I will answer every question asked of me in this thread honestly.

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Given your icon, I'm going out on a limb to assume you're a wrestling fan. With that said:

Favourite wrestler of all time? (/Kanye mode: Of ALL TIME!)
Favourite match?
Favourite moment?

Also, this could be fun for other users to do this, maybe! One of those "twenty questions/getting to know you" things.
I've definitely fallen out with wrestling, BUT

Chris Jericho. His antics in WCW with the Crusierweight belt were what got me into wrestling in the first place. He was a pretty good blend of being ridiculously entertaining and a great wrestler too. Finding his older ECW stuff was icing on the cake.

Match: Benoit vs HHH vs HBK. This is one of a few match outcomes ever that actually shocked me. I lost my mind when HHH tapped out.

Moment: Y 2 J. Biggest mark-out moment of my entire life.

AND yeah, I started to make a thread called "halforum interviews" or something to see if someone else would want to take a bunch of questions. But then I realized that I have nothing to do all day and am an egomaniac, sooooooo.....

What made you create this thread?
See above. Also boredom.

Yeah, maybe this should have gone in the introduce yourself place? but fuck, no one reads there
Could you ask yourself a question about, ehm, yourself for me? I'm just too lazy right now to think of a decent one. :Leyla:
Could you ask yourself a question about, ehm, yourself for me? I'm just too lazy right now to think of a decent one. :Leyla:

Self, what are you wearing right now?

an ironic white "United We Stand" US flag t-shirt my grandma got me right after 9/11 and The Simpsons pajama pants featuring Homer from high school and "Old School" written on them over and over
Wait, another question just popped into my thoughts that I've always wondered about you:

Why have you been one of the biggest speakers against Gay bashing and negativity towards Gays in general?
What are you most afraid of?

Shego if I can turn the tables, I'm curious what you assumed about me?

---------- Post added at 01:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 PM ----------

Wait, another question just popped into my thoughts that I've always wondered about you:

Why have you been one of the biggest speakers against Gay bashing and negativity towards Gays in general?
Because it's terrible that people are routinely discriminated against, made to feel like shit and inferior, and denied civil rights only because of who they love.
But why Gays? There are quite a few minority groups that have issues. You've really stood your ground on the subject a few times. I was just curious what your motivation was.

As for what I assumed?
You're a "hardcore" movie fan who would rather watch a classic than a new "epic", who's a casual mainstream gamer . I was curious if there would be any "surprises" in your movie or game choices, but I pretty much nailed it before you answered.


whats your price? Like how much would you have to be paid to do something (within the law) that is totally against what you belive in.


Staff member
Also, this could be fun for other users to do this, maybe! One of those "twenty questions/getting to know you" things.
I was thinking the same thing actually..... just wondering whether we should just open new threads or a subforum or something....[/QUOTE]

Let's have 'em!

Also: isn't "Jennifer's Body" being billed as more of a comedy with horror elements than a straight horror? I imagine it's something in the vein of Idle Hands.
What aspect of death are you most afraid of? Pain? Losing friends, family etc.?Leaving others behind in mourning for you? The unknown? (just trying to point out what I mean with "aspect", I don't mean to influence your answer with my questions...)
What members do you hate the most on Halforums
this could be interesting. Flamewar, anybody?

---------- Post added at 08:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 PM ----------

Btw, whats your hits per minute when you are typing? You're answering those questions pretty darn fast...

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
MEGA POST INCOMING. Halforums didn't work for a while.

But why Gays? There are quite a few minority groups that have issues. You've really stood your ground on the subject a few times. I was just curious what your motivation was.

As for what I assumed?
You're a "hardcore" movie fan who would rather watch a classic than a new "epic", who's a casual mainstream gamer . I was curious if there would be any "surprises" in your movie or game choices, but I pretty much nailed it before you answered.
Well, I am all for civil rights for everyone. I don't think it's that I really prefer them to others, but I can't recall the last state constitutional amendment barring Hispanics from marriage.

I actually watch a shitload of new movies! I have No Country in my top ten from just a couple years ago. The last couple years I've seen over 50 new movies a year.

When can I tap that?

whats your price? Like how much would you have to be paid to do something (within the law) that is totally against what you belive in.
This is too vague, there are levels. Like. I'd yell FREEBIRD at a concert for $5. But I wouldn't earnestly protest at a Tea-Party for $5. There's a lot of levels of money and things I don't believe in!

Also: isn't "Jennifer's Body" being billed as more of a comedy with horror elements than a straight horror? I imagine it's something in the vein of Idle Hands.
Well, the thing is I imagine Diablo Cody's humor might not land. At least, that's what I'm worried about.

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

What aspect of death are you most afraid of? Pain? Losing friends, family etc.?Leaving others behind in mourning for you? The unknown? (just trying to point out what I mean with "aspect", I don't mean to influence your answer with my questions...)
Being an atheist, it's because it means game over. Nothing more. Don't get to do anything else for the rest of your life. And probably nagging worry that I chose wrong and will burn in hell forever.
What do you want to do with your life?
I wish I knew. Right now, I just want a steady job where I don't have to worry about money, and have enough to go do fun things on a regular basis.

What members do you hate the most on Halforums
Probably the ones I made threads about in flame wars already.

Btw, whats your hits per minute when you are typing? You're answering those questions pretty darn fast...
I can type around 100 words per minute on best conditions.

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

What aspect of death are you most afraid of? Pain? Losing friends, family etc.?Leaving others behind in mourning for you? The unknown? (just trying to point out what I mean with "aspect", I don't mean to influence your answer with my questions...)
Being an atheist, it's because it means game over. Nothing more. Don't get to do anything else for the rest of your life. And probably nagging worry that I chose wrong and will burn in hell forever.
Good answer to the kanye one. :)

Ahm, what life? If it's over, it's over.

And, just to throw this in, I guess you'll go to hell not because you chose wrong, but because of how you've lived your life.


(not that I believe in Hell in the biblical meaning, more like a place of (seemingly eternal) regrets about what you did or didn't... ^^)

Thx for this thread, btw.
If you could choose any one religion to follow, which one and why?
This question's a little weird? Like one where I'd have to adhere to everything strictly that it preaches? You can only really follow a religion if you have faith in it, and I have no faith in a higher power, so I can't really go from that perspective.

As far as one to follow if I was just faking the faith part of it, probably Southern Baptist. Got crazy sermons, no communion, and unfortunately, any religion other than Christianity can cause you problems in (god bless) the USA.

What members do you hate the most on Halforums
Probably the ones I made threads about in flame wars already.[/QUOTE]
You mean the ones where you'd call someone out by name in the thread title, then erase your post before they could read it? :rofl:[/QUOTE]

Huh. I never erased any of my posts in Flame Wars. I have no clue what you're talking about.

What changes would you make here if you were the Admin?
I'd combine everything together, kick out the porn subforum, still allow sex talk, just no outright naked pictures, keep the flame subforum. I dunno how to drive traffic/new members here at all, but I don't know much about webcomics and would stay away from that.

You are given the possibility to go back in time to 1933 and meet Adolph Hitler. What will do you?
Shake his hand.

---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

If you could kill anyone past or present who would you kill?
I dunno, I'm not a fan of messing with history. And the only person that really pops to mind now really is Osama Bin Laden, given he's not already dead.
If you could travel to any place in the world for free but you would have to stay there for the next 3 years where would you go?
What members do you hate the most on Halforums
Probably the ones I made threads about in flame wars already.[/quote]
You mean the ones where you'd call someone out by name in the thread title, then erase your post before they could read it? :rofl:[/quote]

Huh. I never erased any of my posts in Flame Wars. I have no clue what you're talking about.[/quote]
There were one or two aimed at me, and when I looked at them, the posts were just a single comma. If that was indeed your original intended message, it must be incredibly profound and I will attempt to grok it in fullness.
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