[PC Game] Halforums House 3: Halforums Academy Semester 1 Complete!


Staff member
Out of curiosity, is a murder something that could happen under the characters own growth without user intervention, or is it something that could only happen if you pushed them to do so?
Actually, the opposite. Murder can only be committed by a character under computer control - while under player control, a character cannot commit murder.

However, I cannot wield the hand of fate in such a way that prevents murder - character selection happens each day's morning before leaving the house for school. Once I have selected a character to play, I'm stuck with them until the next day.

Oh, and here's the extra fun part. If I am controlling the character who gets murdered, the game is over.


Staff member
Ah, so you have to be careful to select the person "Voted Least Likely To Be Murdered By A Classmate" each day.
Well, in one of the epilogues I've pretty much confirmed who's most likely to get killed at this point. It's not 100%, but their survival chances are pretty grim, and get grimmer the longer the game goes on. But there is a chance they could stave off death indefinitely if they work hard and play their cards right. But they will always be in danger for the rest of the game.
It would be nice if it allowed GB to just let the characters play themselves out, but it seems like that's not possible.
Well, in one of the epilogues I've pretty much confirmed who's most likely to get killed at this point.
It's me isn't it? It has to be me.
I just hope my grisly death doesn't involve invasive tentacles. That's a pretty common death in these kinds of settings right?


Staff member
It would be nice if it allowed GB to just let the characters play themselves out, but it seems like that's not possible.
Nope. As I said, my viewpoint has to come from one of the characters. It was either Round Robin through everybody like I am now, or make an AniGasBandit to serve as the viewpoint. But I didn't want the story to have me as sole protagonist, and each character getting a turn as the Pawn of Fate allows me to make teensy adjustments to people who are otherwise.. stuck in their habits, and not as interesting as they otherwise could be. Sometimes some people just need a little shove to get them started.

If the game had a detached non-corporeal camera, it'd let me catch more of the action first hand, but this is different and interesting too. Plus, we'd never see the high poly models.


Staff member
It's me isn't it? It has to be me.
I just hope my grisly death doesn't involve invasive tentacles. That's a pretty common death in these kinds of settings right?
Well, ordinarily I'd just say "Go back and read the thread, noob!" But I know you're a busy guy on a tight leash, so here's a spoiler.

Terrik is most at risk. He's become involved in an official relationship with the school's only student with the Evil subconscious trait. This means if their relationship falters to the point where a breakup would normally occur, she's almost certain to stab him to death in front of everyone. The only way Terrik can now survive is if

1) he keeps Bhamv Three happy for the rest of the game, or
2) Bhamv falls in love with someone else simultaneously and it doesn't work out and she kills THEM first, thus being sent to prison and sparing Terrik, or
3) if another Evil student transfers in who gets her to fall for them, and that person then kills Bhamv.

As you can see, it's a grim prospect.

I suppose, technically, I could also just have Bhamv transfer out, but that's almost cheating.


Staff member
Jeesh, this update's taking longer than I thought. Doesn't help I didn't get to leave the office until 8. But I'm working on it.
Well, ordinarily I'd just say "Go back and read the thread, noob!" But I know you're a busy guy on a tight leash, so here's a spoiler.

Terrik is most at risk. He's become involved in an official relationship with the school's only student with the Evil subconscious trait. This means if their relationship falters to the point where a breakup would normally occur, she's almost certain to stab him to death in front of everyone. The only way Terrik can now survive is if

1) he keeps Bhamv Three happy for the rest of the game, or
2) Bhamv falls in love with someone else simultaneously and it doesn't work out and she kills THEM first, thus being sent to prison and sparing Terrik, or
3) if another Evil student transfers in who gets her to fall for them, and that person then kills Bhamv.

As you can see, it's a grim prospect.

I suppose, technically, I could also just have Bhamv transfer out, but that's almost cheating.



Staff member
Ok. This didn't work out as neatly as I'd hoped, but here goes nothing.

(Edit: OH I should also mention, that only the endpoints matter. If a line crosses over another portrait to get to somebody 2 spaces down, the person in the middle is not involved in that line.)

The blank character sheet:


Display ALL the data!:


Ok, that's overwhelming. Let's start with just official couples:

official couples.jpg

Ok, easy. Now, we'll combine crushes with official couples:

official couples plus crushes.jpg

That's pretty clear. Now we get into trouble - Friendly data:


Holy crap. Ok next, Hate data:


That's no better! Well, maybe some animated data will help - Crushes+friendly, what I call the "Friend Zone":


Friendly + hate = Frenemies:


Hate + Crushes = "Slap/Slap/Kiss:"


Welp, I hope you found all this enlightening, I'm never trying it again.

If you want to fool around with it, I'm attaching my PSD, and may god have mercy on your soul.

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Haha, no wonder I'm so unpopular. No one crushes more than I do, except @Dirona and she's taken. Plus my only friend is @Jay and I'm a huge hater. Yikes.


Staff member
I had no idea I'd interacted with her at all. Maybe I forgot.
It must have happened off camera at some point. But I can't imagine what would bring about this kind of dynamic outside of an official (but unhealthy) relationship. In theory, any botched or bad interactions between the two of you should damage your esteem for her as well. Maybe she's just your type and you're not hers and it added up over time?


Staff member
I'm surprised I don't have a lot more hate arrows.

At least I have one friend... who I apparently almost hate.
Actually, irony of ironies, you and Kags have patched things up and have a very strong friendship (14/11). But yeah, apart from her and Gusto, and MD and Bubble starting to warm to you... not much going for you atm.[DOUBLEPOST=1381473162,1381472954][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hah, that's pretty good... but Terrik's hair is a darker shade of brown. That's either Tin or Film.
So apparently Bubble hates me, but I like Bubble.

And apparently I like Bhamv as a friend. Maybe I can help her stab Terrik.
So apparently Bubble hates me, but I like Bubble.

And apparently I like Bhamv as a friend. Maybe I can help her stab Terrik.

I thought we were friends.

We were are friends, right?

Want to be friends?[DOUBLEPOST=1381487779,1381487646][/DOUBLEPOST]
Actually, irony of ironies, you and Kags have patched things up and have a very strong friendship (14/11). But yeah, apart from her and Gusto, and MD and Bubble starting to warm to you... not much going for you atm.[DOUBLEPOST=1381473162,1381472954][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hah, that's pretty good... but Terrik's hair is a darker shade of brown. That's either Tin or Film.

Oh my God. I just had an epiphany. The "smoking gun" isn't me. The smoking gun is pointed AT me.


Staff member
Damn Gas, that project you worked on... damn.
I had no idea how much I was biting off. It took way longer and was way more involved than I thought it would be. And I had pretty restrictive data requirements, too.

Crush = 10+ with display of affection
Friendly = 8+
Hate= 2-0

There's a vast network of "kinda hate," "not really familiar," and "They seem alright" that I just left completely out that accounts for more than a third of the possibilities.

And the data, even limited as it is, turned out damn near indecipherable even in graphical form.

It's clear to me that for this presentation method to work, it needs to be done in flash or javascript, where you can not only turn on/off entire colors, but you can also mouse over/click individual characters to display their pertinent data. And that'd be a project of at least a few days, so hell with that, I'm not doing that.

Week 3's State-of will probably just end up a screenshot of a color-coded excel spreadsheet.[DOUBLEPOST=1381498132,1381497677][/DOUBLEPOST]Also I've learned that once an esteem level reaches 0, it's nigh impossible to raise it again. This concerns me - it makes me think that on a long enough timeline, everybody will eventually come to hate each other.

The only in-game way to raise a 0 level hate rating is to have a committed relationship with someone else, talk to the person who hates you and wait for your lover to get jealous and hopefully force a confrontation, then choose the person who hates you over your lover. This will raise their esteem for you back to 4 (completely indifferent), though it also of course severely damages your relationship with your lover, possibly triggering a breakup.

In the interest of keeping things dynamic, I might have to take measures out-of game, like maybe at the end of each day editing all 0s to 2s or so. That will still have them hating the target, but with a slim chance for reconciliation.


Staff member
Also also - I learned one of the fields I was looking at was inexplicably (and unlabeled-ly) binary instead of integral. That field is "kiss." That's not "how many times have you kissed this person," it's simply "have we ever kissed." Which really only affects the week 1 summary I guess. But for my part I was wondering why, day after day, all these kids swapping baby batter like there was no tomorrow were refusing to kiss more than the one time.