How was your first time?

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I first joined image in Jan 2006. I was bored working at a call center. I first posted in a thread about gay marriage. I took a moderate position and was beaten by both Crone and M-80. I stopped posting regularly and have lurked since.
People only remember that because you told them about it, Susan. Besides, I don't think there's a nickname for doing a prat-fall and faking a chipped tooth to avoid going down on a girl with a yeast infection.


Staff member
Yeah, man. It would be a completely different story if you didn't make threads about how awesome you are at fucking women. As for me, I'm known for being a dick. OOH OOH and crayons!
I've been stalking you guys since forever, but i don't remember when i first posted... i think The Janissary was long gone and Menopausal Rogue went away around that time.


Most of us aren't really thought about one way or the other. I'm basically taupe wallpaper - innocuous and forgettable.
HA! Shush. Back to the wall.

---------- Post added at 07:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 AM ----------

I first joined image in Jan 2006. I was bored working at a call center. I first posted in a thread about gay marriage. I took a moderate position and was beaten by both Crone and M-80. I stopped posting regularly and have lurked since.
I must be slipping in my beatings, you can still clearly use enough bones and muscles to communicate.

---------- Post added at 07:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 AM ----------

Yeah, man. It would be a completely different story if you didn't make threads about how awesome you are at fucking women. As for me, I'm known for being a dick. OOH OOH and crayons!
You are basically known for your hat. And your very weird comic.

---------- Post added at 07:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:17 AM ----------

Most of us aren't really thought about one way or the other. I'm basically taupe wallpaper - innocuous and forgettable.
We're all pretty forgettable, unless we're insufferable assholes.[/QUOTE]

True dat.
Man... I don't remember... I lurked for a long time on PVP/Image and then joined maybe 2 years before the move to Halfpixel? I can't remember why... Probably boredom and it was a good place to have some fun debates. I actually think the first real argument I got in was with Dave. I probably won, but who can remember these things?


I kinda miss general fuzzy mcBitty's monkey avatar. And the poster, too.


I have tried to get in touch with Fuzzy Mcbitty but I have failed :(
I miss that guy.


Staff member
Aww, I miss Menopausal Rogue.

(but not Jannisary) :p
I gotta say, from the time that I knew her, I really, really despised that woman and her stupid cookie schtick. I think of the first arguments I had back at the old forums was about censorship and "being kind" or some dumb crap.

I do miss ZM. Still regret not being able to grab a beer with her and her hub on the west coast.

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

I have tried to get in touch with Fuzzy Mcbitty but I have failed :(
I miss that guy.
Wasn't he one of the guys that went way too nuts on the forum? I don't remember anymore. Maybe I'm thinking of somebody else.


Aww, I miss Menopausal Rogue.

(but not Jannisary) :p
I gotta say, from the time that I knew her, I really, really despised that woman and her stupid cookie schtick. I think of the first arguments I had back at the old forums was about censorship and "being kind" or some dumb crap.

I do miss ZM. Still regret not being able to grab a beer with her and her hub on the west coast.

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

I have tried to get in touch with Fuzzy Mcbitty but I have failed :(
I miss that guy.
Wasn't he one of the guys that went way too nuts on the forum? I don't remember anymore. Maybe I'm thinking of somebody else.[/QUOTE]

I dont really remember much about him on the forum. He was on irc a lot though. That's where I remember him from and on there he was fun to have around most of the time.
There were a lot of people who posted in Webcomics Weekly or in Starslip that never bothered to make the transfer. I miss Ben Paddon and Rittz most of all.
I was never around for Menopausal Rogue but it sounds like a shtick that would get real old real fast.


Wasn't he one of the guys that went way too nuts on the forum? I don't remember anymore. Maybe I'm thinking of somebody else.

---------- Post added at 10:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

What is twee?
lmao. You are far younger than I thought.

Something that is sweet, almost to the point of being sickeningly so. As a derogatory descriptive, it means something that is affectedly dainty or quaint, or is way too sentimental.

In American English it often refers to a type of simple sweet pop music, but in British English it is used much more widely for things that are nauseatingly cute or precious. It comes from the way the word sweet sounds when said in baby talk.
Belle and Sebastian are the Beatles of twee.
I don't like forum moms - not as in women posters with kids, I mean forumites who try and assert an un-asked for maternal authority and nanny state on the forums. Rowan's a nice enough woman in regular conversation, but I couldn't stand her Mommy-stating on KM. Menopausal Rogue was the same. I keep in touch with ZenMonkey on Twitter - does a lot of arguing about skepticism, critical thinking, and talking about chronic fatigue syndrome.

I'm glad that Crun, Computergate, and Jannisary are gone. Belligerent fuckheads, all of them.


But I am a cockbag, too.
Sometimes you are cool. Other times you annoy the shit out of me so much I flee. I imagine the latter feeling is reciprocated, though whether you flee or not who cares? At least your comic is edutaining.

---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

I don't like forum moms -
But they love you. Also, I thought Computergate was cool. He occasionally dug into neat stuff.
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