Hi! Its wondewul!

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Well then, he should try BotLovedotCom, the place where thousands of horny sexy bot girls are waiting for him! Its wondewul!
I assume it's the spammer testing our defenses. Seeing if he can post, and whether we'll read it.

We walked right into its trap. Soon massive jaws will clamp shut and we'll be perforated with links to curtain retail sites.


Staff member
What kind of thoughts? pain at being abandoned by their fathers? The bastards!
Well, obviously, thoughts of a broken home and insincere reassurance flavored with a desperate need for denial to cope with the dysfunctionality of the family. Sounds like a recipe for self-destructive alcoholics to me. And nobody drinks everclear "socially."
Wonderful is my favority Everclear song. Coming from a broken home, those kinds of songs really hit me where it counts. Another example is Pink's Family Portrait.
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