Halforums Reboot

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Staff member
Fixed. Something is going on with Registered Users unable to do stuff like minimize boards or the ShoutBox. And it seems to ONLY be Registered Users. I don't know what setting changed but I haven't been able to find it.


Staff member
Look at it this way, you can NEVER have less than 100 HB. If you do, simply go to the Gameroom and bet everything you have, losing. The system will immediately give you 100 HB. I did this for 2 reasons.

1) Changing User titles needs to be cheap so you can change it if some jerk changes yours to something you don't like.
2) You can still enjoy the Gameroom and stuff without having to spam threads.

I realize that this is open to abuse by doing things like sending all your HB to someone, having it give 100, etc. But if you're that desperate knock yourself out.


Staff member

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------

Are earning HalBucks in anyway associated with the REP system?
Yes, but only the giving of reputation. I don't think you can get points for GETTING rep at this time.

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------

Edit: You can so I added it.

Giving rep = 5 HB for the giver, whether positive or negative.
Getting rep = 5 HB regardless of positive or negative then add or subtract HB depending on how much was given.


Person A gives Person B positive rep to the tune of 4 points. Person A gets 5 HB and Person B gets 9 HB (5 + 4 points).
Person A gives Person B negative rep to the tune of -4 points. Person A gets 5 HB and Person B gets 1 HB (5 - 4 points).


Staff member
Dammit, I'm gone for three days because it's too hot to be on the frickin' computer, and I lose all my PMs :( *sighs*

Oh well... Life goes on, I suppose.


Staff member
As I said, I saved them all off before I rebooted it all so if you need something they are there.


man. I finally got the deck I want in Triple Triad and gonna lose it :( (did spend the actual bucks)

probably not going to do it again 2nd time around. That was a lot of work.
Well, that doesn't seem to be the case... I had 810 before posting here and 820 after.. didn't get any new rep either...
I'm confused about rep. How do you assign a value to it? I thought it was just positive or negative, I didn't know you could set it for "4" or whatever.
You don't set it, it's automatic depending on your rep power which is decided by your current rep and join date and number of posts and penis size.


Staff member
I'm confused about rep. How do you assign a value to it? I thought it was just positive or negative, I didn't know you could set it for "4" or whatever.
The amount of rep you give or take away has to do with your "Rep Power" which I think is gotten from your post count, rep and time registered on the site. So you don't specify the number of points.


Staff member
Well, that doesn't seem to be the case... I had 810 before posting here and 820 after.. didn't get any new rep either...
Apparently the Gameroom was giving points again. I should have guessed that as I had to uninstall/reinstall it last week. It's fixed.


Staff member
Oh, and you also get 5 points each time someone posts in a thread you started. So Figment will get rich from the Cosplay thread!
What if you post in the thread you make. Do you get just the normal amount of points or do you get extra since you started the thread?
By the way.. you had added a feature that let people re-open threads they had started that had been closed automatically for lack of posting, right? Or was that my imagination?

Is that gone? I can't seem to find how to do it


Staff member
After 90 days, threads get locked automatically. If you start a thread you have the ability to reopen it. I think I need to figure out exactly how to explain it, though. You guys see different things than I do.


Staff member
You need to get yo'self back to a Starbucks is what you need to do. Those have been my favorite threads during work.
I love my Starbucks Thread too, but people neg rep me from hell to back every time I bring it back up, so I assumed it was like hated. I love you too, Seej :biggrin:
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