[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

this is my "everything blows up and kills everything else" deck. It's got as much AOE as I can justify, some healing so I don't kill myself quite as often, a few things that take advantage of the mass explosions and of course the Blingtron+acidic swamp ooze combo.

I've been having a lot of fun losing with this.

I might craft a 2nd healbot, and I could probably replace the 2nd owl with a 2nd gurabashi beserker.

What other fun decks have y'all made?
No, it's not a dick move. Hunters were the first group to have really good synergy (beasts) and nobody likes the "shoot other hero for 2 no matter how many taunters" hero power.



Staff member
Is it actually a dick move to even use a Hunter? I made my first Hunter deck last night and haven't been doing too bad.
Some people hate Hunter because they don't like aggro decks, and that's what Hunter is best at. (Though, I've heard the class was meant to be control oriented, but the design didn't work out as expected.)

Unless you're tanking your rank on ladder in order to face weaker decks, or you're playing an expensive netdeck in casual, you're fine. You might annoy people who think that "face Hunter has no strategy", but it's all part of the metagame.

I shut a Hunter down pretty hard with my ramp Druid deck today. He sure wasn't happy to see my BGH take down his Sea Giant.
No, it's not a dick move. Hunters were the first group to have really good synergy (beasts) and nobody likes the "shoot other hero for 2 no matter how many taunters" hero power.

Not entirely true. Hunters used to be terrible in the closed beta. They were the weakest class, because beast synergy was lackluster due to the general weakness of beasts in general, and the fact that their hero ability does not affect the board. Zoo warlocks were the despised decks due to how fast they could flood the board, and the lack of board wipe in the early game. Hunters eventually got a bit of a boost with reworkings of unleash the hounds and synergy with buzzard, which allowed them to play a zoo-like deck that lacked card draw, and could turn the game around in one combo of unleash/buzzard, which eventually lead to a nerf to buzzard. Face hunter (the hunter that rushes you with everything he has to make use of his hero power) was a thing, but it didn't get big until Naxx, when the increased deathrattle synergies made rushing face a valid strategy, since even board clear would trigger death rattles. There wasn't a lot of healing potential in the game at that point, so hunters could just race most decks.

Goblins vs Gnomes has helped to stop this a bit, adding more healing and more board control, and generally slowing the game down. Face hunters are still a thing, but you don't see them in higher ranks because they aren't consistent in their win rate enough. The nerf to Undertaker is the final nail in the coffin, so while you do still run across rush deck hunters (and the return of zoolock with implosion) they aren't as cheap as they used to be.[DOUBLEPOST=1423159312,1423159165][/DOUBLEPOST]
He sure wasn't happy to see my BGH take down his Sea Giant.
Until Dr Boom gets nerfed (and I hope he does, not because I think he's OP, but because I have three of him and want the dust!) pretty much every deck is going to run at least one BGH. Many now run two.
I think a lot of the hunter hate stems from it being so fast and cheap to make/play that it's become such a prevalent class at certain points in the ladder. It's also just versatile enough with good control cards that it can have answers to whatever you've got to try and deal with them. Big taunt minion to force trades? Hunters mark/deadly shot/weapons/multi shot etc. You cleared their board? Here let's fix that with enough cheap minions to just fill it back up again. You cleared their board again, with 3 minions of your own alive and now have board control, card advantage and a set up lethal? Top deck unleash the hounds, emote "sorry" twice, steady shot, use bow for exact lethal.

also you're going to face 6 of these in a row.

I'm exaggerating a bit, and using worst case scenarios and so on but there's a bit of truth to it. And it's really not that bad and I don't hate the people who play it like some do (/r/hearthstone) it's just a different play style than what I enjoy so for people like me specifically it can be annoying to go up against things like that often. Really I think it speaks more to flaws in the game itself such as rewards being based around number of games played instead of the matches themselves.
I feel like I do more awful things with a priest than a hunter. By turn 7 in the last game I played, I was able to boost a minion to be a 20/20. Throw in a spell and my opponent went from full health to 5 health. There was no turn 8--he conceded.

So I won't feel guilty about using a hunter just yet.
I feel like I do more awful things with a priest than a hunter. By turn 7 in the last game I played, I was able to boost a minion to be a 20/20. Throw in a spell and my opponent went from full health to 5 health. There was no turn 8--he conceded.

So I won't feel guilty about using a hunter just yet.
Yeah but your priest takes a lot more to set up then just a hunter beating you down.

Not entirely true. Hunters used to be terrible in the closed beta. They were the weakest class, because beast synergy was lackluster due to the general weakness of beasts in general, and the fact that their hero ability does not affect the board.
Hunters used to have a 1 turn kill that was very popular in the closed beta. They would hero power you down while they collected beasts in their hand and used their removal on your minions. Then they would just play all their beasts with unleash the hounds giving them all charge and plus attack for an instant kill. It wasn't until unleash was nerfed that they fell a bit. They did rise back up a few months later on the back of the new unleash to be top tier again. I believe priest was considered bottom tier especially after mind control was bumped up to ten mana.

What other fun decks have y'all made?
I have a fun pewadin deck where I put in everything that shoots something. Knife juggler, mad bomber, the riflemen, elven archer, avenging wrath, throw in some pandas so your guys can shoot some more a divine favor and a few buff cards and it won way more then it had any right to. With the new gvg cards I have to get some bomb lobbers to throw into it and maybe a madder bomber though with how many times I've had my mad bomber kill my juggler I am a little hesitant about the prospect of adding him.

Also I really enjoyed my combo warrior. Take warsong commanders with frothing beserkers and/or raging worgen with death's bite, unstable ghoul, task master and inner rage to buff them for 20 plus damage out of nowhere. I have battle rage, acolyte and gnomish for card draw to get to my combo. You can even toss a frothing or worgen down early without a warsong and still get a lot of damage out of them early usually. I know there are some decks with a OTK raging worgen but this just feels like it has more win conditions so you are not just stuck there waiting to draw your worgen. Plus it is really cheap with only a single brawl being the most expensive card.


Staff member
I love my Blingtron. He's not an especially good card, and I put him in decks even when he obviously makes the deck worse, but it's just so much fun to hand out random weapons.
Cenarious? How will I get past those two 2/2 trents with taunt? Oh right because my blingtron gave me doom hammer. BAM


Staff member
The game could really use some new quests. I haven't really had any trouble fulfilling mine, but I know "Win # games as" can be frustrating for new players. There should be more quests that don't revolve around winning games.

- Buff 30 minions
- Use your hero power 40 times
- Equip 20 weapons
- Draw 100 cards
- Play 20 minions with taunt/deathrattle/battlecry
Not if you've already slogged though enough games to get some decent cards (or sufficient average cards to craft some decent cards), you mean.

I think when you're starting out the way to go is for just a pure value deck. It kind of sucks because they're all going to look the same with two yetis, two gnomish inventors, two bolderfist ogers and so on. Still though, it makes the quests go quicker and then you can get back to trying out whatever fun deck you're working on.
Wife has a bunch of gold from when she played for a month, but doesn't anymore. Played her account because I wanted to do an arena run.

8-win arena, and the pack had two golden epics. Not complaining at all, but...FUCK I wish this had been on my account (i.e. the one that actually gets used), especially since they were useful cards for Mech Rogue.


Staff member
Turn one 6/6 Edwin Van Cleef... from a Mech Mage. *sigh* That's just absurd.

EDIT: At least they had the decency to say "sorry" when I conceded. I've been running into more and more assholes who say "thank you" to a concession. There's nothing to thank me for, I conceded because you had lethal and I had no way to prevent it. I didn't concede because you misplayed and I was being gracious. You're just being a dick.
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...how can a Mage get a 3mana card out there on turn 1? I mean, I can see getting a "free" cast from the unstable portal, and one extra mana from the coin, but where'd the other mana come from to cast the portal?

...how can a Mage get a 3mana card out there on turn 1? I mean, I can see getting a "free" cast from the unstable portal, and one extra mana from the coin, but where'd the other mana come from to cast the portal?

Unstable portal makes the creature cost 3 less. So coin, unstable portal, van cleef costs 3 less so zero mana meaning he can play it that turn and win the game off of stupid rng. Most of the time it's better then innervate or far sight because it still allows you to get a creature out early without even wasting a card.
Unstable portal makes the creature cost 3 less. So coin, unstable portal, van cleef costs 3 less so zero mana meaning he can play it that turn and win the game off of stupid rng. Most of the time it's better then innervate or far sight because it still allows you to get a creature out early without even wasting a card.
Nevermind, for some reason I was thinking Unstable Portal cost 3 mana, not 2. Mystery solved.

Turn one 6/6 Edwin Van Cleef... from a Mech Mage. *sigh* That's just absurd.

EDIT: At least they had the decency to say "sorry" when I conceded. I've been running into more and more assholes who say "thank you" to a concession. There's nothing to thank me for, I conceded because you had lethal and I had no way to prevent it. I didn't concede because you misplayed and I was being gracious. You're just being a dick.
I totally do this but only if they use all their time for the first few turns. If it takes someone a full minute thirty to decide to pass on turn one, and another minute thirty to hero power on turn two, they're getting a giant THANKS once their dude explodes.


Staff member
My latest Paladin arena is a little on the insane side:
Hearthstone_2015-02-12_Paladin Arena Deck.png

Highlights include:
1 Zombie Chow
1 Muster for Battle
1 Aldor Peacekeeper
2 Blessing of Kings
1 Consecration
1 Cult Master
1 Quartermaster
1 Argent Commander
4 Guardians of Kings
1 Stormwind Champion

I figure if I can survive until the late game, I'm pretty set. Though I feel bad for my early match-ups. My second game I had a turn 3 Mustard, and then turn 4 guy and Haunted Creeper. My opponent didn't even clear a single 1/1... Turn 5 Quatermaster on 4 recruits. 10/13 worth of stats onto the board on turn 5, in arena.


Staff member
I love my Reincarnate Shaman deck:
Hearthstone_Screenshot_Cheeseball Shaman 3.2.2015.jpg
Hearthstone_Screenshot_Cheeseball Shaman 3.2.2015b.jpg
Hearthstone_Screenshot_Cheeseball Shaman 3.3.2015.jpg
Hearthstone_Screenshot_Cheeseball Shaman 3.3.2015b.jpg

Granted, these are the exception, rather than the rule, but it's so much fun to win with this deck when it manages to win.


Staff member
I've been busy today, so I haven't been able to read up on it, but the next Hearthstone adventure has been announced Blackrock Mountain. It's going to be a lot of Dragons and Dwarves. No free wing this time, so you'd better start saving up your gold (and I just went on a pack buying splurge *sigh*).
Have you tried milling decks? Those are fun too, mill druid and mill rogue.

..if you want to play with me send me a message :D
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