I call bulls**t

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It boils down to one question - do you believe Israel has the right to exist?
Two sides to that question, I suppose...

They won all (what it is seven?) civil wars that resulted since its declaration in 1949. Isn't that by definition how a new state is formed?

However, that does not excuse the Israeli government from the deplorable acts which it has committed in the name of their independence towards the Palestinian people. For me it boils down to where my tax dollars are going. I disagree with how much the US spends to keep Israel afloat.
Sorry, I don't mean to instigate, but aren't you the guy who started a thread to 'ban all guns" like that's a legitimate and realistic option? Don't be so snide.
This is Charlie. His is a carefully crafted personality and visage designed to incite as many people as possible to want to punch him in the face. Repeatedly.


Staff member
It is the official stated position of the palestinians and a great many nations in the area that Israel is basically an illegal entity forced into existence and maintained by western devils. If Israel has a right to exist, then a great, great share of the blame for the plight of the palestinians rests on the neighbors of Israel for deliberately exacerbating said plight, so as to continue casting Israel as the villain. If the palestinians had simply been taken in, absorbed and assimilated by the various arab states which instead keep them penned up against Israel and copiously provided with RPGs and mortars, this would be a very different discussion.
There is no if. The plight has been manipulated over the decades by various Arab states for the sole benefit of keeping those in power in power. There is no motivation to improve the plight of the common man if all one has to do is shout "Israel!" and the shrieking masses forget all about the food and electricity shortages for a few more months.
not to derail the Israel chat but the "ban all guns" was a knee-jerk thing to the Aurora shooting, but I still stand by that it's better than what we have now
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