Halforums Academy 2 Character Creation Thread


Staff member
Alright, so obviously I'll start working on this tonight. I got ideas, big plans. I'm thinking I'm gonna try doing the updates in video form this time, not just text descriptions with screenshots. The videos will probably be a mixture of gameplay footage and screenshots, all with my dulcet tones doing voiceover narration. The enforced 1st person limited POV is still in effect, same as last time. I'll still also wind up each day with the leaderboards, and summarize the interpersonal relationships each game week, probably after each week's sunday.

Also I'm working on a sort of "opening credits" type intro sequence, which may take a day or three to get worked out.

So, go ahead with your lives, folks, and this space will be updated with a link when the new discussion thread is posted for the story updates, probably in a couple days.

(and yes I know badly I tend to overestimate time lengths, but trust me, video editing is more time consuming than text descriptions, even if I did have to spend half the night thinking up screenshot filename gags).


Staff member
Hazel is really hard to dial in, because the game's eye color values are set by sliders for hue, saturation, and brightness. That makes all things relating to brown a little tricky, but trying to get brown (which is low-brightness red-orange) to touch green, when they're separated on the hue slider by yellow? Fuhgeddaboutit. Most people who said "hazel" ended up with "dark greenish yellow."
Wife forgot password, so she did it on mine:

Physical Attributes-
Height Average
Figure Medium
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc): Pale
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive): Large, round
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok): Grey
Makeup (Optional mascara or lipstick, unfortunately no blush options): None
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames): Thick, red frame
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc): Curly, long hair, brown

Name: Dream and Goddess
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 5
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 1
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 5
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a brazen slattern, 5 being the morality police): 4
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 4
Fighting Style: Irregular - this style balances attack and defense, attempting to be unpredictable to gain the upper hand. Generally beats "One Blow.")

Personality - Pick One of the following
Creepy- has unsettling interests (eg, Yaoi fixation), socially awkward, tends to not mix well with normal people.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Tsundere- resists any invitation to go do something, slaps more often.
Evil- Will never accept any breakup attempt. May attempt to kill those considered romantic rivals, WILL attempt to kill a lover who makes them very unhappy. More likely to force their unwanted affections on others.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Bottle of favorite pills (husband reaction: :confused:)
Token of love: Arcane spellbook
Sexual token: Voodoo doll.

Club- Culture


Staff member
You know it.
Heh, you did explain to her that "Evil" makes it likely she'll remove herself (and one other) from the game, right?

And incidentally, since I'm an admin now, I can probably help with the "can't remember her password" thing.
Heh, you did explain to her that "Evil" makes it likely she'll remove herself (and one other) from the game, right?

And incidentally, since I'm an admin now, I can probably help with the "can't remember her password" thing.
I did not explain that to her as I didn't consider it. Um ... she says Impulsive instead of Evil. Also got mad at me for not remembering to tell her.

I'll let her sort out password stuff.


Staff member
Man, all these japanese kids who want "long curly hair." :p I did what I could. See how this strikes her, @Zero Esc


I also think it's pretty funny both of you chose the same base personality type for your alter egos.
I *am* adorable. :p It's just a pity that being evil is such a downer. Ah well.

P.S. Husband: I know I'm supposed to be asleep. I just wanted to be able to save the links to everything before going to work tomorrow. And comment on my cuteness. Sleeping now. :3
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Staff member
I *am* adorable. :p It's just a pity that being evil is such a downer. Ah well.

P.S. Husband: I know I'm supposed to be asleep. I just wanted to be able to save the links to everything before going to work tomorrow. And comment on my cuteness. Sleeping now. :3
Well, you can't go to sleep yet, you've got 7 days worth of back episodes to watch to get caught up :p


Staff member
Rolling up a female for the waiting list:

Jess Pezzleton
(Jess is short for Jester)

Physical Attributes-
Height (Tall):
Figure (Medium):
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc):
Eye Shape: see attached
Eye Color: Brown eyes
Makeup: see attached
Glasses: thin framed glasses would be nice
Additional descriptions: freckles, smaller bust but not flat chested,
Hairstyle and color: Green hair, shoulder length and loose I guess. Slightly curly would be nice, but straight is okay.

Here is my Saints Row 4 character, but given green hair to distinguish her from all the redheads already at the academy.
2014-12-02 Jess Pezzleton for HA2.jpg

Name: Jess Pezzleton
Intelligence : 5
Strength : 3
Sociability : 4
Virtue : 1
Sexual Orientation : 3
Fighting Style: No Restraint

Personality - Pick One of the following

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)


Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Jester Hat
Token of love: Jess's Fresh Baked Cookies
Sexual token: Remote to Jess's Vibrator

Club- Kendo


Staff member
Rolling up a female for the waiting list:

Jess Pezzleton
(Jess is short for Jester)

Physical Attributes-
Height (Tall):
Figure (Medium):
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc):
Eye Shape: see attached
Eye Color: Brown eyes
Makeup: see attached
Glasses: thin framed glasses would be nice
Additional descriptions: freckles, smaller bust but not flat chested,
Hairstyle and color: Green hair, shoulder length and loose I guess. Slightly curly would be nice, but straight is okay.

Here is my Saints Row 4 character, but given green hair to distinguish her from all the redheads already at the academy.
View attachment 16797

Name: Jess Pezzleton
Intelligence : 5
Strength : 3
Sociability : 4
Virtue : 1
Sexual Orientation : 3
Fighting Style: No Restraint

Personality - Pick One of the following

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)


Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Jester Hat
Token of love: Jess's Fresh Baked Cookies
Sexual token: Remote to Jess's Vibrator

Club- Kendo
Alright, I'm about to head home from work, I'll probably get your character worked up and ready to go tonight, and you'll be first on the waiting list for the next slot, next time somebody gets killed or pregnant.
Alright, I'm about to head home from work, I'll probably get your character worked up and ready to go tonight, and you'll be first on the waiting list for the next slot, next time somebody gets killed or pregnant.
So, probably next week.


Staff member
Those are some oddly straight eyebrows, can we get some that have more arch to them? Otherwise she looks fantastic.
I'll try to ramp it up a bit. I chose the 3rd thickest arched eyebrows there were, but the arch is mitigated by the big smile your character has causing them to "raise."

Here's the absolute most I'm able to arch the eyebrows. As you can see, the facial expression your character adopts due to your personality choice causes a lot of the arch to be lost (left) as opposed to the neutral expression on the right (which you'll never see in game, pretty much).


Staff member
I'm starting to think this school is for gifted students.

Oh, wait... it's in Japan.
When I noticed all the high int stats everybody was rolling, I thought, "maybe I should have imposed a maximum number of 'points' to spend on int/str/mor/soc, something like 13, so if you want to be 5 in something, something else is gonna be 2 or lower"... but hindsight and all that. Welp, maybe when AA3 comes out!
When I noticed all the high int stats everybody was rolling, I thought, "maybe I should have imposed a maximum number of 'points' to spend on int/str/mor/soc, something like 13, so if you want to be 5 in something, something else is gonna be 2 or lower"... but hindsight and all that. Welp, maybe when AA3 comes out!
That's why my character was a 4 in smarts (which I thought of as high) but what, a 2 in strength? I don't really remember.
I think I'm the only person that didn't put 4 or 5 for Intelligence, which explains why I'm always at the bottom of the class ranking. I thought it was going to be a little more diversified.
I'll admit I tried to replicate myself as closely as possible (except for the Lego thing), but now I wonder what would happen to someone who had median stats in everything. Name him "A. Whatever" and give him straight 3's, balanced personality, etc.



Staff member
Yeah, I have a feeling there's gonna be a round of depression the day after exams when half the class bombs gym.

Yes, that's a thing. There's all kinds of crazy things about exams. Not only do your exam results have effects on your moods, but there's this whole other "lewd promise" gameplay element I haven't even gotten into yet, where a romantically interested person might try to "motivate" their target with an incentive the friday before the exam... to be delivered when grades come out.