How was your first time?

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I went to image from the pvp site. The first thread I posted in was about underage drinking in which chaz harglegarbled at me like a shrill harpy. Ah yes, so long ago and yet it seems like just last month.
Had liked the classic Ding! comic but did not read PVP until years later. Then I read a strip that I either was interested or annoyed enough in to comment on and found the forums (probably in 2007). Survived the wipe and made it over on the mayflower. This is now my land, and I can't stand all you "illegal immigrants" that joined without ever knowing the PVP board! Dey Dook Or Posts!!!

Or something like that...


I went to image from the pvp site. The first thread I posted in was about underage drinking in which chaz harglegarbled at me like a shrill harpy. Ah yes, so long ago and yet it seems like just last month.
...should be dropped to 18...


I went to image from the pvp site. The first thread I posted in was about underage drinking in which chaz harglegarbled at me like a shrill harpy. Ah yes, so long ago and yet it seems like just last month.
...should be dropped to 18...[/QUOTE]

That isn't what we argued about.[/QUOTE]

Underaged drinking doesn't create alcoholics... I don't know, I rarely give a shit enough to remember 2 year old threads.
Also because you've had more forum arguments than the Internet has porn flicks. :p

I think I can recall every forum argument or disagreement I've ever had.


Also because you've had more forum arguments than the Internet has porn flicks. :p

I think I can recall every forum argument or disagreement I've ever had.
Me too. I remember all the my arguments. The harder the head desk the more likely I am to remember it, which is kind of counter intuitive.


Also because you've had more forum arguments than the Internet has porn flicks. :p

I think I can recall every forum argument or disagreement I've ever had.
Me too. I remember all the my arguments. The harder the head desk the more likely I am to remember it, which is kind of counter intuitive.[/QUOTE]

Good to know. Is that why you persistently snipe people for no reason other than having nothing better to do but hold grudges over internet arguments?


Also because you've had more forum arguments than the Internet has porn flicks. :p

I think I can recall every forum argument or disagreement I've ever had.
Me too. I remember all the my arguments. The harder the head desk the more likely I am to remember it, which is kind of counter intuitive.[/QUOTE]

Good to know. Is that why you persistently snipe people for no reason other than having nothing better to do but hold grudges over internet arguments?[/QUOTE]

The only person I snipe is you and since your existence is just one long internet argument there is no way to "hold a grudge" from one to another. I think the greater concern is that you say whatever you want and then have instant amnesia about it. Must be nice.
I joined the HalfPixel forum during the presidential election, which I only remember because the eventual forum winner had this poster that was purportedly an image of herself. Within a day or two that sweet smiling lady proved to be nothing like the image in question. A lot like real politics, actually.

Other than that, it seemed to be as good a place as any to be a smart ass, so I linger.


Also because you've had more forum arguments than the Internet has porn flicks. :p

I think I can recall every forum argument or disagreement I've ever had.
Me too. I remember all the my arguments. The harder the head desk the more likely I am to remember it, which is kind of counter intuitive.[/QUOTE]

Good to know. Is that why you persistently snipe people for no reason other than having nothing better to do but hold grudges over internet arguments?[/QUOTE]

The only person I snipe is you and since your existence is just one long internet argument there is no way to "hold a grudge" from one to another. I think the greater concern is that you say whatever you want and then have instant amnesia about it. Must be nice.[/QUOTE]

You snipe anyone that finds a loophole in your bullshit. I can think of Espy being sniped on several occasions by yourself.

I just don't invest that much time into giving a shit about what forum people think of me. And again, sorry, I don't remember arguments from 2 years ago on image. Is this a bad thing? I'd say not.




Also because you've had more forum arguments than the Internet has porn flicks. :p

I think I can recall every forum argument or disagreement I've ever had.
Me too. I remember all the my arguments. The harder the head desk the more likely I am to remember it, which is kind of counter intuitive.[/QUOTE]

Good to know. Is that why you persistently snipe people for no reason other than having nothing better to do but hold grudges over internet arguments?[/QUOTE]

The only person I snipe is you and since your existence is just one long internet argument there is no way to "hold a grudge" from one to another. I think the greater concern is that you say whatever you want and then have instant amnesia about it. Must be nice.[/QUOTE]

You snipe anyone that finds a loophole in your bullshit. I can think of Espy being sniped on several occasions by yourself.

I just don't invest that much time into giving a shit about what forum people think of me. And again, sorry, I don't remember arguments from 2 years ago on image. Is this a bad thing? I'd say not.[/QUOTE]

You don't need to remember and you don't need to comment either. So just let it go.

Philosopher B.

I don't remember any arguments because I don't have any. I want an argument!


I don't remember any arguments because I don't have any. I want an argument!
No you dont.[/QUOTE]

Y-yes I do!

I don't remember any arguments because I don't have any. I want an argument!
Your ears are too pointy. Get them shaved down you hippy![/QUOTE]

You're just jealous because I look like a sexy elf. :humph:[/QUOTE]

You wanna go, cupcake. <cracks knuckles>


Should we start up a flame thread or something? I thought those threads were banned by the secret Halforum police?


Chaz isn't happy unless he's yellin at somebody. I say let Makare oblige him if she wants. My head hurts too much to really tell them to get a room.


Ladies choice, Philospher B make a thread pick your contentious poison and we will lay down a smack down on you. All nice like.
[FONT=&quot]I joined in order to make a comment about a PVP comic but I realized that everyone had probably made the same comment so I didn’t bother to post. But I did lurk for a few weeks. Than I realized hey these people are as crazy as I am! So I decided to stay and join in the mayhem. And now it has been over 2 years and I am still here :)

Wasabi Poptart

I joined Halfpixel out of sheer boredom while my husband was deployed.


Staff member
I joined to ask whether kurtz had ever done a comic about 40k or any games workshop materials. I stayed to get into stupid arguments with M80. And I mean stupid, as in I was stupid. Now of course all of my arguments are filled with win. Basically I always win. Go f--- yourself.
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