Halforums Reboot

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I'm sorry, I know I'm relatively unknown here and don't carry a lot of clout, but when I think about this from the perspective of a brand new member, isn't all of this just a tad bit gimmicky? ... I was reading about it and, if anything, the annoying restriction on doing something as simple as changing an avatar detracts from my desire to come here to post as opposed to other forums which offer more freedom. Again, this is from the perspective of a "new" member. I just don't have a place in any cliques here yet, and as such feel no desire to show loyalty to a place where in order to change my avatar (which I like to do from time to time) I have to post needlessly just to rack up points to do so.

*shrug* Just a thought.


Honestly, I've thought the same thing about the Avatars as well. Now, I'm probably as likely to change my avatar as Espy, so this doesn't affect me much, but I'd say Dream Goddess has a point.
so long as it doesn't cost much I don't see the big deal. I like it for some things, like the NSFW area (maybe add halchat in there too for the haters) and name changes.

plus there's more ways to get money. I've been tagging most of the threads I read and adding rep and ratings.
I'm just here to post and read posts. To contribute and share and occasionally get some licks in. And I'll be here as long as it remains enjoyable. So far, so good.

You are supposed to be able to replenish your halbucks back to 100 after you have spent them all but I havent been able to accomplish that yet.

Also what about when new people sign up will they have to pay to put up their first avatar or will they have to wait until they accumulate enough to get it. Avatars are one of those things I think should not cost halbucks to change. Just my 2 cents


Staff member
Have any of you even tried to change your avatars since I put the Shoppe in? Avatars aren't a part of it yet. I wasn't going to add them until they could separate changing yours and changing others. Here's how I see it happening:

Changing your own avatar - ridiculously cheap.
Changing someone else's avatar - ridiculously expensive.
Immunity from someone changing your avatar - medium price.

But none of that is there yet.

As to going under 100, the Gameroom resets you to 100 if you lose it all. But you have to be in the Gameroom. Go to Fun & Games -> Gameroom. Open up blackjack or something and lose it all. BAM! Gameroom sets you up with 100.

Wasabi Poptart

Seriously, this is getting less and less fun. I don't have time to make a lot of posts. I don't have time to tag posts or play games. Having to get points so I can perform basic message board functions, like changing my avatar, is a bit much IMO.
i will miss being able to check the nsfw forum for the year it will take me to save up enough money. as I do not always have stuff to say and time to be really active.
Might I suggest that basic changes that only affect your own profile (changing your avatar, name, title, etc.) be free/super cheap, while messing with other people's stuff stay expensive? I think it would please a lot of the occasional users who are concerned about the cost and time it would take to do things which were previously free.
To a person who sees he has 1000HB and would need to spend 100 to change an avatar, he's probably not going to think "ten times is a lot" but rather "ten times only?"

This change wouldn't affect the lurkers, but rather would affect the people who come across the forum and think of joining and becoming an active member. To the uninitiated, who have no idea what HalBucks are, the idea of needing to spend something for basic forum functions would probably be a turn-off.

I'm throwing my hat in with the folks that say basic forum functions such as avatar changes should be free. Not for the benefit of the veterans, but for the new guys.


Staff member
I love the faith you guys have in me. :p

Right now nobody can do anything to anyone else as we can't track it. But things like changing avatars will be very, very cheap - like 10 HB. This way it's actually EASIER for new people to change it if they wish.

Right now my only issue has to do with the theft thing sending messages out as PMs instead of notifications.

But right now I'm out of town and typing from a hotel wi-fi so I'll answer more later.
I like the addition of the bank. You can put halbucks in, and let it gain interest for those who are against the idea of posting/tagging/ lifting a finger to get them. Changing your own avatar or user title should remain cheap/free but what if after someone changes yours, you have the option to change yours back for free? Would that be possible? That way changing someone else's stuff could be cheaper.

And what about like a stock market or something? A more casual way to invest some halbucks into something with a higher return than the bank, maybe at the risk of loosing what we invested? Would that be possible?


Staff member
Just added....duhn duhn DUHN!...the ability to change other people's stuff!

Here's what you can change:

User name:


Custom Title:

The title itself.

Here's the difference from before: When you change someone else's stuff it sends them a PM letting them know what changed and who did it. Want to change someone's title to "Whiny sissy-pants"? Okay. But they'll know who did it.

So in the words of Woody, "Let's play nice."

---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 PM ----------

And what about like a stock market or something? A more casual way to invest some halbucks into something with a higher return than the bank, maybe at the risk of loosing what we invested? Would that be possible?
We do have a daily and monthly lottery. Is this what you mean?

I suppose I could make a daily lottery where the odds are better but the payout is less.


Staff member
Now for 1,000 HB you can buy access to the reopened "Flame Wars" section. This area in the Wretched Hive is where you can say anything about anybody without fear of repercussion. Please note that stuff in here will be meaner than shit and probably exaggerations, white lies or outright lies. If you are sensitive, this will not be for you. Please note that the Wretched Hive will still be moderated but only so that child porn/intense gore aren't in there. Everything else is allowed. Thin-skinned people should probably stay away as this will be troll central.

And they are both age blocked so if you are on a registered account that says you aren't 18 you won't get in. If you lie about your age there's nothing I can do and my ass is covered.

Have fun, fuckers.

---------- Post added at 02:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ----------

Oh, and on that note is there anything else you can think of that we would use for something like a hidden sub that you'd have to pay to play? I can't think of any more after trolling and porn.


Staff member
The only reason - ONLY - reason I'm against that is because I don't want people to feel they have to give me money for ANYTHING here. I mean, I'm fine with fake bucks all day but when it comes to real money I get a tad jumpy.
Well look at it the opposite way! Instead of donating, people will be paying for something they want. Isn't that good? (I honestly don't know)
I bought access to the "flame war" section and yet at least as of right now my money has not lowered at all and yet I have access to it.

Element 117

, I'm fine with fake bucks all day but when it comes to real money I get a tad jumpy.
why? Is there anything wrong with the forum breaking even and sustaining itself without your cash outflow?


Staff member
I bought access to the "flame war" section and yet at least as of right now my money has not lowered at all and yet I have access to it.
Score! When I tested it it took my money. So it just likes you better.
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