Apr 3 - The muffalo are hunted, and they turn violent, wounding PatrThom. A premature harvest is forced to get rice early for the low food crisis, it nets about 2000 rice.
Pictured: Pat drops his machine pistol as he flees the wooly stomping.
Apr 5 - Sara's... lover?? arrives as part of a visiting trade caravan
![Confused :confused: :confused:](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/confused.png)
He's actually quite the looker.
Apr 6 - Reverent1 begins having an extramarital affair with Squidleybits, despite being married to NobleHippy. Bubble181 accidentally slights CynicalKat, and she starts a fight with him. It's short and lackluster, though it still will gladly waste a MEDKIT EACH. That night, a pirate sapper raid arrives. Pez's uncle is among them. Dave and Null get shot up pretty bad, but nothing permanent. Terrik loses a thumb. Pez's uncle is downed and captured. He actively participated in the raid, but didn't kill anyone... so there's a debate about what to do with him. He's kept in a bare, lightless room, and allowed food, medicine and visitors.
Pictured: LOTHARIO!
Pictured: a slapfight in the rice paddy
Pictured: the sapper raid is routed
Apr 7 - Ashburner gets the munchies and eats all the ambrosia fruit the colony has.
Apr 9 - Sated, Ashburner decides it's time to spark up, and goes on a smokeleaf binge. Of course, there's only the 5 joints to smoke that were taken off dead pirates...
Apr 10 - A wild boar goes mad and bites Emrys on the toe. It is shot by nearby colonists. Fortunately, Emrys doesn't lose her toe. Another sapper raid arrives. The colony softens them up on their approach with mortars. Dirona takes an ill-advised shortcut around the OUTSIDE of the wall and gets shot in the chest by sniper, destroying one of her lungs. Only one pirate even makes it to the front gate, the rest are pounded to hamburger by the mortars.
Pictured: Fire for Effect
Apr 11 - At 4 am, MikeRC is somehow motivated to throw a party in the dining hall. Attendance is understandably sparse, at first, but people arrive as they wake up. As if on cue, the volcanic ash disappears from the sky.
Pictured: the party that ended the winter
Apr 12 - Zero performs surgery successfully on BErt, fitting him with a bionic arm - the first bionic made by the colony.
Pictured: An historic surgery
Apr 13 - An exotic goods caravan visits, along with which come Pez's sister and Charon's.... crossdressing father? Most of the non-bonded animal offspring is sold, along with the boomalopes, a lot of art, and a few other things. A flatscreen TV is purchased for the infirmary. Oh, and glitterworld medicine and plasteel.
Pictured: Charon's dad is a sailor moon fan
Jugust 1 - GasBandit commits a slight against Dodge, and Dodge gives him five across the eyes. The ensuing scuffle hurts both pretty bad, but GasBandit ends up getting KTFO. Ironically, the catharis brought by the fight improves their relations with each other. MindDetective does a sub-standard job of patching Gas up. A heat wave moves into the area, pushing the temperatures above 50c.
Pictured: KAY OHHHHH
Jugust 2 - Jun successfully installs a bionic eye in Null, fixing his disfigurement and giving him sight beyond sight. A psychic ship part crashes far to the west... but not far enough. Krisken passes out from heatstroke and must be carried to his bed. Eriol prematurely triggers the mechanoids to pop out from their husk, and pays the price. In the desperate fight that follows, Reverent1 takes a charge lance shot through the spine and is paralyzed. Hylian's nose is shot off. Unfortunately, just as medical attention arrives for Eriol, he bleeds out.
Pictured: Krisken couldn't take the heat, and getting out of the kitchen didn't help.
Pictured: It was at that moment... Eriol knew... he fucked up.
Pictured: Shot through the spine, and you're to blame, you OH GOD HELP ME I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS
Pictured: Eriol didn't make it.
Jugust 3 - A hunting trip goes awry when the deer herd fights back. Attempting to defend Mikerc, Frank accidentally shoots him. BErt is overrun by several angry deer. Bront valiantly defends his downed master. Eriol is buried in a sarcophagus, the artwork depicting him hunting a hare.
Pictured: Why's every critter always pickin' on BErt?
Pictured: Eriol's interment
Jugust 4 - Jun installs a bionic eye in Thynne, and Zero does the same for Gas Bandit. However, something goes catastrophically wrong during the surgery and Gas's face starts spurting blood. Zero frantically tries to stop the bleeding, and fortunately succeeds. The bionic eye goes to waste, however, and Gas is fairly pissed at Zero when he wakes up and learns what happened. A Solar flare disables all electric appliaces for the rest of the day.
Jugust 5 - Jun fixes up Hylian with some rhinoplasty and an artificial nose, so that she won't be afraid to show her face any more. Bolstered by her successes, she attempts to replace Reverent1's shattered spine with a bionic one. The operation is a rousing success - not only can Reverent1 walk again, but he can move and manipulate objects 20% faster than he could when he was whole. On a roll, she installs a bionic eye in CynicalKat, and then just to prove who's boss doc around here, she fixes Zero's blunder, and installs another bionic eye for GasBandit. That night, more relatives arrive with another trade caravan. It's a pity the Halforumites won't be able to take them all with them when they escape... IF they escape...
Jugust 8 - GasBandit was having a nice chat with Jun when all of a sudden she insults him viciously. Bereft of his senses, he attacks her. They both rough each other up a bit and then stop. How did this even come to pass?! By way of apology, Gas personally tends her bruises in the infirmary, though it's clear she now regards him with disdain. She continues to slight him as they both recouperate. So much for the master plan, eh Terrik?
Pictured: And they were getting along so nicely
Pictured: An olive branch
Jugust 10 - Wasabi gets roughed up by a wild boar she is hunting. Nothing too serious, but painful. As steel and plasteel is starting to get plentiful, construction begins on a ship. It'll be a long, long time before it is finished, though... but hopefully not much more than 10 years.
Jugust 12 - A sapper raid arrives in the night, and Null's brother and Bubble's father are with them. How bitter. The attack is crushed utterly, and neither survive. The injuries to the colonists are barely worth mentioning. Bubble now hates Mikerc feverently, and Null feels the same about Thynne.
Pictured: the raiders are slaughtered
Jug 13 - For some bizarre reason, Bert goes hunting at 3 am - without his dog. He hunts a megasloth, which rarely ever fight back. Well, guess what. It tears off his left leg and leaves him to bleed out in the rainy night. Mikerc manages to rescue him, and Null finishes off the sloth. Pez's father, Teddy "Longshank" Pezzleton, is finally talked around into joining by, surprisingly, Jun - who isn't even all that interested in social work to begin with. He's a good crafter and grower, but he's gonna have a hard road to win over the other colonists.
Pictured: "NOM" - Megasloth. "MY LEG" - BErt
Pictured: Longshank joins
Pictured: The social network as it stands at the end of Jugust, 5501