[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)


Staff member
Unearthed Raptor can crash Hearthstone:

Too bad, I was really looking forward to seeing what sort of shennanigans could be pulled by copying Boombots deathrattle a ridiculous number of times.
This week's tavern brawl can fuck itself. I kept getting pirate synergy cards RIGHT AFTER playing my last pirate.

And my reward pack? Of course it had a bloodsail whatever the fuck in it.
Aw, man. I'm following Trolden, Rage Orc, and Hysteria now, and occasionally checking Hearthstone Science, but I keep forgetting about Disguised Toast.

My first match, I swear to god, no matter how big my deck got all I ever seemed to draw were chickens and spare parts.
Not true, your cards either recycle or copy, so you always have the same cards that were in your hand recycled to your deck.
The rng gods were against me during a few brawls today. One opponent played a turn 4 Doctor boom followed by a turn 5 Toshley followed by another round of Boom and Toshley. Then next game a mage got nerubian egg then kept picking activators like mad scientist and barron gedon.

The coins can be devestating to have or ruin you with nothing to play. I had a turn 2 and 4 consist of me just having spare parts and coins. Then the picks were all too expensive for me to play at all. Varian, stormwind champion and the 10/10 charger when my opponent played a turn 1 yeti. Yeah......

But yeah it doesnt matter what you play as you will have them put back into your deck regardless of if you play them or not.
I had a brawl go on for 45 minutes last night. Not because of slow turns, just because we stalemated each other for a very long time before the tables turned.
Van Cleef followed by Shadowstep was a fun and easy win.
Nice. Along the same vine, questing adventurer also makes it a fairly easy win usually. I actually got mine to be up around 2o attack with all the low cost cards I picked. Though when it was managed to be played against me, I picked two earth shocks to counter that and his cobra. :p
I had to win 2xRogue games yesterday to get rid of a quest.
Decided to do so in the brawl.
Won my first game. Yay!
Lost the second. Boo.
Won my third game...and didn't get credit for it.
Closed the game in disgust, played Diablo for a couple hours.
Woke up this morning to see what today's quest would be, logged into Hearthstone to CONGRATULATION FOR WINNING TWO ROGUE GAMES! banner.
...well, ok then.



Staff member
Yeah, win tracking for quests has been a little messed up lately. I've had my quests report being finished a game late twice now. One was Total Dominance, which reported correctly the first time I got it, and then reported again the next day after I lost a game (but didn't give me more gold). The next was a 2 win quest, which didn't reward me when I got the second win, but did reward me after the next game (again, a loss).
The Rafaam fight was so funny. I just tried it on heroic and I just decided to put every single draw card in the deck so his hand was always full. He never got any minions from his hero power and he fatigued himself when I still had 16 cards in mine (even after drawing 4 from the coldlight oracles, and a loot hoarder I mind visioned). Im just glad he went face with the colt masters so I could draw him 8 or so cards off them.