Halforums Games of the Year Prep and Voting thread

I'ma give you folks who haven't done this yet until New Years to do it.

@Jay Get a God damn list to me if you don't want some Wii-U game to win yo.
Now that I've played Shadow of Mordor for 15 hours in the past four days, my list would probably look slightly different.[DOUBLEPOST=1419802536,1419802504][/DOUBLEPOST]
If that's the case i give up on this peasant forum
Or you could just give him a list. If you don't feel there were any good games this year, that's up to you.
As someone who couldn't afford a $1500-2000 gaming rig, I'll be the last to complain about console pleasantness while running AAA games @ 60FPS.
I only had 2 console games on there.

But PC gaming was shite this year. It's a sad state of affairs when the Nintendo release lineup is considered bountiful compared to other stuff.
There's been some good games, it's just the AAA lineup that was generally broken trash.

Lookin' at you Ubi.


Staff member
I know I say it often, but a lot of PC games suck so bad because they had to be developed for simultaneous (or earlier) release on consoles.