How much do you pirate?

How much do you pirate?

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Spinning of the offtopic banter of the DRM thread, it seems an interesting idea to gauge how many people actually buy everything. I doubt any RIAA suit will be here, so tell me, how much do you pirate?

Movies: buy around 5 a week, but I´ll download one or two that arent avaliable in Brazil.
TV shows: pretty much all pirated. only 4 box sets bought.
Games: Rom of every game I buy, plus a few
ROMS of old games: Never bought any, all downloaded
Books: All bought
Manga and comics: Read manga online, buy graphic novels of all comic industries.
MP3s: Used to buy through iTunes, now barely buying cds.
I have a little music from friends, but nothing impressive as far as volume is concerned. Oh, and a few episodes of MST3K. I'm buying episodes now though.
I downloaded music 8-9 years ago as an undergrad. At the time I didn't fully understand the concept of pirating. To me, it was just people sharing music. While I don't agree with the RIAA, I avoid illegal downloads these days.

I played around with ROMS briefly, but that didn't really hold my interest either. Now I'm much happier playing a few retro games on my Wii and not worrying about all the hurdles that go along with ROMS.

I have always purchased everything else (books, movies, etc.). And now that I think about it, I haven't downloaded anything I didn't pay for (excluding free things) in the last 7 years or so.


years ago I used to pirate like mad, even before bittorrent made it so damn easy

these days, doctor who is all i "pirate" but eh, non-profit show from a foreign country, BBC tends to turn a blind eye to us Americans getting it the same time the UK fans do
Let me see...

There is not video rental in this city.
All the good movies are dubbed
There are not game stores
There are not comic stores
There are not libraries or book stores. :facepalm:
I don't have an international credit card. And even if I had, everything computer related (games) have a 35% tax.

If there is an alternative, I would like to know.


Staff member
I only pirate TV, but I try and catch it legitimately first. If I can I watch it live. Then, since I don't have a DVR or VCR, I try and catch it via a legit streaming service. If it's not available streaming, or the streaming just doesn't work right, and I still really want to see it, then I go to bittorrent. I'm using a lot less BT than I used to, since there's a lot more streaming than there was, and I'm being pickier about what I watch so I can have more time for video games.


CrimsonSoul said:
Nah, its just a poll.

After screams by Shego over being corrected and LeQuack that one who pirates shouldnt talk about DRM, I wanted to see how many people here have never pírated.
The cable tv service here actually pirates their signal from a New York area station, and I only download tv stuff that I miss when it originally airs, and movies that I already own and left at home, no games, music, or other. I like adding to my DVD collection, and the rest of the movies were borrowed from Netflix or the local library.
Awww JCM did I really get that under your skin you have to bring it to this thread too?

Let's go back and play in the sandbox I made for you. Cmon now JCM, let's let this thread stay the way it is.

Oh since this is a serious thread and not one to make you rage over, I can tell you (like I did in the other thread) Pirates can talk about DRM all they want, as long as they understand it's there because of them in the first place.


Yep, its amazing, wherever I call her, she comes!! I´ll give you last post here. :uhhuh:

Now if people believe the only reason DRM exists is Pirates, well, god help them.


Cog said:
But if DRM is there because of the pirates, why is still there even if it doesn't work?

Its now more "what can we get away in controlling our stuff" than "stopping pirates"
Wow JCM, you really can't get a joke? I'm reminded of Kanye West in the "fishsticks" joke South Park episode.

I'm not playing any games with you here in this thread JCM. I keep my stuff contained and civil in most threads. I know where jokes belong and conversations belong.

Try and learn the difference.
Forget JCM and answer my question please? If you answer it you are going to demostrate you are right and JCM is going to shut up. And you will be right and we all are going to be happy.
Sorry Cog, I missed your post. Anyway, it's there because a new system hasn't come up yet, DRM hasn't been around that long and is just one in a very long list of things that will attempt to keep pirates away from products.

DRM won't be around much longer, especially if a new system comes around.
Ahhhh DRM is there because the companies are used to it. Ok this is solved. Next... What should I do to get legal things in this third world place I live?
Sadly Cog, not a whole lot. Pirating is only a loss (in my eyes) to a company, when someone completely capable of aquiring a product of theirs and instead of purchasing, downloads the product. Of course, if said product is ever released in the area, you'd be on the wrong side by not purchasing it at that point after downloading.


Shego said:
Sorry Cog, I missed your post. Anyway, it's there because a new system hasn't come up yet, DRM hasn't been around that long and is just one in a very long list of things that will attempt to keep pirates away from products.

DRM won't be around much longer, especially if a new system comes around.
New systems HAVE come around.

DRM has changed, media has been hardware locked, new systems are created every time. CD-keys, "must have cd in drive to play" Securom, online activation, online verification, rootkits, etc.

The question is WHY IS IT USED, when only customers have to put up with it, and pirates get torrents with everything hacked and cracked for them? I´d love to hear a serious opinion from you.
I just said: Because they are used to it. Case solved. :humph:

Do you know a wii cost $600 here? Guess how much for a ps3.



That explains why so little noise was made by the media when blind people, who are the number one purchasers of text-to speech enabled books, suddenly discovered last night Amazon deleted that function from a few books they bought, and stuff like that.

Makes me wonder if in the future we wont own any media, but simply borrow/rent it.


Staff member
Actually there is some possible truths to that. I know there has already been talks of people not buying operating systems or productivity suites (MS office) but leasing them or running them remotely.


Games: ROMs of titles I can't get any other way (like say, through Nintendo's Virtual Console) and fan translated titles.

I do my fair share of pirating TV shows, movies, anime, and manga. I am more likely to buy anime than live action TV shows because anime is cheaper by far. I'll usually buy or rent a movie, but if I can't get a good price I'll pirate it and watch it, then wait until I can pick up my own copy at a low price.
JCM, you've NEVER owned digital media. You've only owned a liscence to said media. That's been stated very clearly in EULAs since EULAs existed.
Unless he's french, then the EULA means nothing.

Oh, and i'm from Eastern Europe, so 90% of stuff is pirated even if you buy it from the store (ok, that was in the 90's).

I only buy stuff when it's gotten cheap enough to be worth it, which is getting harder coz since we got in the EU they've been putting EU prices on games etc... which did wonders for us continuing to not buy stuff.


Bowielee said:
JCM, you've NEVER owned digital media. You've only owned a liscence to said media. That's been stated very clearly in EULAs since EULAs existed.
No EULAs in my PSP, DS, PS2 games and books. Nor dvds.

Although it is illegal to watch DVD in a non-windows/Mac pc (as it was never permitted and it took DVD John to crack the dvd encryption).

But then its also illegal to sing a copyrighted song in public, so copyright laws are rather difficult.
Eh, no, i think what illegal is breaking the protection, because you're modifying it etc... but so are mods.

Oh, and i forgot to mention how one of the biggest ISP's here has a DC++ channel and a tracker site... now all we need is a grog fad and we're golden.


JCM said:
Bowielee said:
JCM, you've NEVER owned digital media. You've only owned a liscence to said media. That's been stated very clearly in EULAs since EULAs existed.
No EULAs in my PSP, DS, PS2 games and books. Nor dvds.

Although it is illegal to watch DVD in a non-windows/Mac pc (as it was never permitted and it took DVD John to crack the dvd encryption).

But then its also illegal to sing a copyrighted song in public, so copyright laws are rather difficult.


DS EULA: ... a/EULA.jsp

Every game, cd, and DvD has an End user license agreement that you agree to when you purchase a product.
Chazwozel said:
Every game, cd, and DvD has an End user license agreement that you agree to when you [strike:2o91rulx]purchase[/strike:2o91rulx] install a product.

Also, look at this:

Blizzard argued, and Judge Campbell agreed, that when users violated the World of Warcraft EULA, they no longer had a license to play the game and were therefore guilty of copyright infringement. As Siy noted in a blog post last year, Blizzard’s theory, if taken literally, would mean that violating any of the rules in the EULA and Terms of Service, such as choosing a screen name that didn’t meet Blizzard’s guidelines, would be an act of copyright infringement. And distributing software that helps users infringe copyright itself constitutes secondary copyright infringement, which could expose MDY to copyright law’s draconian “statutory damages” of $150,000 per act of infringement. The law gives aggrieved parties to contract disputes much less potent powers.
Nice one... now they need to make it so one can't read books on the toilet, and doing so means the writer can come and get the book back...


Chazwozel said:
JCM said:
Bowielee said:
JCM, you've NEVER owned digital media. You've only owned a liscence to said media. That's been stated very clearly in EULAs since EULAs existed.
No EULAs in my PSP, DS, PS2 games and books. Nor dvds.

Although it is illegal to watch DVD in a non-windows/Mac pc (as it was never permitted and it took DVD John to crack the dvd encryption).

But then its also illegal to sing a copyrighted song in public, so copyright laws are rather difficult.


DS EULA: ... a/EULA.jsp

Every game, cd, and DvD has an End user license agreement that you agree to when you purchase a product.
My bad, those are the EULA of the DSi online service, and EULA of the software running the and PSP, and I was talking about the games themselves.

All I get in my PSP manuals are a Limited warranty and Unauthorized use. Daxter's and Lemmings doesn't even have any copyright-related announcement.

The DS game manuals have no copyright notice. Cant find any in any DVD film, and only a short copyright notice in books.

Wont make much of a lawsuit, if they dont have anything I can read, and Brazil is pretty much creative commons.
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