[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)


Staff member
Brawl idea: the next Encounter at the Crossroads could feature all uncollectable cards. Adventure boss minions and spells like the trons, locust swarm, etc, But also cards usually spawned from other cards: Baine Bloodhoof, the spells from ETC, dream cards. Also, cards from the tutorial.

It has the potential to be ridiculously RNG, but I doubt any more than when normal cards get their costs randomized.
so the ones that worked best for me were Scavaging Hyena and Stonetusk Bore, and Bolster (+2+2 to taunt) and Shield bearer (Payback time!)

The first one I tried was Hunters Mark and the new one that does 1 damage and summons a 1/1. I was doing ok against that druid one with the innervate and the 10/10 until I didn't have enough hunters marks.

I also tried a Blood Mage Thalnos+ arcane missle one but it didn't quite pan out like i'd hopped.
From watching Trump's video, it looks like Mechwarper + Gorillabot is a pretty dominant combo for this brawl.
i was thinking of the mechanical gnome and the one that's a 3/2 with a mech out might be a fun combo. I also thought about mana worm + mirror image to hide it behind.
Finally got my pack with Priest (against Rogue) with the murloc pair.
Turn one, Rogue plays Grimscale Oracle.
Turn one, I coin and play Murloc Tidecaller x2.
Turn two, Rogue plays Bilefin Tidehunter, realizes that anything she plays will buff my minions, too, and quits.

I really wish I could just import a deck from my deck list. Making new decks on mobile annoys me.
Cranky feels as you do, judging by the cursing he was doing.

Also, fair warning: in this brawl cards like Ragnaros and C'Thun do NOT de-stealth after their effects resolve like you would expect. I have not tested chargers yet, nor have I tested whether cards like Silent Knight are forced out of stealth on their next turn.



Staff member
I got my win in this brawl with aggro Shaman. Stomped all over an Evolve Shaman deck. I have no regrets.

It'll be interesting to see how the meta shakes out for this Brawl. I'm curious as to if Alarm-O-Bot will turn out to be powerful, or if it will be easily countered.
There is something OH so satisfying about a warrior brawling me twice in a row to try to wipe my Tirion and failing both times.
I've seen it happen with Reno Jackson, before, too.
Also, at first glance I wondered what was so special about Ohio.



Staff member
This Brawl... This fucking Brawl...

I keep switching between laughing and swearing. I think I just need to give up any illusion of control I have, and just accept I have no control over winning.
This Brawl... This fucking Brawl...

I keep switching between laughing and swearing. I think I just need to give up any illusion of control I have, and just accept I have no control over winning.
I'm loving it.
There have been times where I'm down 6-1 minions and I've been saved just by PLAY ALL THE TINY MINIONS until I get a Twisting Nether or something.

Got my new quest today.
"Paladin or Priest dominance: Win 5 with Paladin or Priest"
Hmm. I don't like playing the 5-win ones, they take too long to complete with my spotty play schedule. So I delete it and get...
"Paladin or Priest dominance: Win 5 with Paladin or Priest"

There is very little that stings as much as going up against someone in brawl who is so obviously a bad/careless player...and then having them outdraw you every turn. I mean, his Blizzard username might as well have been "InClouseau."
