How to play Left 4 Dead (2).


Staff member
Really. So my absence does not necessitate smooth sailing after all. Hah!
Dude, you saw the minecraft footage.

But yeah, we spent an inordinate amount of time last night retracing steps/going in circles. On Advanced difficulty. It wasn't as brutal as Night Terror, but.... ugh, that fuckin drawbridge tho.
All and all, a good night of games where we made an absolute JOKE of the Advanced difficulty. We NEVER had a smoother run of Dead Center.
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I wasn't commenting on what you said but how you spelled it. And you said it because Terrik said beforehand that he could totally best us 2v1 while you were that drunk, and he didn't.


Staff member
I wasn't commenting on what you said but how you spelled it. And you said it because Terrik said beforehand that he could totally best us 2v1 while you were that drunk, and he didn't.
Kinda wish I remembered anything at all about the match, that had to be fun.