Halforums Academy 2 Character Creation Thread


Staff member
If we have too many Geek/Otaku types, I could play something different, if it wouldn't be too major a fix.
Let's get the class filled before we start deciding what we have too much of. they could all 9 be dudebros after all :p (my personal nickname for the "positive" male personality)
I'm in!

Physical Attributes-
Height Tall:
Figure Medium:
Skin Coloration Pale:
Eye Shape small round eyes:
Eye Color Brown:
Makeup None:
Glasses None:
Additional descriptions : Medium sized chest. A nearly nonexistent waist.
Hairstyle and color : Long hair down to her waist in a pony tail.

Name: Shakey Jones
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 4
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 4
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 2
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a brazen slattern, 5 being the morality police): 2
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 2
Fighting Style: No Restraint

Personality - Pick One of the following
Driven- Serious about her pursuits, and attracted to others who are similar.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Jealous- increased tendency to interrupt others' conversations
Competitive- more likely to force the issue when competing over someone.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: A chainmaille necklace she likes to make in her free time
Token of love: A vial of her blood
Sexual token: One of her baby teeth she has kept.

Club- Track


Staff member
Hah, Shakey found her motivation over the summer I guess, and is no longer a cloud cuckoolander![DOUBLEPOST=1415065564,1415065207][/DOUBLEPOST]@Shakey you didn't say what COLOR the hair is, just the style.
Female options - Quote this post and fill out the form
Physical Attributes-
Height Tall
Figure Medium
Skin Coloration Tannish
Eye Shape Almond anime eyes, but not the huge type
Eye Color Red
Makeup Light mascara
Glasses Thin, red frames
Additional descriptions Awesome
Hairstyle and color Black, long, inapropriately pointy in places. See the last incarnation of fempoe

Name: Raven Poe
Intelligence 4
Strength 3
Sociability 3
Virtue 2
Sexual Orientation 3
Fighting Style:

Personality - Pick One of the following
Lazy- Very economical with her energy. Hedonistic. Wants to be provided for, and has an eye out for who can do so.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Affable- Easy to get along with, becomes friends easily.
Charming- relationships improve faster, but others will interrupt you more often because they want your attention.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Gargoyles DVDs. I can't believe there are people who haven't seen these yet! ... I'm gonna need those back, though.
Token of love: Star wars statuettes. What, that's totally collectible!
Sexual token: A collar. We'll decide later who wears it.

Club- Band


Staff member
@Ravenpoe has also matured somewhat it seems... to a degree. She may still want to get lavished with attention and gifts, but at least she's no longer flinging herself at anything with a pulse. Assumedly.

Physical Attributes-
Height (Short/Average/Tall): Average
Figure (Thin/Medium/Chubby): Chubby
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc): Pale
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive): large almond eyes
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok): brown/hazel
Makeup (Optional mascara or lipstick, unfortunately no blush options): lipstick, if you can pick the color it should be a rosy pink
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames): thin, purple frames
Additional descriptions (Optional, eg "flatchested," "wasp-waisted," "Mole on chin/eye," "angry bushy eyebrows," etc, describe in detail): large chest, smaller waist, beauty mark/mole just above upper lip, Brooke Shields eyebrows
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc): shoulder length, light brown, worn loose, curly, slightly unruly, bangs
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Name: First and Last - Wasabi Poptart
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 4
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 2
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 4
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a brazen slattern, 5 being the morality police): 3
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 2
Fighting Style:

Personality - Pick One of the following
Aloof- Seems distant and unapproachable, but still waters run deep - pierce the surface, and find a turbulent sea beneath.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
- prone to wildly changing moods, good or bad.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: a pair of fuzzy socks
Token of love: a "mix tape"
Sexual token: Snickers bar, so you don't get "hangry" while we're getting down

Club- Pick one, can change during the game. Sports raise strength, arts raise intelligence, SOS Brigade raises both but much more slowly- Swim


Staff member
@WasabiPoptart throws her hat in the ring... not that she likes you or anything! She just... knew you needed more people for your school!.... Baka....<3


(Sorry, it wouldn't let me put the beauty mark ABOVE the lip, had to be below/on the chin. Also you can barely see it in this shot, I know, but it's there.)
We weren't an official anime, I'm sure, until we had our first Tsundere.
nah its not a real anime until the cute deredere friend from childhood who turns red everytime the cast brings up that the main and her are living together because, circumstances, and the tsundere classmate gets all jealous, because its not like she has ANY interest in MC, BUT SHE WORRIES ABOUT HIM, STUPID...and the kuudere classmate is sitting off to the side looking non-plussed but wishing she could be a part of the fight.


Staff member
nah its not a real anime until the cute deredere friend from childhood who turns red everytime the cast brings up that the main and her are living together because, circumstances, and the tsundere classmate gets all jealous, because its not like she has ANY interest in MC, BUT SHE WORRIES ABOUT HIM, STUPID...and the kuudere classmate is sitting off to the side looking non-plussed but wishing she could be a part of the fight.

... sorry, all I heard in all that was "Weeaboosplosion Desu~" :p


Staff member
The "Romantic" personality is actually pretty geeky. She's a hardcore bookworm, and actually pretty socially awkward.
Ok, I'll give it a go.

Male options - quote this post and fill out the form:

Physical Attributes-
Body type (Average):
Skin Coloration (Describe. "S306 Warm Rosy"):
Eye Shape (Deep-set):
Eye Color (dark brown):
Glasses (None):
Additional Descriptions (Thick and prominent but not monobrow'd):
Hairstyle and color (Medium brown with red highlights, pulled into ponytail reaching bottom of shoulder):

Name: Goober Menner
Intelligence (5):
Strength (3):
Sociability (2):
Virtue (4):
Sexual Orientation (1):
Fighting Style (Irregular)

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Geek(Otaku)- Acts like a dork, invokes comic/videogame culture in social interactions, talks like someone out of a novel or movie.
[This is not the correct choice, it is merely the best one available]

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Calm- less prone to changing moods, resistant to getting angry, less likely to interrupt conversations.
Lucky- Increases occurrences of "happy accidents," and grants a slim chance to escape really bad situations.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: "Personalized" Minifig of themself.
Token of love: "Personalized" Minifig of himself to put with the above on a little Lego couch, watching television, whatever.
Sexual token: Above, only "naughty"
[Let's give him a thing for Lego]

Club- Pick one, can change during the game. Sports raise strength, arts raise intelligence, SOS Brigade raises both but much more slowly- The SOS Brigade.



Staff member
Looking at the list, it seems as though we're pretty split between guys and girls... which would you prefer?
Either is fine. The split IS pretty even so far (because some already went ahead and rolled female to begin with who did last time as well, AND we have two brand new female participants in Celt Z and Wasabi Poptart), and I'm anticipating at least one more female showing up any time now (Dirona).

So it's totally up to you whether you want to roll a guy, or bring Lana back for season 2.
Either is fine. The split IS pretty even so far (because some already went ahead and rolled female to begin with who did last time as well, AND we have two brand new female participants in Celt Z and Wasabi Poptart), and I'm anticipating at least one more female showing up any time now (Dirona).

So it's totally up to you whether you want to roll a guy, or bring Lana back for season 2.
Is there a Danger Zone trait?
In case Lana "Hall Monitor" Karron re-enrolls in class...

Physical Attributes-
Height: Tall
Figure: Medium
Skin Coloration: Tanned, with school swinsuit tanlines.
Eye Shape: Slightly narrowed eyes, small pupils
Eye Color: Gunmetal blue.
Makeup: None
Glasses: Thin frames, silver metal
Additional descriptions: (Can't recall specifics that can be defined) Athleticish build, with slightly thicker legs. And, if the women in my family are anything to go by, barrel-chested and moderately busty.
Hairstyle and color: The hairstyle from last game would be about perfect, I think... with an ahoge. ^_^

Name: Lana Karron
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 4
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 4
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 3
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a brazen slattern, 5 being the morality police): 2
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 3
Fighting Style:
(Pick one of the following: No Restraint

Personality - Pick One of the following
Friendly- Relaxed and easygoing, easy to get along with. Not afraid to go after what she wants for herself, though...

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Easygoing- "Clicks" easier with romantic interests, easy to fall in love, has chemistry with more people.
Serious- Never skips class, tries not to skip clubs, more likely to interrupt any lewdness they see.
Passionate- much more interested in talking about love and romance, more expressive and physical with their lovers, wants to go on dates more often.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Favorite book.
Token of love: Personalized poetry
Sexual token: Graphic nude selfie.

Club- Pick one, can change during the game. Sports raise strength, arts raise intelligence, SOS Brigade raises both but much more slowly- Kendo

Or, the Male option...

Physical Attributes-
Body type: Tall
Skin Coloration: Tanned
Eye Shape: Narrow, small pupils
Eye Color: Gunmetal blue.
Glasses: Thin silver frames.
Additional Descriptions: THICK eyebrows.
Hairstyle and color: Shaved head is really all that they have that's close, unless you've managed to DL a high-and-tight mod. :D

Name: Officer Charon
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 4
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 4
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 2
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a flagrant manwhore, 5 being the morality police): 2
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 1
Fighting Style: No Restraint

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Positive- Boisterous and loud, perhaps hyperactive, always open and transparent. Too many blows to the ego might cause a crisis of confidence, however.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Easygoing- "Clicks" easier with romantic interests, easy to fall in love, has chemistry with more people.
Passionate- much more interested in talking about love and romance, more expressive and physical with their lovers, wants to go on dates more often.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Favorite book.
Token of love: Personalized poetry
Sexual token: Graphic nude selfie.

Club- Pick one, can change during the game. Sports raise strength, arts raise intelligence, SOS Brigade raises both but much more slowly- Kendo

Reckon that oughtta do it!