How to play Left 4 Dead (2).


Staff member
@Terrik was asking about the differences between melee weapons last night. I found this info. In short, each hit by a melee weapon does the same amount of damage, but each weapon has it's own swing speed, hit arc, hit range, knock-back, etc. So there's not a huge difference between the various melee weapons, but they aren't identical, and you do need to use them slightly differently.
@Terrik was asking about the differences between melee weapons last night. I found this info. In short, each hit by a melee weapon does the same amount of damage, but each weapon has it's own swing speed, hit arc, hit range, knock-back, etc. So there's not a huge difference between the various melee weapons, but they aren't identical, and you do need to use them slightly differently.
To make it short: if you want to clear a horde that's got you pinned or cut a tongue, you want an axe, a katana, a guitar, a crowbar or a frying pan. If you want to quickly strike down a tank, charger, or whatever, you want machete or nightstick. Bats are sort of middle of the road.


Staff member
And I just learned last night for the first time that you can use a sniper rifle shot to cut a tongue from long distance. Neat.
And I just learned last night for the first time that you can use a sniper rifle shot to cut a tongue from long distance. Neat.
Wait, really? I've been saying this in matches. Any time you saw someone break free from a tongue with no one around, it was me using the rifle to break the tongue. It doesn't even need to be a rifle: any bullets can do it. I do it with ARs/Deagles all the time.


Staff member
My revelation for the night was that I an way better at crowning witches than GB. :p
Yeah, you were pretty impressive at it. I just never seem to do it right lately.
We basically all said "Um, duh?" when he had that revelation. [emoji14]
Shaddap! Everybody has blind spots!
Wait, really? I've been saying this in matches. Any time you saw someone break free from a tongue with no one around, it was me using the rifle to break the tongue. It doesn't even need to be a rifle: any bullets can do it. I do it with ARs/Deagles all the time.
Yeah, I didn't know that. I thought you had to either kill the smoker or melee the survivor being dragged.


Staff member
I started uploading the Death Aboard episode a couple hours ago, noted that it estimated over 500 minutes to completion... I thought that'd get revised when whatever the hell it was temporarily slowing my connection down cleared up (most likely the very fact I was TeamViewering into my home box)... but I just checked on it and NOPE still over 400 minutes to go, and only 12% uploaded! I ran two different speedchecks and a throttling test to find my connection was just fine, apparently something was wrong at youtube... I stopped the upload and started it again, and suddenly it says 70 minutes. Guess they just had a bum server or something.

It's nice to know youtube supports upload resuming though. Not a lot of web based transfer solutions do.
Soooo.... did we want to play again tonight? Since I guarantee I'll be bored again in a couple of hours anyways. :p
Bounce to something else clearly. :p

I don't really care, it just means I'll end up playing League. You don't want to let that happen to a person do you?!


Staff member
Bounce to something else clearly. :p

I don't really care, it just means I'll end up playing League. You don't want to let that happen to a person do you?!
Egh, suddenly I feel like I'm chaperoning a crack addict. Methadone to be distributed every night at 8 central, I guess.
It's ok, this weekend I'm going to have a life, I promise. [emoji14]

Besides, you don't have to play, I have Pez and Terrik!
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Staff member
It's ok, this weekend I'm going to have a life, I promise. [emoji14]

Besides, you don't have to play, I have Pez and Terrik!
But what if something hilarious or awesome happens and I am not there to record it?!
Bounce to something else clearly. :p

I don't really care, it just means I'll end up playing League. You don't want to let that happen to a person do you?!

Have you tried Diablo III? You and Squidley could give each other a run for your money :p
Have you tried Diablo III? You and Squidley could give each other a run for your money [emoji14]
I don't like the grindy nature of Diablo once you get to the end tbh. It's a game I maybe pick up once and awhile, but I already did WoW end game raiding for 8 years, I don't need to play more min/maxing nonsense.
Did anyone else want to come and play the Minecraft one? We can save Night Terror for if/when Terrik logs on.
I won't be home until 2am EST but if anyone's still playing then I'll probably be up for it.

And to answer about my commentary of your playthrough: things I said while watching

"Terrik gotta Terrik"
"That is a bad place for a crescendo event. Might as well just call it the TPK bridge."
"Big damn heroes!"
"What the fuck? (laughter)" (when Terrik capped GB)
"Why yes, that's a fantastic place for a Tank!"
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If you guys every want to know who the most stubborn motherfuckers on this forum are, just wait until the newest round of videos. :p


Staff member
And we ended with a scant 59 gigs left on my terrabyte drive, because of all the footage of that horrendous bullshit.

59 gigs is like... 3 minutes


Staff member
I've started the Left 4 Dead minecraft edition video to rendering... should upload it in the morning, and it will be up that afternoon..

But... the video of ultimate bullshit.. is 2.5 hours of footage. I'm going to have to break it up into multiple parts I think, and it'll probably take a couple days to get it all done and uploaded.