: No Restraint

Personality - Pick One of the following
Cheerful - Always happy, even looks like it when she really isn't.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Absentminded- Walks slowly, wanders around aimlessly, has a tendency to accidentally miss class.
Meddlesome- more likely to try to cheer up/calm down others.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Slippers (what? I have an obsession with them okay.)
Token of love: a heart-shaped locket
Sexual token: well written erotic fanfiction involving both parties

Club- Swimming


Staff member
@Cheesy1 , season 1's surprise casanova, is back in the mix.

I'm torn between laughing and thinking he looks like he's about to play with his own nipples. Which is also funny.

Also now we know what Cartman will look like in high school.
The Otaku Geeks like to pretend they're wearing suspenders, and stick their thumbs into them, for some reason.


Staff member
@Zero Esc is sure a creepy little waif.


FYI guys, other available hairstyles include all kinds of tails, braids, and lengths ranging from "ankle length" to "super saiyan."[DOUBLEPOST=1414963753,1414963629][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't know... I think @Null looks a bit like Kohta Hirano from Highschool of the Dead.

Maybe if he had Film Fanatic's hairstyle...